《Taking Her Home》It's Over


"Rebecca! Open the door," Vincent shouted frantic to make sure that she was okay. The door swung open and he took in her terrified face. He quickly pulled her into his arms. "Are you hurt?" he asked as she buried her face in his chest. He smoothed her hair down before taking her head in his hands and looking down to make sure she was alright.

"I'm okay. What was that?" She asked. Vincent could see the fear in her eyes even though she was trying to be brave.

"I don't know," he answered hugging her again placing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Boss, are you both okay?" Felice asked as him and Bruno reached the top of the stairs.

"We're fine. What is going on?"

"No clue," Bruno shrugged.

"Well fucking find out!" Vincent shouted. He turned to look at Rebecca when she flinched at him yelling loudly. "Sor..." he begins to apologize but the sound of gunfire stops him. "Shit! Stay here. Lock the door," he tells Rebecca before turning to leave the room.

"No. Wait. Please don't leave me," Rebecca grabbed his arm and begged him. She was scared to death but not for herself. She was afraid if he went out there, he wouldn't come back that he would be hurt or worse die, Vincent looked over every inch of her face trying to take every bit of it in. He kissed her deeply.

"I will be right back. I promise," with that he walked out of the room and down two doors. Opening the door, he looked at the monitors that covered the wall. The surveillance room had been set up for times exactly like this. He saw at least sixty men standing in front of the house with guns. Enzo was standing in the middle of them. "Of course," he spat. He should have known. He turned around and ran back to the room Rebecca was in. The door swung open and it was then he realized he had told her to lock it. Looking at the handle he took a breath.

"I need you to listen to what I tell you exactly this time. Please, Rebecca," he gave her a pointed look. She nodded her understanding. "Okay come here," he grabbed her by the arm and walked toward the closet. He moved the clothes to the side revealing a door. Rebecca looked at him in shock. In all this time, she had been using the closet and hadn't noticed that door. "No time to explain," Vincent answered her unasked question. He punched in a code on the panel beside the door and the door swung open. "Get in," he told her applying pressure to the small of her back. Rebecca looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Please."


"Vince. What is this?"

"It's a safe room. No one will be able to get you in here. I need you to use the phone though and call Dom. Tell him to get everyone to the house right now," Vincent pressed a kiss to her head and she began to cry. "Hey, it's going to be okay, beautiful," he grabbed her head and kissed her. She nodded her head.

"It's going to be okay."

"I promise you will be fine," Rebecca didn't miss that he only put her in that statement. She brushed it off though and kissed him again. "I love you, Rebecca," he whispered.

"I love you too," she said back without missing a beat. Vincent smiles at her before stepping out of the room and closing the door. He makes sure it's locked and leaves the room pulling his gun out.

Rebecca used the phone to call Dominico and tell him that Vincent needed him and everyone at the house. Even after he told her that they were on their way, she kept the phone to her ear for a few minutes. For some reason the phone made her feel less alone. She finally hung up. She noticed there were monitors along one of the walls. She didn't know what they would show but her curiosity got to her so, she switched them on. Each screen showed a different angle outside the house and each room inside the house.

Her eyes widened as she took in the number of men in the front yard shooting at one another. She frantically looked for Vincent. She finally found him he was facing the front door of the house and Enzo was walking up behind him. She watched as Enzo raised his gun and shoot Vincent. Rebecca heard a scream and realized it was her before she broke down sobbing.

Rebecca pulled herself together. She needed to see of Vincent got up. She watched as Enzo picked Vincent up by his shirt and started to drag him into the house. Finding the front door on the screens she watched as Enzo threw Vincent to the ground and stepped on his leg. She could see that there was blood seeping out from his leg. She guessed that's where he had been shot. She could tell that he was trying to not show pain. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes again. She didn't even try to hold them back.


"Rebecca. Come out and join us," Enzo shouted. Rebecca watched him lift his gun and point it at Vincent's head, "you wouldn't want me to kill him, would you?"

"Don't come out, Rebecca!" Vincent shouted. He knew where the cameras were located and he looked directly into one and mouthed I love you. She began to sob again. She loved him and she couldn't let him die but, she wasn't stupid enough to think that Enzo would spare either one of them if she came out.

There was movement in the corner of her eye and she turned to see Domenico and Vincent's men storming in. She watched them start to take out the rest of Enzo's men. She realized that she could distract Enzo long enough for them to make it inside. She pushed the button that opened the door to the safe room and stepped out. "I'm coming," she shouted.

"Rebecca. No."

"It will be okay, Vince," she said trying to reassure him. Hoping he understood that backup was here.

"Meet us in the living room, beautiful," Enzo said when he saw her at the top of the stairs. She heard a thud and Vincent made a grunt like noise like he had the wind knocked out of him.

Rebecca saw Vincent on the floor of the living room grabbing his leg when she reached the bottom of the stairs. She took off running to him. "No. No. No," Enzo said to her as he grabbed her around the waist. She started kicking and swinging her arms trying to him.

"Let her go, Enzo," Vincent shouted. Rebecca could hear the pain he was in. Where the hell were the others?

"Agree to give me the family nice and easy like and I will let her go," Enzo smirked at him.

Vincent opened his mouth to respond but, Rebecca beat him to it. "You're crazy if you think that is ever happening! You don't deserve this family." If it had been a different situation, Vincent would have been extremely turned on. As it sat, he was a little still.

"Your woman is pretty feisty, Vince. Maybe when I take the family, I will marry her and make her my queen," Enzo placed his nose against Rebecca's face and rubbed it along the length of it. "I think she will fit the role nicely."

Vincent clenched his fist and his jaw. He felt helpless. He had no weapon and he couldn't walk. He had failed her. The women that he loved was looking at him with tears in her eyes pitying him. He hated Enzo more than he ever thought he could hate someone. Just as he was about to tell Enzo to let go of what was his, Rebecca's face morphed from pity to anger.

"I would never marry someone who was lower than the lowest of low. You aren't even a man. Vincent is more man than you could ever be." Vincent let out a loud laugh. Enzo swung the gun in his hand and aimed it at Vincent. Rebecca acted quickly and lunged for the gun. She couldn't reach it but, she bit his arm. He flung her off of him and she hit her head on the coffee table that sat next to Vincent.

"Rebecca," He shouted and started to crawl closer to her. At the same time, Gio rushed in shooting Enzo in the head. Vincent watched as Enzo fell to the floor in front of him before looking up at his brother. His cousin coming up behind him and looking at Rebecca who was knocked out in his lap. The blood coming from her head was obvious.

"Tell me you brought the doctor," Vincent breathed at the men standing in front of him. They nodded their heads and he breathed a sigh of relief. He felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulder as he looked at Enzo's lifeless body. It was over. He looked down at the women in his arms. The only women he ever loved. It was over in more ways than one.

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