《Taking Her Home》The Meeting


Pulling up to the warehouse that had been agreed upon, Vincent sighed. He didn't have a lot of faith in this meeting turning out how anyone on his side wanted it to. This was how his father wanted it but, he knew that he couldn't give in to any demands or it would show weakness and the future Capo couldn't afford to have any of that.

"Back-up is in place?" He asks Gio and Domenico as he reaches for the door handle.

"Everyone is ready if this ends up going the way we all know it will," Gio tells him. Nodding, Vincent opens the door and starts for the building. His brother and cousin follow behind him both looking around as discreetly as possible to make sure that there is no one in the area that they are unprepared for.

"Two on the roof and one on the corner," Domenico said quietly so that only the other two men could hear. Both nodded their understanding. They continued into the warehouse.

When they get to the meeting room that they see that Enzo was there already. His right-hand man, Ardito is there along with another man Gio recognized as one of his soldiers. Vincent turned to speak with his brother only to find him glaring at the man. His jaw ticked and Vincent knew that his brother could blow this. They needed any fight, to be started by Enzo and his men. Placing a hand on his brother's shoulder he leaned into to whisper to him, "keep calm." Gio nodded and took a breath.

Vincent turned back to greet Enzo. Noticing his smug smirk, he clenched his fists to hold back his anger. "Let's get this meeting started."

"No hello to your oldest friend?" Enzo decided to taunt Vincent. "How about to one of my newest men? You all know each other, right?" He continued his taunting as he gestured towards the man that had betrayed Vincent and the Family.

Vincent clenched his fists glaring at Enzo. He knew they were being baited and he was not going to fall for it. "Enzo, we are here to talk terms. Why don't we sit and do just that," he gestured at the table with chairs on either side that he had set up for them all to talk civilly.

Enzo shook his head. "There is no need to talk terms. I only have one," he smirked. "I want to be Capo," he continued with a shrug as if he hadn't just asked Vincent to give him a position that Enzo not only didn't deserve but, that Vincent had been trained to hold all his life.

Vincent felt his jaw tick. He was not only pissed he had to figure out how he was going to tell this man no and leave without gunfire. He knew it would end up like this but, he wasn't giving up his role in the Family and he wasn't going to allow Enzo to walk all over him. His father was just going to have to deal with that. "What makes you think that would ever happen?"

"You obviously want to protect your girlfriend and the Family won't take kindly to a firefight before you are even in charge. Doesn't look good when it's within your own family now does it?"

"You are not a part of our family any more," Vincent shouted. Taking deep breathes he tried to calm down. Out of the corner of his eye though, he saw Ardito move a hand to his side. Luckily Gio and Domenico saw this too and both reached for their guns also. Gunfire broke out and Vincent flipped the table on its side and all three men dove behind it for cover. "How many men do they have?" He shouted at Gio.


"How many of them are there?" Gio shouted into the radio.

"There's a group of twenty waiting outside the door, Sir."

Gio looked at his older brother waiting for him to give him the order. Vincent nodded at him before popping up over the table and firing off two shots in Enzo's direction. "Take them all out," Gio told the man on the other end of the radio.

Gio looked over the table and saw more men rushing in to join Enzo. "How are they getting in?" he shouted. Domenico shrugged before nodding his head in Gio's direction telling him to turn around. Gio let out a sigh of relief when he saw Ant and Teo run-in with several other men. All shooting in the direction of the enemy.

"Cover them," Vincent shouted before standing up from behind the table and proving cover fire for their back-up. Vincent shot two men watching them go down before he sat back down to reload his gun.

"Thought you could use some help, Boss," Ant said with a smug smile. Vincent rolled his eyes, pushed the clip back into his gun and sliding back the barrel. He stood up and started shooting at Enzo's men again. This time he walked around the table and started towards the men. Ant joined him and they brought down several men. As they walked Vincent scanned the room for Enzo. He was gone. "Shit!" He heard Ant shout causing him to look over at him. Vincent watched as his cousin hit the ground grabbing his leg. He must have been shot.

