《Taking Her Home》Taking Her Home... Again


The next morning Rebecca woke up to see Vincent sleeping in the chair next to her bed like he had been the day before. She smiled as she took in how peaceful he looked. She had watched him sleep a couple of times before and each time she was extremely shocked how even though his life was probably more stressful than anyone else's, he looked like nothing bothered him when he was sleeping.

She decided to let Vincent sleep and get ready since she was going to be discharged today. She went into the bathroom and took a shower she felt like she hadn't showered in a year even though she knew that it had only been a day. She was ready to wash off everything that had happened.

When she got out of the shower, she realized she didn't have any clean clothes to put on. She wrapped the towel around her and wondered what to do. Before she could panic, there was a knock on the door. "Rebecca. I have a dress for you," she heard Vincent say through the door. She opened it and he handed her a light blue dress that she could tell would be really comfortable by the way the lightweight fabric felt in her hand. She smiled at the fact that he had probably picked it out because he remembered one of their late-night conversations about how she preferred comfortable clothes over stylish.

"Thank you." Vincent shrugged as if to tell her it wasn't a big deal. Shutting the door, she dried herself off before slipping the dress over her head. She looked at herself in the mirror and took in the fact that she didn't look as bad as she expected to. She had some dark bags under her eyes and her lips looked a little chapped from not drinking much water in the last day but other than that she didn't look half bad.

Vincent looked up from his phone when he heard the bathroom door open. He sent Rebecca a smile. "Your nurse was just in and said she will get the doctor so he can talk to you before we leave." Rebecca didn't say anything only gave him a nod of her head and sat back down on the bed.

She picked at her fingernails and thought about what was supposed to happen now. Throughout the time she had spent living with Vincent, the plan was her going back to her old life when it was all over. It was all over now. Enzo was dead and she was safe. The difference between their first date and her sitting on the bed was that they had told each other that they loved one another. She sighed and snapped her head up to look at Vincent since she hadn't meant for the sound to be audible. Vincent was about to say something to her when there was a knock and the door opened. Doctor Matthews walked in and gave them both a smiled.

"Are you ready to go home, Rebecca?" He asked and she nodded sadly. She was so confused but she wasn't stupid enough to think that she would be going anywhere but to her apartment today. "That's good. Everything looks good. I just need you to sign these papers," he told her handing them to her, "and then she needs to take these medications as directed," he told Vincent handing him a bag of medications. Vincent took the bag and shook the man's hand thanking him for taking great care of Rebecca.


Rebecca nodded and thanked him to before standing up. She followed Vincent out of the room and down the hall then out of the hospital. Rebecca took a deep breath of fresh air. It had been forever since she had been outside and she wasn't really sure she wanted to get in the car. She looked up at Vincent, "can we take a walk?" She asked him. He nodded at her and put his sunglasses on his face.

"Sure, hang on," he said and jogged towards his car. He came back with another pair of glasses for her. "It's pretty bright out," he smiled at her. Rebecca thanked him and slid them on. Vincent reached for her hand and felt her shiver a little when he did so. He smiled he liked that he could make her feel like that.

There was a park across the street from the hospital so they made their way over there. "Thank you," Rebecca said after they had walked for several minutes. She said it so quietly that she wasn't sure that he heard her.

"For what?"

"Keeping me safe," she stopped walking and pushed her glasses up on her head. "You didn't have to do everything you did. And you didn't just keep me safe, you kept my friends safe too. So, thank you so much."

Vincent smiled down at her. He didn't even know how to explain to her that even though he had gotten shot twice since this thing happened, he would take the bullets, again and again, to have gotten to know her. "I'm glad you're safe," he smiled at her. They continued walking just enjoying each other's company for a while.

Vincent stopped in front of a bench. He turned to look at Rebecca and motioned for her to sit down with him. He noticed her raise an eyebrow wondering what was going on. "We should talk," he told her. "What do you want?" He asked her.

"What do you mean?"

"I know we have talked a lot about you going home and not having to hear from me ever again when this was all over. Before this started, we talked about how neither of us wanted a relationship," Vincent paused to take a breath. "I know that I can't stop thinking about what we said to one another when everything got... crazy." Rebecca nodded. She couldn't really stop thinking about saying she loved him and him saying the same thing.

"I meant what I said," she told him.

