《Taking Her Home》The Night Shift


The next night as Rebecca got ready for work, she thought about the conversation she had with Vincent the night before. She had walked into the kitchen after Tobin left to find Vincent singing as he stirred a sauce on the stove. Standing in the doorway she just watched him from behind.

"Are you going to come all the way in, maybe sit down or are you enjoying the view?" He had asked her. Shocked that he knew she was there, she moved to sit on the same barstool she had occupied the day after they had spent the night together. She watched him move around the kitchen and thought about how under different circumstances, she would have found it really sexy that he was cooking for her.

"What are you making?" She asked him. She didn't want to be rude but, small talk was not her thing. At least not when talking to a man like him.

"Spaghetti. I thought I would stick with a classic most American's like since I wasn't sure what you would like," he looked at her over his shoulder.

Rebecca nodded and sent him a small smile. "Vincent, I have to work tomorrow night," she said it as a statement instead of asking him if she could go. She hoped that he would believe that she wouldn't let him say no so that she wouldn't have to argue with him. She watched as he stopped stirring the sauce and fully turned around to face her.

"You won't go," he stated, walking to another part of the counter, he pulled a wine glass from a cupboard and poured red liquid into it. Taking a sip, he turned around to ask her if she wanted some to find her sitting in apparent shock. "Be nice to the girl," his brother's words rang through his head. He was so used to telling people how they were going to live their lives he forgot she wasn't used to being ordered around. Sighing he set down his glass, "look I understand that you really like your job but, it's going to be really hard for me to make sure that you are safe while you're at work."

Rebecca nodded. She understood that he was trying to protect her but, she couldn't risk losing her job. "I get it. It's just that I haven't been at this job very long and it's amazing that I even got this job right out of school and..." She started to rant and Vincent held up his hand to stop her.

"Okay. Okay. Call in for tomorrow and I will figure out something for the rest of the time if you will just shut up," he snaps. He watches Rebecca fold her arms and pout. "Fine. What time do you have to be there?" He asked finally giving in.


Rebecca threw her hair into a tight bun. With a quick look in the mirror to make sure she looked okay, she headed out of her room to meet Vincent who was driving her to the hospital.

Vincent stopped in front of the hospital entrance and turned to look at Rebecca. "Stay on the floor you work on. If you have to leave, make sure someone knows and under no circumstances, are you to leave the building without me. Do you understand?" Rebecca nodded her head. She thought he was being a little dramatic but she was thankful that he was protecting her so she let it go. Opening the door, she steps out and shuts it behind her. Bending down, she set him a wave and walked into the building.

She rode the elevator up to the seventh floor where she was working for the night. She was putting her stuff inside her locker in the staff room when a nurse came in and called her name. "There's a patient in room 715 and they are requesting you and only you," she wiggled her eyebrows at her. "He's cute," she sang as she walked out the door. Rebecca laughed and closed the locker shaking her head and laughing.

It was weird for a patient to ask for someone specifically. It was even weirder for the request to be granted. She walked by the nurse's station and waved at the three women that were standing there with big smiles. She furrowed her brows. What the hell is up with them? She wondered to herself. Shaking her head, she continued her walk to room 715. She grabbed the clipboard with the patient information on it. She looked over the documents as she walked into the room. "Mr. Zano," she said as she looked up and saw none other than, Gio. Crossing her arms, she quirked an eyebrow, "Mr. Zano? Really?"

Gio gave her a big smile, "What's up Doc?"

Rebecca narrowed her eyes at him and moved closer to the bed Gio was kicked back on. He looked completely relaxed. "I'm not a doctor and what are you doing here?" she asked. She already guessed this somehow had Vincent behind it. On the other hand, they were a part of the Mafia. He might actually be hurt. She looked him up and down and didn't see anything wrong with him and the smile on his face told her that he wasn't in any pain.

"Vince told me to stay as close as possible to you for the night. I figured what better way to do that than to be one of your patients?" Gio shrugged. Rebecca didn't think it possible but, she watched his smile get even bigger. He was obviously very proud of his idea. "It should be less suspicious this way too," he added.


