《Taking Her Home》Men From Italy


Rebecca woke up the next morning in Vincent bed with his arms strongly secured around her waist. She smiled thinking about the night before. It had been amazing and she didn't have even a little regret. She knew they were just killing time and she was okay with that.

She felt a small pang of hungry and decided to get up and make breakfast. She tried to wiggle out of Vincent's hold but it only tightened the more she moved. "Stay," Vincent said sleep still thick in his voice. Rebecca couldn't help but smile she liked that the big bad mafia man was a cuddler.

"I'm hungry, Vince," she said rolling over to face him.

"Me too," he winked at her and laughed when she blushed from him innuendo. He leaned in and kissed her lips before moving to her neck and provoking her into a repeat of the events from the night before.

Thirty minutes later they both finally agreed that they should get up. "You go shower. I will make breakfast," Vincent told her giving her a quick peck so that he didn't start anything again. Rebecca laughed as she got up and headed for her room. "I have a shower in my bathroom you know," Vincent said loudly for her to hear when he realized she was leaving his room.

"Yes but, my clothes are in my room," Rebecca smiled at him and finished her walk to her room. Vincent growled at this but, got up and threw his sweats on before making his way to the kitchen to start cooking.

Vincent was plating the food when he heard Rebecca coming out of her room. Grabbing the plates, he left the kitchen to meet her in the living room. "Why don't we watch a movie or something while we eat?" he said smiling her way and walking toward the couch.

Rebecca looked at him with wonder. Wondering what the hell had gotten into him. He didn't seem like the type of guy to eat in a living room his place was clean and she doubted he was ever truly relaxed enough to kick his feet up on his expensive looking coffee table and eat while watching a cheesy romantic comedy. "Sure," she shrugged and followed him to the couch. Sitting down, she took the plate he handed her and took a bite. Vincent looked at her with wide eyes when she moaned. "This is so good," she said going for a second bite.

"I'm glad you like it but could you maybe not do the moaning thing," he blurted before she could moan again. Rebecca looked at him and blushed. "It's just that I don't really have time to spend all day in bed and well the sound is slowly becoming my favorite," he added quickly so she wouldn't think he was being an ass. He watched her bite her lip before taking another bite and he groaned deep down.

Vincent turned his attention to the television in order to stop thinking of all the things he wanted to do to her. The back-up men would be landing soon and the meeting with Enzo was later. He knew that he really couldn't take her back to bed as much as he wanted to.

Rebecca was trying her hardest not to look in Vincent's direction. He had put his sweat pants on before leaving his room but he had left his shirt off which she would have thought that he knew how much his bare chest turned her on with how much she ran her hands over it the night before. Shaking her head, she tried to pay attention to the movie he had put on and stop thinking about what it felt like to run her hands over his toned abs. Which just led her to remember what it felt like when he ran his hands all over her. She cleared her throat and adjusted herself on the couch causing Vincent to look in her direction.


"Are you finished?" Rebecca nodded and handed him her plate when he reached for it. She watched him take the plates to the kitchen and smiled a little when as she watched his bare back. She noticed the scratch marks and felt herself blush again. She didn't know what was wrong with her. Never in her whole life, has she blushed as much as she has since she met this man.

Vincent walked back out and noticed Rebecca was in deep thought. She was also rubbing her arms like she was cold. He did have the air conditioner set pretty low in here. He grabbed a blanket off the back of the chair as he made his way back to the couch. "Here," he handed her the blanket.

"Thanks." Vincent shrugged and moved to sit down. He sat closer than he had been earlier and threw his arm behind her head. They sat silently and watched the movie that was playing. Rebecca knew that she was sitting there stiffly but she couldn't help it. Their agreement was for sex and to be friends in a way while he was protecting her. She wasn't sure what was going on now though. Vincent had told her many times he wasn't a relationship guy or at least didn't want one right now and here he was watching a movie with her after making her breakfast after they slept together the night before she was confused.

"Are you okay?" She felt a shiver down her back when she felt his warm breath on her neck. Flashes of the night before ran through her mind. She couldn't talk so she just nodded. "You sure? You're chewing on your lip like it's a piece of jerky," he laughed.

Rebecca blushed and looked down. She started to pick at her nails. Suddenly Vincent's big hand grabbed her much smaller one. "Stop." He said. When she looked up at him, he hadn't looked away from the movie. She stopped picking at her nails and he moved his arm back around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. "Relax," he whispered. She did exactly that. Laying her head on his shoulder she made herself loosen up and sink into his embrace. She wouldn't over think it until she needed to.

An hour later, Vincent noticed that Rebecca was much more relaxed than she had been he looked down and saw that she was sleeping. He smiled as he thought about how beautiful she was and what he would do with her later. Looking at his phone to check the time, he groaned seeing that it was time for him to get dressed so he could greet the men from Italy. He slowly got up, careful not to wake Rebecca. He laid her head on a pillow and made sure she was covered with the blanket. He stopped on his way to his room to adjust the thermostat so she wouldn't be cold all day.

He had just walked out of his bedroom when he heard his front door open. He knew it was Domenico and hoped that he wouldn't yell his greeting like he had a tendency to do. When he saw his cousin come around the corner, he released the breath he was holding. "Don't worry I didn't wake sleeping beauty," Domenico said holding up his hands. Vincent rolled his eyes as he turned toward his office. He hoped that he looked like he didn't care. Even though he did. "Why is she so tired?" Vincent stopped walking and looked back at the man that was trying to push his buttons way too early in the morning. Domenico laughed when he saw the look on Vincent's face. He sent him a wink as he brushed past him.