"Dom!" He shouted for help. Domenico looked at Vincent started toward him and Ant. He grabbed the back of Ant's shirt and drug him over to a thick concrete pillar that stood about three feet away. He propped him up so that he could look at it.

Vincent continued to shoot at the men taking down several more. "Get him out of here!" He shouted in his cousin's direction. Seeing Domenico nod back at him and throw Ant's arm over his shoulder as Teo ran to help him take his brother somewhere they could look at his leg better.

"Vince! Watch out!" He heard Gio shout. As he turned around, he felt a sharp sting and his shoulder felt warm. He looked down noticing some blood seeping down his suit jacket. He looked up with a glare that if he had been able to would have set the man in front of him on fire. He switched his gun to his uninjured side and raised it up aiming it at the head of the man that shot him. He pulled the trigger and watched the man fall lifeless. Gio shot two more men quickly before the remaining three men turned and ran realizing that they were outnumbered even with a hole in Vincent's shoulder. "Are you okay," Gio asked as he looked over Vincent to make sure that he didn't have any other injuries.

Vincent nodded. He paused to take a breath before looking at his brother. "Did anyone see Enzo? Someone has to have followed him, right?"

"Vince, Gio. Ant is in the car, let's go," Domenico said as he ran back to them. Both men nodded and followed their cousin to the car.

"Call the doctor and have him meet us at my apartment," Vincent told Gio who nodded.

When they got to the building, Gio and Teo got out and carried Ant to the elevator and then into Vincent apartment quickly.


Rebecca and Rosalina were sitting on the couch laughing at the show they were watching when the men burst into the apartment.

"What happened?" Rosalina shouted as she watched her friend shoot up from the couch and run towards Vincent.

"Are you okay? Let me look at it," she started to take off his jacket slowly so she didn't hurt him more.

"I'm fine," Vincent said brushing her off. Rebecca tried not to let it show that his words and actions hurt her feelings. "Put him on the couch. The doctor should be here any minute," he turned to look at Gio and Teo who were still holding Ant.

"If my dear cousin doesn't want to play doctor with you, I am more than willing," Ant said loudly making sure that everyone especially Vincent heard him. He smiled smugly when he heard his cousin growl at him. Satisfied with pushing Vincent's buttons, he settled into the couch.

"Do you have any medical instruments?" Rebecca asked Vincent.

"I will go grab them," Gio said racing toward Vincent's office. Rebecca turned to look at Vincent with a glare. He rolls his eyes in return and walks closer to the couch to talk to Ant.

"The doctor will be here soon," he tells him before looking at Rebecca. In the chaos, it had slipped his mind that she was at his house. If he had remembered he would have ordered Domenico to take him to a safe house or at least another apartment in the building. He didn't want her seeing things like this. This wasn't bad but it was still something that he felt like protecting her from.

"I can do it," she crossed her arms over her chest. Vincent tried to sneak a peek at her cleavage but she noticed and uncrossed them quickly.

"Here you go," Gio said announcing his return. Rebecca nodded her thanks and turned to glare at Vincent.

She took a step in his direction and he took a step back shaking his head. "Ant first," he told her pointing at Ant. Rebecca nodded and sat on the coffee table beside the man. His pant leg had already been cut off enough that she could see where he was shot.

It didn't take Rebecca long to bandage Ant's wound. Luckily for him, the bullet had gone all the way through and nothing important was hit so she didn't have to dig it out. Vincent, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky. "Shit that hurts, women!" He shouted as she tried to get the bullet out. She was having a really hard time and she was almost sure that it had hit the bone. She glanced up at him taking in his pinched face before going back to work. "I should have waited for the doctor," he huffed. Rebecca dug the forceps into his shoulder. "Hey!" Vincent glared at her as she just ignored him. Vincent swung his head to look at the men and Rosalina on the other side of the room when he heard them snicker.

