《In The Shadows (Star Trek TOS/AOS)》Part 12


Day after day every spare moment he had he spent with Gwen. The bright lights of the room made it hard for her to keep her eyes open. After she adjusted to light she tried to move but there was someone laying on her waist, it was James. Just the person she wanted to see. Gently she stroked his messy golden locks out of his face. He felt a hand cup his face as he opened his eyes, this had to be a dream she sat up looking at him. "Gwen? Am i dreaming," he felt a sharp pinch and he giggled as she said, "Nope you aren't dreaming or we're both in the same dream. Be honest how bad am I?" She asked stroking his hand, "I don't remember any of it happening only the guard that was with me, he took pity on me loosing a sibling. What happened to him?" "He was DOA," "Okay thats okay to know he had a heart unlike the others. But be honest what happened?" "You really want to know?" "Yeah I do I want to know what happened before I swipe my medical records. I'm surprised no one has noticed," "Wait you were the Swiper?" "Hey I wanted practice I just made it look like the person had dropped/lost those items. But stop trying to dodge the question, please James," "Call me Jim," "I have bad memories with a Jim 50 50 Jimmy?" "Just stick with James," "Oh I see what you did there James answer me what happened to me?" "When I found you, you were covered in the dirt from the floor and your own blood. You were awful, you had broken ribs had have, fractured sternum, dislocated shoulder and extensive internal trauma. You were fading in and out. I am just so glad you didn't die on me. Bones said you were lucky but you fought like hell to make it back to us."


She noticed the tears roll down his cheek and the choke in the last sentence, "James don't cry if you cry I'll cry," she let the tears roll down her cheeks as she cradled the sopping man at her legs, "James come on get off my legs really hurt," "Sorry forgot about that but it also means I can do this," he kissed her gripping her hand, "What did we just walk in on?" A couple of her old friends walked in to see her snogging the Captain, "Oh god this is awkward," Gweynneth gritted her teeth as she bushed her now curly hair behind her ear. They saw the diamonds in the ring reflect off the light and said in a rather know it all tone, "Now Miss Congdon-Williams you don't flash a piece of bling and not expect an explanation or would you be that stupid?" "Oh haha kippers my friend, kippers, go eat half-a-dozen," she chuckled remembering that as exactly what her grandad used to say when she or her sister was being a difficult child.

By that point they got used to Gweynneth staying loyal to her Cornish roots and her random phrases she spits out. With time Gwen became much like her old self though there was a dark shadow still hanging over her, you could see it in her eyes especially when she made eye contact with you for to long. There was one thing that they knew would take months even years to heal, her body. Three weeks on and she was still bruised and beaten. Cayla had disappeared again presumably back to her starship so it was unlikely that Gwen knew about her unless she knew something. That was it. She knew something about those bug men she wished she didn't know or couldn't tell anyone, it all made perfect sense.

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