Vincent was swearing under his breath when he entered the office and shut the door which just caused his cousin to laugh harder. "Enough," he snapped at him. Domenico stopped laughing but, the knowing smirk didn't leave his face. "Why are you here already? Gio won't be here for another hour and the meeting isn't for another five."

"I know but, someone attacked a shipment this morning."


"Yeah. It was the big one too." Vincent watched Domenico move to the edge of the chair he was in across from him in order to get closer to him. "Everything is gone."

Vincent raised both eyebrows. "Everything?" Domenico nodded his head. "No one is stupid enough to take everything." Domenico shrugged and sat back.

"I thought the same thing. Either someone is trying to make a name for themselves or they want your attention," Vincent nodded his agreement with his cousin. "Either way that shipment is going to cost us... Big."

"Shit!" Vincent slammed his hands down on his desk. He knew this was bad. He was already at risk of losing the family to his brother. If he didn't handle this right he there was no way in hell that his father would hand it over. "Get me a list of everyone that the shipment was going to. I will personally call them and make new deals to apologize," he told Domenico who nodded.

"I'll let you get back to your... lady friend," Domenico chuckled as he buttoned up his suit jacket.

"Yeah, how's her friend treating you?" Vincent fired back. He laughed when his cousin's face twisted into a look of irritation. "So, you're jealous? I thought so," he patted his cousin on the back as they left the office.

"I am not. I have more respect for women than to dick them down in order to control them," he responded adjusting his collar. Vincent couldn't help but laugh.

"I respect Rebecca," Vincent pouted. "That's why I won't kiss and tell."

"You do remember she kissed me, first right?" his cousin reminded him. Vincent growled and Domenico laughed hard.

"Shhh. You'll wake her," he whisper-yelled. Domenico held his hands up in surrender. He waved at something behind Vincent before slipping out the door. Vincent turned to see Rebecca sitting up on the couch rubbing her eyes. He smiled as he watched her. He zoned out for who knows how long. Rebecca clearing her throat pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry I fell asleep on you," she blushed looking down.

Vincent sat on the back of the couch and reached down and lifted her head so that she was looking at him. "Trust me that was the highlight of my day," he smiled down at her. "Gio will be here soon and he is going to have some men with him. They are from Italy but they are my men so, you have nothing to worry about, okay?" Rebecca nodded and gave him a smile. Vincent gave her a nod before standing back up and adjusting his jacket. "Now if you are hungry feel free to order in. Tell them it will be taken care of by the front. I will be in my office if Gio asks when he gets here." He kissed her forehead before he left the room.

Rebecca felt the butterflies in her stomach and willed them to calm down. Closing her eyes, she tried her hardest to think of anything but Vincent and how he made her feel. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. She should have known better. She wasn't the type of person who could have sex without feelings. Kicking herself she went into the kitchen to find the takeout menus so she could order lunch.

She had just got done ordering when the door opened and Gio walked in with two men Rebecca had never seen before. She assumed they were the men Vincent had told her about. She sent Gio a smile as she walked across the room. "Hey, Gio," she said with a wave.

"Rebecca. You're looking good as usual," he smiled back at her. "I hope my brother is treating you well."

Rebecca shrugged, "as well as someone like him knows how to," she made sure to laugh so Gio knew she was joking. They didn't know each other well enough to know things like that and the last thing she needed was him telling Vincent and him being offended.

"Well, there only so much I can teach him," Gio laughed back. "This is Antonio but, we call him Ant and his younger brother Teo," he continued motioning towards the two men with him. "They are from Italy."

Rebecca waved at the men, "nice to meet you both. I just ordered lunch for me and Vince. But if you would like I can call them back and order more," she looked at each man pausing when she caught Ant looking her up and down.

"That's okay, Rebecca. We ate on the way here." Gio broke her shocked stare at the man that came with him. She nodded at him before they all walked toward Vincent's office. Her eyes widened when she watched the man turn and wink at her.

It was several hours before the men came out of the office. Rebecca had taken Vincent his lunch when it arrived quickly walking in after knocking, setting it on the desk and leaving before anyone could say anything to her. When they walked out Vincent walked straight to her placed a hand around her waist. She didn't fight it figuring it was some alpha male thing and he was staking his claim. She still wasn't sure about the two men that arrived with Gio so she felt he was the lesser of two evils in a way.

"She's yours?" Ant asked him with a shocked expression.

"Of course. Why else would she be here?"

Rebecca noticed a small smirk that quickly vanished on Ant's face. Gio laughed and Teo hit his older brother upside the head causing everyone to laugh. Ant rubbed his head and glared at his brother.

"These two idiots are my cousins, by the way," Vincent looked down at Rebecca. She was shocked. She could see some similarities but figured that was just the Italian blood. She nodded her response and looked back to the brothers who were glaring at each other. Vincent cleared his throat.

"It was very nice meeting you, Rebecca," Teo said sending her a smile. Rebecca nodded and smiled shyly at the man that hadn't spoken to her until now.

"I will see you all in a couple of hours," Vincent said as the other three men started to walk toward the door to leave. They all waved their goodbyes as they left.

Vincent turned to Rebecca with a big smile. "I have sometime before I have to go to a very important meeting. Can you think of anything we can do?" He asked her wrapping his arms around her waist. Rebecca felt herself blush yet again and she wanted to kick herself for letting him have the effect on him that he did. She took a breath and gathered some courage before grabbing his hand and leading him to his bedroom.

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