《Taking Her Home》Safehouse


Vincent woke up the next day with Rebecca curled up in his arms with her face buried in his chest. He sighed and ran his finger through her hair. He would be content to just spend the day like this with her but he knew he had to get up. The attack had been successful and he knew that there would be retaliation sooner rather than later.

He moved gently and tried not to wake her before heading to the bathroom to shower. As he stood under the water, he thought about how he was getting too close to her and it wasn't safe. This thought was in his mind constantly. He just wanted her safe. He had been avoiding what he knew he had to do. He sighed when he stepped out of the shower hating that he couldn't think of anything else but what he was about to do.

As he dried himself off, he could hear Rebecca talking. "Who are you?" She asked someone.

"I'm Vince's girlfriend. Who the hell are you?" He heard Milena's annoyingly shrill voice and he cringed. This was not happening, not today of all days. He wrapped the towel around him and headed for the bedroom.

"If you're Vince's girlfriend why is it, he never mentioned you? I mean I have been living here a while and not once has he mentioned anyone. Least of all someone that looks like a cheap version of a low-grade prostitute." Vincent couldn't help but laugh at what Rebecca had said. Both women's heads whipped in his direction. He took in Rebecca's face. She looked pissed. Even though she had no right technically he kind of liked it. She was jealous and he was okay with that.

"Vince. Why is she here? Get rid of her and I will remind you of what I can do," she sauntered her way towards him. He took a step back and glared at her.

"You need to leave," he growled at her. Milena smiled thinking he was talking to Rebecca and she had won. "Milena. Did you hear me?" He saw Rebecca smirk from his bed and smiled at her. He might just take the day off and delay his plans another day after he got rid of the intrusion. Shaking his head, he looked at Milena again. She had her arms crossed and was pouting.

"She is evil..." Milena started. Vincent held up his hand to stop her. "But..."

"Enough, Milena," he shouted making her jump. He noticed Rebecca didn't though. This should have made him feel better but it didn't. She was getting too used to things like his shouting. He didn't like that he had exposed her to so much. He wouldn't wait another day. No, he needed to get Milena out so he could do what he had to. "Get. Out."

Milena stomped her foot before she huffed and stormed out. She sent a glare in Rebecca's direction. "This isn't over, bitch."

Rebecca stood up from the bed and walked toward Vincent. "Thanks. I could have taken care of it myself but thanks," she stood on her tip toes and leaned toward him for a kiss but, he took a step back. Rebecca frowned at his action. She knew they weren't an actual couple but, he hadn't shied away from her kissing him before. "Did I do something wrong?" she asked him.

Vincent shook his head. He looked at the floor avoiding what he had to say to her. He pinched the bridge of his nose, "we... we need to talk," he finally told her. "Let me get dressed and then we will talk," he told her before walking past her and into the closet.


When he came out of the closet Rebecca was sitting on the bed wondering what had changed since the night before. He had come back around two in the morning and climbed in bed before pulling her to him and placing his head into the crook of her neck. He didn't touch her in a sexual way at all. He kissed her neck lightly before going to sleep. She was now really confused about his actions.

"I have a safe house set up for you," Vincent sighs. He really didn't want to do this but he knew he needed to keep her safe and the only way to truly do that was put distance between the two of them. "I need you to pack your things. Let Tobin know if you want anything else from your place or anything that needs to be bought even and he will bring it to you later." He looked her in the eyes. He could tell she wanted to say something but she was biting the inside of her lip holding back. "I'm going to go make breakfast go ahead and get ready. I will drop you off after we eat," he quickly rushed out of the bedroom before he changed his mind.

Rebecca sat on the bed in shock. He was sending her away? She knew that he didn't owe her anything so, she quickly dismissed her thoughts when she wanted to follow him and demand an explanation. Sighing she walked to her own room to get ready and pack. The more she thought about being away from Vincent the more she realized that maybe this was a good thing. Some time apart would give her a chance to really look at her feelings. She may just be feeling them because they were living in the same house and sleeping together. Take that out of the equation and they were just two people that were attracted to one another but knew nearly nothing about the other.

The ride to the safe house was spent in near silence the only sound was the radio that was playing so low that Rebecca could barely hear it. She spent the time thinking about how her life had gotten to the point that she needed to be taken to a safe house. When she planned her life out, she definitely hadn't thought of this sort of detour. Meeting someone who was a part of the Mafia was a fair stretch for sure. She was beginning to feel like her life wasn't her own and she didn't particularly like it.

An hour and a half after they started the trip, Vincent stopped the car in front of a house that looked almost like a barn that had been converted into a house. It was cute and the scenery surrounding the house was beautiful. Rebecca smiled at the thought that this is where she would be spending her time. It was peaceful and she knew it would be a great place to think about everything.

Vincent opened her door and brought her out of her thoughts. He offered her a hand that she chose not to take, instead, getting out herself. She grabbed the bag that she had placed in the back seat of his car and followed him to the front door.

