《Taking Her Home》Forgiving and Moving In


"I'm coming!" Rebecca shouted as the third knock came at the door. Swinging it open, she saw Tobin standing there. Sighing she crossed her arms over her chest and popped her hip out, "What?"

"Can I please come in?" He pleaded with her. Rebecca rolled her eyes in annoyance but, walked away leaving the door open. Taking that as his cue he walked through and closed the door behind him. He followed her to the couch and sat on the opposite end than her. He looked her over. Taking in her body language. She was pissed and while he understood that he knew that she was still open to being his friend because she had let him in. "Will you let me at least explain?" He asked her wanting to confirm that she would hear him out before he started in on what he had to say.

"You have five minutes," she unfolded his arms and started picking at her fingernails. Tobin smiled she did this when she felt vulnerable. That meant that she didn't want to lose their friendship either.

"Okay listen I know that this is all really weird and different. And I know that you are pissed because you feel like I lied and I did in a way and I am sorry for that. But you have to understand at least a little. I grew up with this just being what I know. My father has worked for Vincent's father since he got out of college basically," he watched Rebecca's face for any sign of what she was thinking but she just looked like she was listening and thinking. "Growing up like that, I was always told that if I told anyone that they would be in danger. I couldn't do that to you or Joni or Ros." He looked down and sighed. "I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you. The night in the club when Dom was picked for you to kiss. I tried to steer you in a different direction. I hated lying that's why I left that lunch that was sure to turn into an interrogation by Joni, the other day." Tobin knew that he didn't really have a great excuse for lying to his friends other than their safety but he hoped she would forgive him.

Rebecca took in what Tobin said to her and realized it made sense. She looked up at him with sad eyes. She was sad because Tobin felt like he needed to protect her and as much as she should be thankful, she was hurt that he didn't think she could take care of herself. Even so, she knew that she forgave him. She still wanted some answers though. "Have you ever killed anyone? Do you do drugs? Do you like, get into all the clubs in town and know everyone at them? Is this life why you haven't settled down and you are always flirting with all those hoes? Wait are they like a part of all that? Like you know, hookers or whatever?" She rambled off all the questions she had in her head. When she had asked them all she realized that Tobin was laughing loudly at her. She watched as he grabbed his stomach and bent over trying to catch his breath. She started tapping her foot and waited for him to stop laughing.

Tobin wiped a tear that had fallen from his laughter and tried to compose himself. "I'm sorry but, you need to chill. Maybe watching less tv would be a good idea for you too," he smiled at her. Rebecca rolled her eyes. "But, to answer your questions... I have never killed anyone. I am trained and a great hot though, at least at paper targets... at the gun range. I don't do drugs. Never have. Never will. I don't get into clubs and I don't know anyone of any importance besides you and the girls. I don't settle down because even though I don't want to I know once she finds out about this she will run probably. And I don't know any hookers," he stopped to review her questions in his head hoping that answered all of them. When he was sure he had, he continued, "honestly I am just an accountant. My father may be close to Vincent's and him and I do know of each other but we aren't besties there are no hair braiding sleepovers. I will take over for my father as he will for him but, I don't do all the Mafia stuff."


Rebecca smiles. "Okay, I forgive you. But you are on probation," she says pointedly at him. Tobin nods his head he knows that he will have to be honest with her from here on out. "Are you hungry?" she asks him getting up and heading to the kitchen. She started looking through the cupboards and refrigerator.

"Vincent should be here anytime. I'm sure he would love to take you out to eat. Or maybe you two could stay in for a romantic meal here," he smiled at her with a knowing smile.

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "I don't want anything to do with the man," she half shouted. Walking back to stand in front of him before she started pacing. "I mean really. First, the guy gives me completely mixed signals than informs me that he is completely dangerous and now I can't get rid of him," she starts ranting and throwing her arms in the air.

"Well, I can admit that Vincent can take some getting used to. I am sure that this news is crazy to you so I understand your hesitance with that. But you have to deal. At least until we get the guy. I don't want anything happening to you and wither you, believe it or not, Vincent doesn't either," Tobin smiled as he watched his friend stop her pacing and stare at him taking everything he said into consideration.

"I know that you're right about having to deal with him. I appreciate everything you all are doing and to protect me and even making sure the girls are safe but, I don't think I can do this for long. You have to understand that when I got back from our date, I was kind of thinking that maybe it could go somewhere. Even though both of us had said we weren't looking for anything. I still had a little hope. Now... that's gone," she shrugged looking at the floor. She felt a little embarrassed about how she had felt about Vincent when she had obviously not even known him.

"I understand," Tobin nodded his head. He opened his mouth to say more but noticed the door to the apartment opening. Vincent walked in and motioned for Tobin to not say anything after noticing that Rebecca had her back to him.

"I don't think you do get it. I liked him. Now I just. I don't know. He's obviously a liar," she said throwing her hands in the air. Vincent watched her trying not to laugh at how cute she was when she's angry. "You know how much I hate being lied to, T," Tobin nodded and eyed Vincent. "Espero que un pollo le pique la polla," she with so much emotion that Vincent could not hold in his laughter. Rebecca turned around quickly and glared at him when she saw him. She watched as he laughed uncontrollably. She could feel herself blush before it turned to anger. "Let me guess you speak Spanish as well?" she asked him. Vincent nodded as he continued to laugh.

