《Taking Her Home》Threats and Explosions


It had been a week since Vincent dropped Rebecca off at the safehouse. That's also the amount of time since she had seen him. She didn't understand what was going on. She wondered if she had done something wrong. If that was the real reason that he left her in the middle of nowhere and hadn't contacted her since. Tobin had come to see her every other day. Rebecca asked him for information every time but, Tobin had told her that Vincent had told him to not tell her anything so that she was completely protected in all ways. This just made Rebecca mad. When Tobin noticed how angry she got when he said this, he tried bringing Rosalina to visit with him. That only happened once since he caught Rosalina just before she told Rebecca some of a conversation she had overheard between Vincent and Domenico.

By the beginning of the second week, she had grown tired of Tobin's excuses. She stomped around the house until she finally found Bruno sitting in the living room watching a movie. "Bruno," she said his name and waiting for him to look in her direction, "I want to know what's going on. Can I call Vince at least?" She crossed her arms trying her best to look intimidating to the man that was nearly a foot taller than her.

"I will deliver the message and let you know what the boss says," he told her turning back to his movie. Rebecca sighed and stomped back upstairs making sure to slam the door as hard as she could so that everyone within hearing range knew she was angry.

She threw herself on the bed and screamed into her pillow. She was tired of being cooped up in the house. She couldn't even go outside and enjoy the fresh air. She could only walk around the house so many times. She had watched more movies than she could count. Tobin had even brought more and some books. Picking up the one she had on the nightstand that she was currently reading, she opened it and tried to focus on reading it. A half hour later she hadn't even turned the page once and she was somehow angrier than she was when she came back upstairs. She threw the book across the room and stood up.


She swung the door open and stomped back downstairs. She went straight to the living room where she found Felice had joined Bruno to watch the movie. "Good you're both here," she crossed her arms again. She knew she didn't scare them but she wanted them to at least know she was angry and serious. "I want to change the message. If I don't hear from Vince by tomorrow morning, I. Am. Leaving," she looked between the twins knowing that they would start with the excuses now after her threat.

"He is busy, Rebecca. That's the reason he hasn't been in touch or to visit. He is trying to catch this guy so you can..."

"...go home," she finished for him. "yeah, yeah. I want to hear from him or I'm gone," with that she turned and went back up the stairs. She picked up the book she had thrown and found where she had left off. She read without problem this time before falling asleep.

"Rebecca, wake up," Vincent whispered while shaking her. When Felice had called him and told him just how angry Rebecca was and what she was threatening, he had decided he had avoided her long enough. He finished up a meeting, went home and changed clothes before grabbing food for them and racing to see her. He found her asleep with a book over her face. He had laughed before removing the book and trying to wake her.

He smiled down at her when he eyes fluttered open. She stretched and tried to not smile. She was excited and happy to see his gorgeous face but, she didn't want him to know that she was also still angry at him. At least a little. "Finally," she rolled her eyes and bit the inside of her lip. Vincent smiled at her and offered her his hand.


"Come on. I brought dinner."

Rebecca took his hand. She didn't know for sure how long she would have to spend with him so she wasn't going to waste any of the time she had, being mad at him and making sure he knew it.

Vincent had already set the table with dinner. Rebecca took in what was on the plates and smiled. He had ordered her favorite meal from her favorite restaurant. "Don't read too much into it," she told herself. Sitting down to eat Vincent asked her to fill him in on what she had been doing to which she raised a brow before muttering a "really?" Vincent looked back down at his food when he realized what he had asked her. They ate in silence for most of the meal.

"We are close to this all being over. You will be able to go home and back to work very soon," Vincent told her finally. Rebecca lifted her head and looked surprised at him. "Bruno said you wanted to know what's going on he shrugged.

Rebecca nodded. "That's great," she said before putting more food in her mouth. They both could feel the awkwardness. Both had more they wanted to say but, neither had the nerve. "Are you planning on ever seeing me after this is all over," Rebecca finally asked him not being able to resist any longer. Vincent looked at her but said nothing. His face gave away nothing he was thinking which frustrated her even more.

Vincent could tell that Rebecca was upset. He didn't know how to answer her. He didn't want to lie and tell her he would see her again. On the other hand, if he said out loud, that he didn't plan on seeing her ever again, it would make it real and he didn't want that reality yet.

Rebecca watched him scrunch his brows as he looked past her. It was like he was having an internal argument with himself. When a couple of minutes had gone by and he still hadn't answered, she stood up and ran up the stairs slamming the door and locking it. She heard Vincent storming after her calling her name but she didn't answer him. If he didn't have to answer her than she didn't have to answer him. She knew it was childish but she knew the answer to her question deep down and she didn't want to face it.

"Rebecca, please open the door," Vincent called through the door. He knocked lightly. "Please," he continued to beg for several minutes. She sat on the floor against the door listening to him as he apologized. She rolled her eyes after nearly a half hour went by and he hadn't left the door. She stood up and turned to unlock the door.

As she reached to turn the knob, there was an explosion outside.

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