《Taking Her Home》Preparing For Action


Vincent leaned against the hood of his car while he waited for Tobin to get out of his car and approach him. "You ready?" He asked him. Tobin nodded and motioned for Vincent to lead the way.

Tobin followed Vincent through the front door of the boss's house. He thought about the fact that he would soon be calling Vincent that instead of his father. For as long as he could remember Francesco had been the boss. That was how he had grown up. His father, Leo, had worked for the family for his whole life. He hadn't grown up in the life but after he had graduated college, he met Francesco, who had just taken over, and offered him the job of a lifetime. He had just asked Tobin's mother to marry him and needed a good job so, he accepted. All these years later, they are close and he had raised Tobin to take over for him when he retired. "Hey man, thanks for this," Tobin decided that he should show his appreciation for allowing him to be a part of what was going on today. He didn't have to and he knew that. He watched Vincent shrug without pausing his walk up the stairs.

Vincent opened his father's office door without knocking. The old man knew he was coming and he would surely be waiting for him. Domenico and Gio were already there. Gio was in his usual place on the couch looking through a magazine about business. Vincent rolled his eyes. For as on edge as his younger brother was most of the time, whenever he entered their father's office he always seemed to relax.

"What is the accountant doing here?" Domenico asked pulling Vincent from his thoughts.

"Rebecca is my best friend so, I'm helping and Don't forget that I was trained like the rest of you," Tobin answers squaring his shoulders. He was not trained exactly like the others were. He had been trained. He could fight if he really had to and he knew how to fire a gun. He was really good at shooting actually. But, never the less, his job in the family didn't require him to be able to defend himself every day so, training was much more limited than the others.


Domenico snorted, "yeah okay. Whatever," he sat down beside Gio on the couch and motioned to the chair beside him. Tobin looked at Vincent for an okay and sat when he got it.

"Okay so, I just want to confirm that Tobin will be a part of this. I will not hear a word from anyone on this. Do I make myself clear?" He asked his cousin and brother who had now put down the magazine and was paying attention. They both nodded that they understood. "Good," Vincent moved to the chair he normally occupied and removed his jacket before sitting down.

"Are we completely sure that Enzo is behind all the going's on?" Francesco asked his son when he was settled in his own chair behind his desk. Vincent nodded they had no doubt. It was Enzo's own right-hand man that paid a visit to Rebecca, who else could be behind it? The man sighed. "I knew that with the coming change in power that there would be some that didn't accept or support Vincent. I just didn't know it would be so blatant."

"I have no problem with showing them that I deserve this position," Vincent barks. Francesco holds up his hand to stop the rant that he is sure his son is about to start in on.

"I know you are more than willing and as glad as I am to hear that, we need to focus on the problem that is Enzo. We need to be smart dealing with him," He looked at each young man as they each nodded their heads agreeing with their boss.

"I agree," Gio says. Turning to his brother before continuing his thoughts, "Enzo is waiting for you to attack because of his threat. He did what he did because he knows a man, especially an Italian man can be crazy when his woman is the subject of a threat. He's playing dirty and we need to play smart." Finishing he sat back on the couch and waited for his brother's protest to what he just said. When it didn't come, he looked up at Vincent and found he was nodding his head.

"You're right. So, blowing up his buildings is not the best idea, I guess," he shrugged. Sighing he stood up and began to pace. The biggest problem with fighting Enzo was that he didn't have anything or anyone that they could really threaten. The man only cared about money and power. But, blowing up his buildings would be giving him what he wanted and that meant that he would be a step or more ahead of him and he would never allow that. He had to come up with something else.


"I still think that having a sit down with him is the best first step," his father spoke after getting tired of watching him pace for several minutes. Vincent sighed and threw himself into his chair.

"The problem is he is ignoring our request," he told his father. "It's like he is waiting for my reaction like Gio said, and it's the only thing he will accept." Francesco nodded his head. He hadn't thought of that.

"I could speak to his father." Vincent's head snapped at his father.

"Absolutely not," he shouted before catching his father's raised brow. "I apologize father. That won't be necessary. I will get the meeting set up my way. Having you do it just proves him right." Vincent turned to look at the other men in the room. "Gio, if it comes down to it, do we have enough men to survive a war?" He wanted to be prepared for all scenarios.

"Not in the states we don't. Not if he has recruited as many men as we think he has," Gio answers him. Vincent watched his brother perk up at the possibility of a war. There hadn't been a big one since the year Gio was old enough to be a part of it and he had been itching for another ever since. He nodded at him to let him know he understood.

"Send for more men. The house in Italy that is training new recruits should have enough new ones to spare or at least know of some looking for some action," Gio nodded as he stood from the couch. Buttoning his jacket, he took long fast strides for the door.

Turning to Domenico, he sighed. He hated having to ask his cousin to do this task again but, it needed to be done once more. "Dom, try setting a sit down again. Whatever it takes. Without killing anyone of course. We need our hands as clean as possible with this for now," he watched Domenico stand. Nodding at each of the men left in the room he left to attempt his task.

"Tobin. I need you to try and smooth things over with Rebecca," Tobin nodded but it was obvious that talking to his friend, while something he wanted to do, was also something he feared doing. Vincent couldn't help but smirk as he watched the man stand up like he was headed for his execution. Too bad she wanted nothing to do with him after all of this. He could see keeping her around at least for a while. What man wouldn't admire a woman who could make grown men tremble especially, men trained for the Mafia. He stopped Tobin as he walked by him, "tell her I will be by to see her soon," Tobin nods and leaves.

"So, I'm guessing you told her then?" Francesco asked his son. Vincent nods looking down at his hands.

"It didn't go well." Francesco laughed causing Vincent to look at him with a questioning look.

"It took nearly two years for your mother to accept the Mafia," he finally answered his son's unasked question once he stopped laughing.

"I don't think I have two years, Padre," he responded shaking his head.

"Figlio, I said it took her two years to accept the Mafia. Not to fall in love with me," his father winked at him and Vincent couldn't help but smile. Maybe all he had to do was get her to fall for him. Did he want that? The only thing he knew for sure was that the thought of not seeing her again after all of this made him want to shoot something. Maybe trying things his father's way wouldn't be so bad. Not if she was the one, he was trying with.

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