《Taking Her Home》Feeling's


A week went by and Vincent had the surgery and was well on his way to healing. He and Rebecca had also continued with their deal. Rebecca spent every night in Vincent's bed. She loved that he was a cuddlier and enjoyed every moment realizing that one day it would be over.

Vincent woke up and rolled over to watch Rebecca sleep. She was definitely beautiful. He realized this along with how much he really liked her in his bed. Even when they weren't rolling around making each other feel better than either had ever felt before, he enjoyed her there. He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear so he didn't wake her. He knew that he couldn't keep her. It wasn't safe and she wasn't made for this life. Sighing he lightly kissed her lips before climbing out of bed.

He rotated his shoulder making him wince. The surgery was two days ago and even though he knew it was crazy to do so, he hoped that it would feel better by now. The plans for today were not going to be easy with his shoulder this way. Today would be the first step in getting Rebecca back home so she could live her life safely. He knew that she was still a little upset with him not letting her go to work but, it just wasn't safe. He had pulled some strings he had at the hospital and she wouldn't lose her job he made sure of it.

He walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He had bags under his eyes from nearly every night being late making plans for how to end this. His father had given him the go-ahead to do whatever he felt necessary to get the problem solved after the shoot-out at the meeting. He ran his hands over his face with a deep breath. He took a shower and got dressed. When he left the bedroom, Rebecca was awake and stretching on the side of the bed. He smiled as he watched her.

Rebecca felt Vincent's eyes on her and looked up. When their eye connected, she smiled and bit her lip remembering the events from the night before. "Morning."

"Morning," Vincent smiled back at her. "Sorry, last night was so late. I should have just let you sleep."

Rebecca shook her head, "I would say it was worth it."

Vincent laughed. "Glad to have been of service," he bowed. Standing straight he smiled at her and set her a wink before walking towards the door. "You shower. I will start breakfast," he told her not looking back at her.

Rebecca grabbed some clothes out of Vincent's closet. He had suggested that she move her clothes to his room since Ant was using hers. "It's basically your room too. At least while you're here," he had told her. She had chosen to ignore how his words had made her feel knowing that he didn't feel the same. He may like her but, it was more to do with their sexual relationship than it did a romantic one.

She showered and headed out to go eat breakfast. When she got to the end of the hall, she heard Vincent talking. Looking to where he was standing with his back to her, he saw Domenico, Ant, and Teo listening to him. She couldn't completely understand what he was saying though and she was sure she wasn't supposed to be eavesdropping on them. Domenico noticed her first and nodded his head in her direction causing Vincent to turn and look at her. He turned and said something to the men before walking over to where she stood.


"Hey. You hungry?" he asked her kissing her on the cheek. Rebecca nodded her head and gave him a forced smile. While she understood why he was doing it, she didn't like being kept in the dark. "I finished breakfast for you but, I have to go and get some work done," he tucked a strand of her hair that had fallen out of her ponytail. "I want you to eat and enjoy. Dom said Ros was getting ready and then she will be here to hang out. You can order lunch and dinner if you want, okay?" He gave her a smile that was a little forced. He would much rather spend the day in bed with her but they had to get this attack done. Enzo had been moving his location every other day and if they waited another day, they weren't sure where he would go. He was running out of hiding spots.

"You're going to be gone all day?"

"Yeah. I don't want you to wait up for me even. I can't know for sure how late I will be." Rebecca nodded her understanding and smiled at him. He wasn't hers to miss really so she couldn't say anything.

"Can Joni come over?" She asked him deciding that she was going to need a full-on session with both her girls to even begin to understand what she was feeling.

Vincent nodded. His eyes darted around her face taking every bit of it in. "Of course. You girls have fun," he kissed her deeply before turning and following the men he had forgotten where there out of the door.

Rebecca called and invited Joni over. She hung up as Rosalina walked in with a huge smile on her face. "What's up with you?" She asked her friend with a raised brow and a smirk. She was way happier than Rebecca had ever seen her and it was weird.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Rosalina shrugged but the blush that swept across her face was not unnoticeable.

Rebecca crossed her arms, "Tell me. NOW!" she smiled at her.

Rosalina rolled her eyes. "Dom kissed me last night," she squealed. It took a couple of seconds before what Rosalina said sunk in and Rebecca joined her in squealing and jumping up and down.

"How the hell did that happen?"

"We were eating dinner and it just happened," Rosalina laughed.

Rebecca shook her head in disbelief. "This is crazy. Are you guys just hooking up or what?"

Rosalina looked at the floor, "He said he doesn't like doing that," she looked at her friend trying to gauge her reaction.

"What does that mean?"

"He said that he doesn't want to just sleep with someone not knowing who they are or having anything more with them." Rebecca was surprised by this information. She noticed that some men around had settled down and what not but Domenico just didn't seem like the type. "He is taking me out to dinner tomorrow night," she whispered.

Rebecca lifted her brows. She wasn't totally sure she had heard her right? "Dinner? Did you just say that Mr. Constantly glaring and rolling his eyes at you is taking you to dinner?" she laughed after questioning Rosalina.