"Well, thanks for that. I should have known that it was too easy getting rid of him when he dropped me off," she did wonder why he gave her all her rules when he did though.

"Truth be told. It was my wife's idea," he drew her attention back to him. She noticed his smile was not as big as it had been. "I guess I shouldn't take the credit from her. She wouldn't like that," Gio watched her face as a look of surprise crossed it. She tried to cover it quickly but, he saw it.

"You're married?" she asked him hearing her voice go up she cringed.

Gio laughed. "Engaged actually but, I like calling her my wife," he shrugged. "You know, we aren't as bad as the media leads you to believe. If you gave us a chance, you would see that," he watched Rebecca nod her head. He could tell that she was thinking about what he said.

Rebecca sent Gio and smile. She felt a little bad for judging everyone so much. Shaking her head to stop thinking about how much she had misjudged Vincent and his family she sighed. "I have to get to work. I'll make sure to check in on you every hour. Sound good mom?" Gio laughed nodding his head. She turned around and waved over her shoulder as she walked out of the room.

She went about the rest of her work night the way she always did, caring for her patients. Every time she walked by the room Gio sat in watching tv in and sent him a wave along with a sarcastic smile. When she was finished discharging a little girl that had fallen off the monkey bars and broke her arm, she headed back to towards the staff room waving at a few nurses on the way. "Rebecca. A really hot guy is here," Sarah, a doctor that had only talked to Rebecca once since she had started working at the hospital, said peeking her head in the doorway. Rebecca looked at her and nodded.

Grabbing her purse from her locker she walked out and saw Vincent standing on the other side of the nurse's station talking to Gio. She looked to her left and saw a group of nurses watching the two men like they were the prey to their pretenders. She smiled and watched the women talking in hushed voices arguing over who would be the one to ask if they were single. She heard herself giggle when one of them said that God must have decided they all deserved a blessing for all their hard work.

Vincent, Gio and the group of women heard her and all looked her direction. She could feel the blush rise on her face. Vincent smiled and walked to stand beside her. "Are you ready?" Rebecca could still feel everyone's eyes on her. She looked at her feet as she nodded. She walked past him without looking back.

They 's car, they waved goodbye to Gio and got in the car. "How often do you work the night shift?" Vincent asked her as he pulled out onto the street.

"Two nights a week. The other three to four I work early mornings." Vincent nodded at her answer. They drove in silence for several minutes. Vincent wanted to break the silence and get to know her but, he was still confused as to why he felt a draw to do that.

"You said before that you didn't become a doctor because you wanted to get your life started and try and help people." He started. Rebecca nodded her head waiting for him to continue. "Wouldn't you get to help more people?"

Rebecca sighed. She expected people to ask questions like this, in fact, her parents had several times after she had told them she wasn't going to get her Ph.D. "I guess. Maybe," she shrugged as she played with her fingernails. "Honestly I just want to heal people. I'm not really interested in researching how to cure something."

"So, doctors focus more on curing. You focus on healing?" Rebecca nodded and smiled that he got what she was saying. Vincent could feel himself smile too he liked her answer. In his line of work, he didn't meet many people that were caring for others the way she was. Sighing he realized that was yet another reason that he would have to let her go when this was all over.

"Not to mention you have met Ros, right? She starts med school in the fall and she has been stressing on it since the summer of freshman year," she added making Vincent laugh.

"So, how was my brother as a patient?" Rebecca laughed loudly at his question.

"He wasn't that bad but, he isn't going to be doing that the whole time is he?" She really didn't mind Gio being there. He hadn't gotten in the way or anything but she had redirected her path over and over throughout the night because she felt she needed to make sure that he saw her every half hour so that neither of them got in trouble.

"No," Vincent laughed. "I was able to handle the security details. You won't see anyone but, they will be there." Rebecca nodded.

"Thank you," she didn't know what else to say.

"Wouldn't want you to lose your life starting job," he said with a smirk.

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