《Taking Her Home》The Gun


The next morning Rebecca woke up to her phone ringing. Sighing she grabbed it and pressed the answer button without looking at the name that flashed across the screen, "what?"

"Well good morning to you too," she heard Joni says. She could hear the irritation in her tone.

"Sorry. Morning," she sighed as she adjusted herself in bed.

"That's better. How is it going at lover boys place? Is it huge? His place, not him," Joni rattled off and giggled at her last comment. Rebecca rolled her eyes.

"Ha. Ha. His place is nice and he isn't my lover boy."

"Sure, he isn't."

"I swear nothing has happened. He already got this I highly doubt he's much of a repeat offender when it comes to women," Rebecca threw her feet over the side of the bed. She put Joni on speaker phone and stood up to stretch. "believe me he has made it very clear that after this is all over, I will never see him again. I mean he's a criminal anyways it would never work."

Joni sighed, "he hot. And you really can't fault a guy for being a part of his family business. It's probably all he knows and he probably didn't have a choice. Plus, obviously, he isn't that bad. I mean he could have just let you die and not give a shit." Rebecca gritted her teeth. She knew that Joni had made a good point and she thought about what Gio had said to her the day before.

Vincent stood outside Rebecca's bedroom door. He hadn't planned on listening to the conversation she was having with Joni but, he had wanted to ask her to have breakfast with him and didn't want to interrupt. He pressed his ear to the door to hear what she had to say to the points Joni just made.

"I know he is hot... and maybe not THAT bad but, he already told me he isn't interested in a relationship. I'm not looking for one either. You know this," Rebecca told her best friend as she grabbed her phone and walked to her closet to look for what she wanted to wear for the day.

"I think you're crazy. You should just sleep with him. I mean you're stuck at his place until this is all over. You might as well have some fun." Rebecca could picture Joni's smirk as she said this. Sighing, she pulled a yellow sleeveless shirt off its hanger and started looking for some shorts.


"I'm going to take a shower and get ready for the day. Maybe we can have lunch later this week. I will have to talk to Vincent about it of course," Rebecca rolled her eyes. She felt like a kid having to ask her parents before she hung out with a friend.

"Fine bye," Joni sighs, "just think about what I said," she adds quickly before Rebecca is able to end the call. Shaking her head, she walks out of the closest and screams.

Vincent sent her a smile from where he sat on her bed. He was against the headboard with his legs crossed at the ankle and his arms behind his head. "Good morning. I wanted to see if you would be interested in having breakfast with me?" He sent her that smile that always seemed to melt her a little.

Rebecca swept her eyes over him. She took in the way he looked in the dark blue suit he was wearing. She had never really found guys in suits that sexy but on Vincent, it was totally different. The fact that he hadn't put on a tie and the top two buttons were undone didn't help. Even though she couldn't really see anything, she knew what was under there and that made her sweat a little. Clearing her throat, she nodded her head before she found her voice, "I need to get ready. I will be down soon." He sent her a curt nod of his head and stood up from the bed.

"I will get started cooking then," he said shutting the door behind him and making his way to the kitchen. He smiled the whole way there. He had noticed the way she looked him over. He had done the same thing. She looked amazing in her pajamas that consisted of an oversized t-shirt and what looked like nothing but knowing what he did about her, he was sure she at least had some underwear on. Even that thought made his pants feel tighter. He cracked his neck to shake off his thoughts and got to making breakfast.

Rebecca reached the kitchen dressed and showered as Vincent was plating their food. Sitting down she sent him a smile. She couldn't help but wonder how much of the conversation he had heard earlier. The last thing she needed was him thinking that she wanted to sleep with him again. Did she? She wasn't sure but, she didn't want him thinking she did.


While they ate, they talked. Vincent told her things that he hadn't told anyone before and it kind of scared him. He wondered if spending too much time in the same house as her, would be a good idea. "I'm going to have to go and get some work done," he told her as he took his plate to the sink. "Feel free to roam around the place. Maybe have Ros come up and you two can order in lunch," he walked closer to Rebecca and took her empty plate. She nodded to show him that she was listening. "The car and driver will be downstairs waiting to take you to work later tonight," he added turning to look at her and make sure that she didn't have any questions. She gave him a smile that didn't have much emotion behind it. He nodded at her before walking out of the kitchen.

"What the hell was that?" Rebecca asked herself out loud. She sent a quick text to Rosalina tell her to come over whenever she wanted before walking to the living room and sitting on the couch. She turned on the television and flipped through the channels. She heard Vincent walk into the room. He said nothing as he walked out the door quickly. She thought that was weird. "Maybe he didn't see me here," she told herself.

Rebecca sighed and stood up from the couch. Not bothering to turn the television off, wanting a little background noise so the house wasn't so quiet. She made her way down the hallway slowly. She stopped in front of a display of pictures on the wall. He recognized Vincent's parents and siblings. He saw Domenico in several pictures. The pictures looked just like pictures you would find in anyone's house. It wasn't like she thought pictures in his house would be of dead people or of them all waving guns and drugs around exactly but, she didn't really expect them to look so normal. "Maybe Joni's right," she sighed and moved further down the hall.

She walked into his room and looked around. Staring at the bed, she thought about the night they had spent together. She felt herself smile. Biting her lip, she again thought "maybe Joni's right." Sleeping with him at least while she was staying with him wouldn't really hurt, would it?

She left the room and found herself in his office next. She walked around to sit in the chair behind his desk. "Is the job done?" She said in a manly voice before rolling her eyes. She leaned back in the chair and looked around the office before looking down and noticing that one of the drawers to her left looked different. She pulled on it and it swung open like it was on hinges. The next things she saw made her pause. Inside the drawer, was a pistol. She felt herself stop breathing. This just reminded her that he was dangerous.

"What's up?" she heard Rosalina's voice and it made her jump. Looking away from the gun to her friend who stood in the doorway with a raised eyebrow she gave her a forced smile.

"I didn't hear you come in," she breathed deep.

"Sorry. Dom said to just come in since Vince wasn't here," she shrugged and started walking towards Rebecca. Not wanting her to see the gun, she slammed the drawer shut and stood up quickly rounding the desk.

"Let's go watch a movie," she suggested grabbing her arm and pulled through the doorway and down the hall.

They spent the day watching movies. They ordered lunch and talked. Rosalina talked about Domenico and how he was driving her crazy. They fought all the time and she didn't get what his problem was. Rebecca did her best to be a good friend and listen and engage with her but, she couldn't stop thinking about the gun. She thought the whole reason that she was at his place, was because it was safe. Why did he need a gun at his place? This and so much more was running through her mind. This was all just starting to seem like too much.

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