Before he opened the front door to the house, he turned to her and slipped an arm around her waist. "I just want you to know that I'm doing this because it's the best way to keep you safe at this point," he told her looking down at her so that she could see that he was telling the truth. He didn't want her to think that this had anything to do with him not wanting her around. But he couldn't tell her it was because he wanted her around too much and for way longer. He could never tell her how he really felt. Rebecca nodded her head and tried to pull away from him. Sighing he let go of her waist and took a step back. "Even though you are in the middle of nowhere, it's very important that you stay inside and with the guards at all times." He searched her face for understanding when he received a nod from her without any vocal confirmation. Realizing she was not going to talk to him he turned around and entered the house.


Rebecca was afraid to say anything to Vincent because she didn't trust her voice. Part of her was excited and okay with being away from him but another, bigger part of her was on the verge of crying and knew her voice would convey that so, she stayed silent. She followed Vincent through the house taking in the modern country décor and loving the look of the place. If she didn't know this was a safe house, she would think this was a family home. She was so taken by the kitchen busy picturing Vincent cooking in it and didn't notice that two men had stepped in to join them. She felt Vincent's large hand wrap around her much smaller one and she looked at him and saw him smile. She smiled back before she heard a throat cleared and finally noticed the two men standing behind him. "Oh, sorry," she blushed. She noticed Vincent's jaw clench and raised a brow at him.

Vincent shook his head he hated that she was blushing towards another man than him. Even if it wasn't in the same way she did with him he still didn't like it. "She's not yours," he told himself. Sighing he turned to the men. "Rebecca this is Felice and his twin brother Bruno. They will be the guards that are in the house with you. There will be other men around but you are to only speak to them. If you need anything let them know," he placed his hand around her waist and pulled her close to him as he gave both of them a pointed look making sure they understood that she was off limits to everyone. Both men nodded completely understanding that she belonged to the boss.

Rebecca nodded towards both men, "nice to meet you both."

"Okay with that out of the way, Bruno, would you please show Rebecca to her room so she can unpack?" Vincent asked the man on her right. She would have a hard time knowing the difference between the two. They both had olive skin, blue eyes and their hair was midnight black. The only this she noticed was Bruno's hair was styled in a spiked-up manner while Felice slicked his back.

Bruno nodded towards his boss before turning to look at Rebecca, "follow me," he bowed getting a laugh from Rebecca he straightened up and caught the glare his boss was giving him. He cleared his throat and walked out of the room with Rebecca right behind him.

When they had left, Vincent turned to Felice, "She is to stay inside at all times. We can't know for sure that Enzo doesn't know where this place is. Hopefully, he doesn't but, I can't take any chances with her."

Felice nodded his understanding, "am I allowed to assume that she will be the wife of our future Capo?" Vincent shook his head and sighed.

Walking to the breakfast bar in the middle of the kitchen, he looked at Felice. A man that he had been close to growing up. They had trained together. Vincent trusted him as much as he trusted Domenico and Gio which was why he was having him and his brother guard Rebecca. "I wish I could say yes. Unfortunately, she isn't made for our world."

Felice watched his longtime friend as he rubbed his face. It was obvious Vincent cared greatly for her. It made him feel bad but he understood where he was coming from. "I'm sorry, boss," he patted Vincent on the shoulder.

Vincent opened his mouth to further his instructions but the front door opened and Tobin stepped into the kitchen a minute later. "Hey, Boss," he greeted holding up a couple of bags of Rebecca's things.

"Tobin. Hang on," Vincent held up a finger before turning back to Felice, "Tobin and I are the only ones that should come up to see her. If anyone else is then I will let you know before. No one goes near her," he looked at him directly in the eyes making sure he understood how serious he was. Getting a nod and a salute he was satisfied, "remember the updates I want also," He added before turning back to Tobin.

"How is she?" Tobin asked him.

"She's good. She is upstairs unpacking."

"Can I ask why she isn't staying with you anymore?" Tobin thought it was weird when he got the text to bring Rebecca stuff to a different address.

"Without getting too into it, it's safer for her to be here right now," Vincent ran his hands through his hair. He hated this and knew that if he didn't leave soon, he would change his mind. "I have to get going," he said standing up, "you are cleared to see her whenever. If the girls want to come to see her let me know and I'll make sure it happens." Tobin stood up and shook Vincent's hand.

"Thanks again for taking care of her," Tobin said before Vincent left.

A few seconds later Tobin heard footsteps on the stairs and turned around to see Rebecca walking towards him. "Hey I thought I was going crazy hearing you," she laughed hugging him.

"I brought you your stuff," Tobin pointed at the bags that he had brought with him.

Nodding, Rebecca looked around the room, "Where's Vince?" she asked.

Tobin rubbed the back of his neck, "Um... He had to go... Work." Rebecca nodded trying to hold back the scowl on her face. He hadn't said goodbye and that kind of hurt.

"Well can you stay for a while? Maybe we can eat lunch and watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah of course," Tobin smiled. He was sure there was something more going on. Vincent's building was like a fortress. It didn't make sense that Rebecca was supposed to be safer way out here with lower level guards. He shook off the thoughts though and decided that he would just focus on being there for his friend in whatever way he could.

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