《Taking Her Home》The Difficult One


Vincent held his hand out for Rebecca which she took since her anger had mostly worn off on the drive to his building. She sighed as she looked up remembering the last time she was here. "Are you coming, Rebecca?" she heard Vincent ask. Looking to the door of the building she saw him waiting for her and nodded. "Dom should be here with Ros already," he said as he pushed the button on the elevator.

Rebecca looked at him in shock, "Dom lives in the building too?" She asked him. Vincent nodded as he waited for her to join him in the elevator.

"I told you my men lived here."

Rebecca nodded. She kind of remembered him saying that. Her anger had made most of what he said seem less important but, she had to admit that he had told her that. The rest of the ride up was silent. Vincent was on his phone the whole time. When they reached his floor, he stepped off. "Follow me," he said without looking back at her. Rolling her eyes, she did as she was told. She was too tired to argue with him anymore today.

"Hey man," Domenico said as standing up from the couch, he walked to the door. Vincent looked at his cousin and the women sitting on his couch behind him. He raised an eyebrow wondering why they were there. "She wanted to see for herself that the girl was okay," Domenico answered the question he knew was coming. He knew that he wasn't supposed to come into Vincent's place without him there unless it was an emergency but, he figured that Vincent would be even angrier if he killed the women who had been bugging him for over an hour about seeing her friend.

"Thank God you're okay," Rosalina said pushing Domenico out of the way and running to stand in front of Rebecca. Looking at her from head to toe, she made sure that she was okay physically before looking at her in the eyes and asking silent questions.

Rebecca laughed, "I'm fine. He didn't do anything besides the whole kidnapping thing," she waved her friends concerns off. Looking at Vincent she glared at him. "So, where's my room?"

Vincent motions for her to follow before turning to walk down the hallway. Stopping in front of a closed door he motions to it. Rebecca looks at the rest of the hallway she realized that the door was right next to Vincent's. There were four more doors further down the hallway, "there has to be a room further from his" she thought. Looking at Rosalina she watched her friend shrug not understanding the look on her face. "Is this the only option?" she asked him. Vincent nodded than smirked.

"If you want to share with me you can just ask," he shrugged. Rebecca rolled her eyes and turned to the door. Opening it, she grabbed Rosalina's hand she pulled her in before turning to look at him with her won smirk.

"Let me know when my stuff arrives," she said before shutting the door in his face.

Vincent laughed quietly he didn't know how she did it but, she made him smile. Straightening himself out, he turned and made his way back to his living room where his cousin had been joined by both of his brothers. "Gio, Rocco," he greeted them before sitting down. He watched as Domenico looked down the hall and then at him. "Rebecca has her locked up in her room. You are safe for now," he reassured him.


Domenico breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God. I needed a break. She seriously doesn't take no for an answer. She also doesn't shut the hell up. Ever," he told his cousins as he flopped on the couch. The men laughed at his comment. "It's really not that funny. One of you should take her to your places and see how you like it."

"Sorry, man. You know Vanessa would be pissed if I brought a woman home," Gio shrugged and laughed more at his cousin.

"Don't even look at me. This isn't my problem," Rocco added. He walked closer to his brother and handed him an envelope, "I just came to deliver this. It was dropped off at the club."

Vincent took the envelope and looked to his other brother, "did you get the call's made to the Italy houses?" Gio nodded.

"They are sending enough men that we should be able to annihilate Enzo," he told him with a prideful smile. Nodding Vincent opens the envelope and pulls out a note.

For when you are ready to surrender. P.S. I would truly hate for your girlfriend to get caught in the crossfire. Vincent noticed a phone number that he assumed he was supposed to call for the mentioned surrender. Shaking his head, he handed the note to Domenico to read.

"Call the number, set the damn meeting," he tells him. Nodding Domenico stands up to leave before pausing and starting down the hall.

"Just leave her for now," Vincent tells him when he realizes where he was headed. "Rebecca probably needs her for right now. We will both be busy for a while, might as well let them do whatever it is women do," he shrugged. Domenico nodded before leaving. Vincent turned and walked down the hall to his office, both brothers followed. "Rocco, is everything at the club okay?" he asked his youngest brother. Rocco nodded. "Good. Can you handle things without me for the next few nights so I can focus on this?" Rocco nods again before Vincent waves for him to leave.

Gio sits down in the chair in front of Vincent's desk and smiles. "Dom said the girl is staying with you?"

"Her name is Rebecca," Vincent snapped.

Holding up his hands to show he didn't mean any offense, Gio's smile grew wider. "You like her?" Gio knew the answer but, he wanted to hear it from his brother's own mouth. He hadn't really seen him like this with someone before and he knew that he would fight it for many reasons. It was going to be fun to watch his brother be proven wrong.

"What's not to like? She is gorgeous and she's amazing in bed," Vincent shrugged before continuing, "But, it doesn't matter. She isn't Italian and I put her in danger. She kind of hates me."