"I may have not gone to school for an extra year or two but I know what I am doing," Rebecca growled at him. "The problem is I think it's stuck or even hit the bone," she sighed finally and put her tools down wiping her forehead with her wrist. Vincent frowned when he saw a streak of his blood left behind when she put her head down. He moved to wipe it off. "Don't move your arm. It could make it worse," she shouted trying to get him to stop moving.

"I don't care," he told her and wiped her forehead. Shaking his head, he opened his mouth as the doctor came walking in.

"Sorry, Boss. I'm here," the man huffed walking quickly to where Vincent was sitting. Rebecca nearly fell on the ground as the man pushed her over on the coffee table she had been sitting on since helping Ant. The man only noticed her when he heard Vincent growl at him. Rebecca nearly laughed when the man looked at her blinking behind his strong prescription glasses. She had thought that was only for a laugh in cartoons but here the man set with eyes that were bigger than a bullfrog. "My apologies," the man said his voice high pitched and squeaky making it impossible for her not to laugh.

All the men in the room stared at her as if she had lost her mind. "Are you done?" she heard Vincent ask her when her laughter began to calm. Nodding he turned to the doctor, "she thinks it hit the bone," he told him. The doctor looked at her in a questioning manner. "She's a doctor,"

"Nurse practitioner," she corrected him.

The doctor nodded, "well let's look."

Rebecca stood up to check on Ant as the Doctor got to work on Vincent's shoulder. "How are you?"

"Doing good. You did a great job doc. I wouldn't mind sleeping a little though," Ant shrugged.

"Help him to the guest room," Vincent said without looking in their direction.

Domenico helped Ant up making sure he was steady before leading him to the bedroom.

Rebecca went and sat beside Vincent on the couch. "I think you are correct. It looks like the bone may have been hit," The doctor sighed looking at her. She bit her lip. She knew that he would most likely need to be operated on.

"Do what you have to do to get me moving. I have things to finish," he huffed at the man. Rebecca turned to him and sent him a glare. "What?"

"Be nice, for one. For two, it will take some time to heal," Rebecca stated before looking at the doctor for him to confirm this. She watched the man gulp. He was scared to tell Vincent the truth. Sighing she realized she would have to spell it out for him. "You will need surgery, Vince."

Vincent shook his head, "I don't have time for that!"

"Well how do you suppose you are going to move your arm when the bone is most likely broken possibly shattered?"

"I can handle it," he answered her and turned to the doctor, "bandage it." The doctor nodded and Rebecca huffed before standing and stomping off to the kitchen Rosalina following her.

"What happened?" Domenico asked.


"Okay. Well, I am going to grab Ros and go to mine. I'm hungry," he told his cousin before heading to the kitchen. Vincent nodded even though Domenico had his back to him.

Vincent looked down at his shoulder before sighing, "do I really need surgery?"

"Yes, Sir," the doctor answered him without looking up from his work.

"How long will I have to sit around and do nothing?"

"No way of knowing until I see how bad it is."

Vincent nodded his understanding. "I'm tired can we do it tomorrow?" The doctor finished bandaging him and nodded finally looking at him. "Good." Vincent stood up and offered his hand to the doctor. "Thanks again," he said to the man before walking towards his room.

Rebecca walked out of the kitchen with Domenico and Rosalina following. "You should come by tomorrow," she told Rosalina who nodded in response. "We can have lunch before I have to go to work."

"I don't think you will be going to work tomorrow, Rebecca," Domenico told her. "After what happened today you will be lucky to breath fresh air on the balcony before this is over."

Rebecca watched him walk to the door. Opening it, he waited for Rosalina to walk out before he could follow her though, Rebecca stopped him. "What happened?"

Domenico sighed. He had been waiting for her to ask that question. "You will have to ask Vince," he told her before walking out.

She went and checked on Ant making sure that he was okay and not in any pain before walking to Vincent's room. He was sleeping already. She bent down quietly beside him to look at his bandage. When she was satisfied that it would be okay until morning, she crawled in on the other side of the bed. She turned so that her back was facing him and closed her eyes. Vincent having felt her, pulled her to him so his front was pressed to her back. "Are you okay?" Rebecca asked him. Vincent nodded before they both fell asleep.

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