"I did too. I never have said that before and I think that's part of the reason I am confused. You are different compared to anyone I have ever met. You aren't like women that are usually in my world." He knew that he was kind of dancing around what he wanted to say but the truth was that he was scared to hear her answer.

"Vince, what are you trying to ask me?"

"I... um... Look. I couldn't guarantee your safety if we were together. I mean look what happened at the safe house," he sighed. He wished that he had a million pros to point out to her but he didn't so he might as well be honest with both of them. She had to make this decision. "I'm not saying that I wouldn't do everything in my power to keep you safe. I love you and I would always do my best but, in my world bad things happen."


Rebecca nodded she understood what he was saying. Them loving each other wasn't going to put them in some bulletproof bubble. People would know who she was eventually and she would always be in danger. She knew that it would be safer to not be with him. She knew that her life would never be what she had planned if they were together. She wouldn't be able to help people like she has always wanted. She would probably end up locked up in the penthouse all the time just to keep her safe. She couldn't see herself living like that.

Vincent lifted her head so that they were eye to eye. He could see by the look on her face that she wasn't going to choose him and his world. He couldn't even find it in himself to be mad at her because she deserved so much better than him. Sighing he stood up and offered his hand to her. "I should get you home. I have some things I need to take care of."

He let go of her hand and walked in front of her. Rebecca felt like crying. He was shutting her out. But she couldn't blame him for hating her. She was practically saying I love you but, not enough, right? She followed after him and watched as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

I'm taking Rebecca home. Meet me at the club in about 30.

He sent the message to Domenico. He was going to need to drink this away and Domenico was the only one who would be willing to help he figured.

The ride was completely silent. Not ever the radio was playing. Rebecca stared down at her hands the whole time picking at her nails. When the car came to a stop, she still didn't look up. She knew that if she did, the tears she was holding back would fall. She heard Vincent sigh before he placed his hand on hers stopping her picking. "Rebecca." She lifted her head and he melted at the sight of the tears that instantly began to fall the moment she looked at him. "Please. Don't cry," he whispered.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed. Before Vincent could respond, Rebecca opened the door and sprinted for the door of her apartment building. She could hear Vincent calling after her as she reached the elevator. She frantically pushed the button calling the elevator to her. "Come on. Come on."

"Rebecca. Please stop for a second," she heard him behind her as the doors opened. She got on pushing the number to her floor and the close button. The doors closed but Vincent stuck his hand in just in time to stop them. "Rebecca," he said her name in a whisper as he stepped on and let the doors close. "Please. Don't be like this," he stepped closer to her and cupped her head in his hands. Rebecca tried to pull away embarrassed. "I love you. Please don't let this be how it ends," he looked at her with pleading eyes. Before he could plead more, she launched herself at him and kissed him deeper than she had ever kissed anyone.

"I love you," they both kept saying to one another when they needed to breathe. It felt like forever but not long enough before they reached her floor. They both heard the dig but neither of them wanted to let go. It wasn't until they heard someone clear their throat that they finally let go of one another. Turning to the open elevator doors, they saw an older woman with raised eyebrows staring at them.

"Sorry," Vincent said with a smile and pulled Rebecca off the elevator and to her door. "Joni got all your things and said she was going to leave the door unlocked and your key on the counter," he still didn't want to say goodbye. Rebecca stood in front of the door knowing that as soon as she opened it and stepped in, that would be it. She reached for the door before turning around and connecting their lips again.

She finally pulled away when she absolutely couldn't hold her breath anymore. They both were gasping for air as they stared at each other. Vincent leaned his forehead against hers. "I guess I should go now, huh?" She only nodded not wanting him to go but knowing it was inevitable. "I will always love you," he whispered before he pulled his head from hers. She nodded.

"I will always love you too. Thank you again."

"No thank you. For letting me take you home that first night," he smiled at her. Vincent rubbed his thumb under both of her eyes catching the tears that were falling again. He kissed her on the cheek and turned forcing himself to the elevator not looking back. If he did, he would never leave. He had to protect her and this was the only way to guarantee it.

Rebecca stood at her door watching him. Willing him to turn around. She told herself if he did, she would change her mind. She watched as he stepped into the elevator but he still didn't turn around. The doors closed before he turned to push the button for the lobby. Rebecca opened her door and walked into her apartment where she was met with Joni sitting on her couch. She looked at her best friend happy that she was always there when she needed her. And right now, she needed her as she broke down into tears.

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