《Taking Her Home》Decisions


When Rebecca woke up the next day it was hard to open her eyes. She had a pounding headache and the bright light that shown in her eyes every time she opened them didn't help at all. The constant beeping sound was annoying her also. She groaned and closed her eyes for probably the fourth time in ten seconds.

After taking a deep breath she finally forced her eyes open. She looked around the room she was in. She was in the hospital. Rebecca laid her head to the side and noticed Vincent asleep in the chair beside the bed she was laying in. His head was nearly lying on her arm. She smiled as she watched his chest rising and falling. Reaching across her body she ran a hand through his hair and watched him stir. She giggled and watched his eyes flutter open.

"You're awake," he said with excitement and stood up quickly heading to the door. "I will get someone..."

Rebecca sat up quickly and regretted it immediately she made a hissing noise at the pain that shot through her head causing Vincent to stop as his hand landed on the doorknob. He turned and rushed back to her sitting on the side of the bed. He pressed the call button on the side of the bed so that someone would come. "Take it slow," he told her. She smiled at him and nodded linking their hands.

"Thanks," she looked at their linked hands than back up at him. She noticed that he was upset. She could see his eyes were glassy looking. "Hey," she said placing her free hand on the side of his face. He leaned into her hand than toward her, placing his lips in hers lightly making sure not to hurt her. "What's wrong? What happened? Enzo. Where is he?" she fired questions at him not leaving him time to answer one before asking another. He stopped her by placing his lips back on hers.

"I will tell you as soon as the doctor looks you over, okay?" Rebecca nodded her head. The door opened and a tall elderly man in a white coat walked in with a bright smile.

"Miss Jones. Glad to see you're awake. With a smile too," Rebecca smiled in greeting before looking back at Vincent.

"I'm going to let everyone know that you're awake. You have a waiting room full out there," he pointed toward the door. He placed a kiss on her cheek and left the room.


"I'm Doctor Matthews, by the way," the man held a hand out for her to shake. "How are you feeling?" Rebecca shrugged. "You have a concussion, I will need to make sure you can speak, Miss Jones."

"Please call me Rebecca. And I feel okay, I guess," she said clearing her throat. Her mouth was dry and she was just now noticing it. Doctor Matthews turned and grabbed a cup and pitcher. He poured her some water and handed it to her. "Thank you," she said after she drank the whole glass.

"I would like you to stay overnight for observation. Just so we can make sure that it isn't worse than we think," the doctor told her. "If all is well, you can leave tomorrow." Rebecca nodded and thanked him.

"Rebecca," she heard her mother's voice as the door cracked open. She smiled at her as she walked into the room.

"I will let you visit with your family. You should take it easy though," Doctor Matthews said before turning toward Mrs. Jones and Vincent as he slipped in behind the women. "Not too long, please." Both nodded to him in understanding. Vincent shook the man's hand and muttered a thank you before he left.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Rebecca heard her mother nearly shout before throwing herself at her daughter. Rebecca laughed.

"Momma. I am okay," she hugged her mother tightly.

"You had me so worried. I didn't know where you were. You stopped answering my calls," she scolded Rebecca like she had done when she was a small child. Looking down at her hands she nodded.

"I'm sorry. I just..." Rebecca trailed off. She didn't know how to explain why she had stopped answering her calls. The truth was that she knew she couldn't tell her parents what was going on. They would have wanted to call the police or something and she knew that Vincent wouldn't allow that.

"It's okay. Vince here told me what was going on," Rebecca's head whipped up and looked at him with wide eyes.

"I am very thankful that your daughter came with me to the island to help my sick friend," he said looking at her with a smile. "I apologized to your mother that you were unavailable and didn't have good service." Rebecca sighed understanding now. Before she could respond the door opened again and Domenico, Rosalina, Joni, and Tobin came walking in.


Joni rushed to Rebecca's side talking a mile a minute. The whole room laughed at Joni's animated self. "Joni. Chill," she shouted at her best friend causing everyone to laugh again.

"Sorry," Joni blushed.

For another hour, Rebecca visited with everyone. She tried making eye contact with Vincent but he seemed to be avoiding her. She sighed and looked down. The sadness in her expression wasn't missed by him. He was avoiding her. He knew that she had to have realized by then that she wasn't safe around him. Enzo was dead so she wouldn't need him anymore and she would be more than happy to go back to her planned life.

He turned to Domenico and leaned to whisper to him. "Hallway," Domenico nodded and followed him out.

"What's up, man?" Vincent leaned against the wall and rubbed his face with his hands.

"I have to let her go back home. It's the safest thing for her," he sighed. He wasn't sure if he was asking for Domenico's opinion or making a statement. He also wasn't sure if he wanted him to agree with him or argue.

"She would be safer," Domenico started. Vincent felt his heart sink. He looked at his feet. "But..." Vincent's head shot up to look at him with raised brows. "I think you should let her make the choice with you. Really think about it. It's obvious that you have strong feelings for her. I think you may love her," Vincent nodded. He didn't want to deny his love so, he didn't bother. "I think she feels the same. You know you could keep her safe if. I think it would work."

Vincent smiled at his cousin. "Since when do you know anything about love?" Domenico rubbed the back of his neck. Shrugging he looked at his feet but, Vincent saw the blush he was trying to hide. "Don't tell me that Ros has grown on you?" He laughed.

Domenico nodded, "yeah. She has. A lot."

"Congrats, cousin," Vincent clapped his hand on his shoulder. "I am happy you found someone. We all never thought it would happen."

"Same with you." Vincent nodded he didn't think he would ever feel like this for anyone either. It was just too bad that it couldn't last. Sighing, he looks at his cousin. He really was happy for him.

"We should probably go back in," Vincent nodded in agreement.

Vincent watched Domenico open the door to Rebecca's room. He stopped when he realized Vincent wasn't following him. He looked back at him. "I will be in there in a few. I want to think for a while." Domenico nodded and continued into the room.

Vincent walked down the hallway thinking about everything that had happened since he met Rebecca. If he hadn't met her, how long would it have been before he found out Enzo was betraying him behind his back? He wondered. And how long would it have been before he found love? Would he have ever? It felt to him like she was made for him. Like there would be no one else.

"Figlio," Vincent stopped walking and looked up to see his father with a concerted look on his face. "What's wrong? Is Rebecca okay?" Vincent nodded.

"She's fine. She can go home tomorrow," he told him cringing at the word home. Her home was not with him. He sat in a chair Francesco beside him. "What should I do, Father?" He asked with his head in his hands.

"About what?"

"Rebecca. It would be safer if she went home and I cut all ties, right?" Vincent felt his father's hand on his shoulder.

"Possibly. Maybe not. You have to make that decision for yourself. I know most women don't like to have a choice made for them either. Maybe ask her what she wants?" Vincent nodded. "Whatever you decide, let it be because you love her. Not because you want the family," Vincent looked at his father now with a shocked look. "The way you handled the Enzo problem has shown me that you are a true leader. I am more than happy to hand you the family."

"Thank you, Sir," Vincent said with a smile. His father waved him off.

"We will talk about all that later. For now, spend some time with Rebecca. Speak with her about your thoughts." With that Francesco stood up and walked away without another word.

Vincent stood also and walked in the opposite direction. He would ask Rebecca how she felt even if her words would destroy him

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