"I speak many. Nearly all in fact," he told her when he had gotten his laughter under control. "My mother wanted me to be well educated. So, she made sure I spoke any language she felt necessary," he adjusted his jacket. He was not used to losing control of himself like that. Especially in front of one of his men. "Tobin. You can go home," he said in his most authoritative voice. He watched as Tobin looked at Rebecca almost like he was asking her for permission. This didn't sit well with him. He had given an order and Tobin should follow it without question. Looking at Rebecca who's was still glaring at him, he thought better than to speak the order again. Arguing with a woman, this women, in particular, was not on his to-do list at the moment. "I promise I will take care of her," he assures Tobin who gives him a nod.


Tobin walks to Rebecca. Placing a hand on each shoulder he turns her to look at him, "we are good?" He asks wanting to make sure that Vincent showing up hadn't set back their progress. Rebecca nods before looking at Vincent again.

"As long as you don't leave me with him," she sends Vincent a glare before turning back to her friend. "Please stay." Tobin sighs and looks at his boss. He knows that disobeying an order can get him in a ton of trouble even dead but, he's not sure that ignoring Rebecca's plea is any safer.

"I can get in a lot of trouble for not obeying him," he whispers to her. "Please don't make me. He will keep you safe," he sends her a look that he hopes shows how much he is desperate for her to be okay with him leaving. Rebecca looks between the two men. Noticing that Vincent looks like he is losing his patience she finally nods her head and gives Tobin a forced smile. Tobin kisses her on the cheek earning a growl from Vincent. "Thanks, Sugarplum," he says before leaving.

Rebecca stares at the door after Tobin left for a while before finally turning to look at Vincent. "So tell me, Vincent," she said his name with enough venom that Vincent started to rethink his plan. "How are you going to take care of me exactly?" She folded her arms across her chest and started tapping her foot. He was going to regret this.

"You will need to pack some things," he answered her simply. He didn't explain himself and he wasn't going to start now. He watched Rebecca's brows shoot up in surprise.


"Because I said to," she was testing him. Rebecca made no move to do as he told her. Sighing after a minute, "you will be moving in with me until this is all taken care of," he finally explained. He looked at her and smiled at her shocked face.

"No way," Rebecca shouted. "What about Ros? She's staying here because you suggested it." Rosalina had been picked up an hour ago by one of Vincent's men so that she could go get some of her things from her place. She would be back any minute and given recent events would probably worry if Rebecca wasn't there when she returned.

"You will be safer at my place. Ros will be staying with my cousin, Dom." Vincent tried to make his voice sound as if the decision was not up for debate. He walked to the couch and sat down. Crossing his feet on her coffee table, he pulled out his phone to send a text. "Hurry up. I have things to do," he said to her without looking up.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," she stated.

Sighing Vincent looked up at her, "until this is taken care of, you are my responsibility. You staying with me makes everything easier on everyone."

"Is the man outside my door not one of yours?" she asked to make a point. He had men all over her building. Vincent nodded. "So, then I'm safe."

"I can't spare the manpower, if you must know." Vincent looked at her with a glare. He hated explaining himself and here he was doing so for the second time in less than an hour. "There is so much to do and having men here to make sure you are safe is not helping. My building has a tone of security and the only people in the building are my men and their families. It's safer for you. End of discussion," he looks back at his phone.

"I'm. Not. Going." Rebecca was sure that he understood that she meant what she said.

Vincent sighed and stood up. Before she knew what was happening, he had made his way to her and was throwing her over his shoulder. "Hey. Put me down," she yelled as she began to hit his back. Vincent laughed a little not fazed even a little by her.

He continued to carry her all the way to the elevator and waited. As the doors opened. he noticed an older woman already on. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. Vincent sent her a smile and chuckled before stepping on, Rebecca still slung over his shoulder and shouting. "I apologize," he started looking at the women, "my girlfriend gets a little belligerent when she's had too much to drink."

"Liar!" Rebecca shouted and continued to hit his back. "Put me down," she demanded.

Vincent laughed, "you know you can hardly stand let alone walk, pumpkin," he said trying to not laugh at how angry he was sure Rebecca was.

The elevator ding signaled they had reached the lobby and Vincent motioned for the other women to exit first. Smiling she did and Vincent followed her out of the building. "Good luck son," she said waving at him. Rebecca growled and Vincent laughed and sent the women a wave before turning to his car. He was glad he hadn't driven himself this time. His driver stood there with the door open waiting. Bending down so, he didn't hit her head he threw Rebecca into the car and slid in beside her before she could escape. "Take us home," he said to his driver when the man slid into the front seat.

Turning to Rebecca he smiled as he watched her reach as she pouted. "Mamahuevo," she huffed. Vincent laughed loudly, just like he had earlier.

"Why do you insult me in Spanish?" he asked her. He wasn't sure if she was of Spanish descent but he could tell by her accent that it wasn't her first language.

"None of your business."

"Okay," he says as he pulled out his phone again, "we should be home in about twenty," he added before looking down. He pretends he is on his phone but, really, he watches her pout from the corner of his eye. He stares at her lips. He couldn't lie, he would give nearly anything to kiss them again. His eyes moved down her body to her legs remembering how they felt when she wrapped them around him pulling him further to her.

"What about my clothes?" she asks him breaking him from his thoughts about there one and only night together.

"I will send Tobin to get your things," he says clearing his throat and opening a text on his phone.

"He's a guy though."

"He can get your friend across the hall to help," he makes sure to say it in a tone that that tells her the conversation is over so that he can focus on the text that he has reread four times already. Sighing Rebecca leans back on the seat and looks out the window. It was obvious that she wasn't going to win so she figured she would give up for now.

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