Nodding Rosalina couldn't help but smile she was really excited. "I know I was shocked too."

"Hello!" Joni shouted causing both women to look at her.


"Why are you shouting?" Rosalina asked.

"Because she lives to be the center of attention," Rebecca laughed.

"What are you two bitches doing?"

"Talking about Rosalina's date tomorrow night with a certain tall quiet man," Rebecca smiled wide.

"Wait. What?" Joni screamed. Rebecca flinched at the sound since Joni was right by her ear. She turned and glared at her shaking her head when she only got a shrug. "I'm guessing Dom is the one we are talking about?"

Rosalina nodded her head. "How'd you know?"

"Well he is the only guy you have been around enough lately at least that is single," Joni answered.

"Vince is single," Rebecca pointed out to her.

"Oh please," Joni rolled her eyes, "that man is so into you that no women will ever have a chance with him again." Rebecca felt a wave a shock at her best friends' words. "Don't look at me like that. You are the only person that doesn't know how he feels." Joni got up and headed for the kitchen. "Do you have wine?"

"It's early what do you want with wine?" Rebecca shouted after her.

"It just feels like a day drinking kind of day." Join answered when she walked out of the kitchen, a minute later, with a bottle and three glasses in her hand. "So, how do you feel about him?" she asked as she poured them each a glass. She wasn't going to let this conversation go.

"I like him?" Rebecca answered sounding more like a question.

"Why are you asking me?"

"I'm not. I like him. But it doesn't matter how I feel. After all of this... Even if I was ready for a serious relationship it couldn't be with him," she shrugged looking at both of her friends hoping one of them would agree with her.

"Why not?" Rosalina asked her. She really wanted to know. She liked Domenico and hoped that her friends would support her if she ended up having a relationship with him.

"I mean look at everything that has happened since I met him. He came home, from a meeting," she raised her hands in quotations when saying the word meeting, "with a bullet in his shoulder. His cousin had one in his leg. Honestly, Ros was there but I bet I shouldn't have said anything to you about that. Who wants to not be able to talk about things with their best friends?" Rebecca started breathing deeply as she rambled. She really hated that the man she was falling for was so unattainable for someone like her. Someone who had never pictured anything but a normal life.

"They were okay though," Rosalina pointed out. "It wasn't anything serious." She wasn't sure if she was trying to convince Rebecca or herself.

Rebecca shrugged. "Vince has scares all over him," she whispered barely loud enough for them to hear her. "He has been shot so many times and cut and who knows what else!" Rebecca got up and started pacing.

"Don't start the pacing," Joni sighed at her. "Look if you don't want to be with him. If you can't look past that part of him than that's just how it is. You don't owe him anything you haven't promised anything. You may be sleeping with him but you both have an agreement that it's because you both are here. Go home when it's safe and forget about him."

Rebecca listened to her friend and nodded. It made sense. It's not like they were married. Vincent was planning on taking care of the threat that was after her and then she could go home and move on with her life. Find a nice guy that worked a normal job. The more she thought about it, the more she didn't think it sounded right. It was what she had always planned but, did she want that anymore? Sighing she drank the rest of her wine and held it out for Joni to fill up again.

The girls spent the rest of the morning talking about the guys. Joni and Rosalina kept trying to convince Rebecca that she was thinking about the situation with Vincent too much but Rebecca couldn't stop thinking about it. After lunch, Rosalina talked a little about all the things she liked about Domenico. The girls listened with interest. This was so out of character for Rosalina that they were completely shocked. They ordered dinner and talked about Joni's wedding and how soon after she wanted to have kids.

"I can't wait to have a baby. Isaac wants to wait a year though," she shrugged. "I mean I guess I can wait but, it's not like I have anything to do. Isaac has work what am I supposed to do?"

Rebecca looked at Rosalina and rolled her eyes. "Crazy idea. Why not put the degree you just earned to use?" She asked Joni shaking her head.

"Yeah or maybe do something with all the designs you have. You know I would buy any of the dresses you have shown me," Rosalina smiled at her.

Joni nodded. "I know. I love you for that. I guess I could do something."

Rebecca sighed. She hated seeing her best friend so distraught. Joni had so much potential to do so many things. Her parents were supportive and so was Isaac. She didn't have to work her trust fund and Isaac's job would provide for her but Rebecca knew that Joni would never be completely happy doing nothing.

The women continued the night by watching a movie before Joni decided to go home in time to be able to spend a little time with Isaac before bed. Rosalina said good night and left to go back to Domenico's apartment the next floor down. Rebecca walked around turning off all the lights before heading to her room. She turned the knob and remembered that she had been sleeping in Vincent's room. She thought about staying in her room to distance herself but hated the idea as she thought about it. She liked waking up next to him every morning and since she had a limited number of days to do it, she wasn't going to miss one just because she was a little confused by her feelings.

She crawled into Vincent's bed and pulled the blankets over her shoulder before hugging his pillow and falling asleep thinking about her stupid confusing feelings.

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