Gio let out a loud laugh shaking his head, "You don't have to follow the traditional unspoken rules, Bro. I didn't." Gio smiled when he thought of his fiancée. Vincent nods. He knew that he didn't have to follow the so-called rules. He knew that it was more so he had an excuse to not settle down. His brother had found someone worth giving up all the women and he was happy for him but, that life wasn't for him.

"I have other things to focus on anyways," he told his brother. Gio opened his mouth to respond to his big brother but, shut it when their cousin opened the office door.


Both men looked at him before he spoke, "the meeting is set. Three days. Warehouse at the pier," he told them. They nod in understanding.

Gio turns to look at Vincent, "how many men do you want there?"

"Not too many that can be seen but, make sure that there are more nearby for back up. I don't trust him obviously. Make sure that the backup is made up of your most trusted. Only men that you know for sure he hasn't turned." Vincent was firm with this order. He hated not being able to trust all his men but since that was the reality, he wasn't going to risk putting men he didn't trust in a position to back him up.

Gio nods and stands up, "I will make sure they are ready," he tells him as he buttons up his jacket. "I better get home to Vanessa. Be nice to the girl," he winks at his brother before leaving with a chuckle.

"I'm heading out too. Do you want me to take the friend?" Domenico asks praying that Vincent's answer is "no." Unfortunately for him, his cousin nods.

"Please. I don't need Rebecca being encouraged to rebel against me," he had been thinking about it since he told Domenico to leave her earlier. Women have a tendency to get all brave when they have support and while he doesn't want to close her off from all her friends, he needs her to listen to him so he can keep her safe. He watched as Domenico's shoulder slumped and he laughed. "Sorry cousin. It shouldn't be too long if this meeting goes well," he walked to where he stood and clapped him on the shoulder. Shaking his hand off him, Domenico turned and walked out of the office holding up his middle finger as he walked towards Rebecca's door. Vincent laughed and followed him.

He knocked on the door. "Go away," he heard Rebecca shout. He looked at his cousin who was obviously trying not to laugh.

"I thought I had the difficult one. Maybe I was wrong," he shrugged. Vincent rolled his eyes and knocked again.

"Ros, Dom needs to go," he said through the door. The men heard both women sigh loudly before footstep sounded towards the door. It opened and Rosalina stepped out. Vincent moved out of the way so she could follow Domenico. When they reached the end of the hallway he turned back to the door. He saw Rebecca's hazel eyes that looked a little red, watching him. She glared at him as soon as their eyes locked and she slammed the door. He ran his hands through his hair. Domenico was right he did have the difficult one. "Tobin should be here soon with your things. I'm going to start dinner if you decide to come out, I will be in the kitchen," he shouts at her through the door.

As he reached the kitchen, the doorbell sounded causing him to turn around and run to the door to answer it. Tobin stood on the other side and held up a couple of suitcases. Stepping to the side he let him in. "She's in her room. Second door on the right. Good luck, I'll be in the kitchen," with that he turned and went to cook dinner.

Tobin knocked on the door Vincent had told him to. Rebecca opened the door just enough to see who it was. Tobin sent her a big smile and she opened the door wider. "Hey."

"I brought you whatever Joni packed," Tobin said walking past her and putting her suitcases on the bed. He turned around and noticed that her eyes were red. She had been crying. Sighing he walked to her and wrapped her in a hug. "It's going to be okay," he whispered into her ear.

Rebecca sighs and steps away from Tobin. Sitting on the bed she starts picking at her nails. "How did this happen?" She asks him trying not to start crying again. She can feel the tears prick behind her eyes so she takes a deep breath before continuing. "I was so ready to finally start my life. I got a great place to live a great job and all it took was one date and I'm in some unbelievable situation I can't get out of," she throws her hands in the air and looks at Tobin.

"Sugarplum, I know..." Tobin starts to comfort her but stops when her eyes widen and she jumps off the bed.

"I have to work tomorrow."

Tobin scratches the back of his neck, "you will have to talk to Vincent about that. But I'm guessing you should probably call in sick tomorrow," he suggests to her.

Rebecca scoffs and starts to pout. "I love my job. I don't want to screw it up."

"Well just talk to Vincent. I mean if you want to be able to leave this building while everything is going on, you're going to have to talk to him."

"Why can't you just stay with me at my place and keep me safe? You could even go to work with me and just hang around all day," she sends Tobin a pleading look.

"Bec, really?" He frowns at her. "First off, I told you I don't do all that Mafia stuff. I might be trained but it's mostly so I can defend myself. Not to protect anyone. And second, you don't think it will look suspicious if someone who doesn't work at the hospital, starts following you around all day every day?"

Rebecca sighed and threw herself on the bed bouncing around causing Tobin to laugh under his breath. Shooting him a glare she sits up making sure that he sees just how unhappy she is with the situation. "Well fine. But I hope Joni packed my scrubs because I am going to work no matter what," she crosses her arms hoping to look tough. Tobin just laughs.

"Good luck," he heads for the door and Rebecca follows him out and down the hall. Tobin stops when they get to the front door and turns to hug his friend. "Again, good luck. Call me if you need to talk or anything."

Rebecca nods and pushes him out the door. Turning in the direction of the kitchen she sighs. "It's now or never."

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