《Taking Her Home》The Truth Will Give Her Someone To Talk To


The next morning Joni woke up on Rebecca's couch to pounding. She hadn't gotten drunk the night before so, she assumed it was someone at the door. "Becs!" she shouted not wanting to get up and answer the door. "It's her apartment anyway. I'm no maid," she mumbled to herself. The pounding was still happening at the door and Rebecca was not showing her face. Sighing Joni threw her legs over Rosalina who was laying on the other end of the couch and stomped to the door. Swinging it open she came face to face with Tobin.

"Good morning, Joni," she smiled at him and stepped to the side to let him walk in. As she started to shut the door, she noticed Vincent standing to the side talking with the man from the night before. She watched as they shook hands and the man walked to the elevator pushing the button. Turning back to look at Vincent she noticed him looking at her waiting for her to move so he could enter.

"What's going on?" Rebecca asked as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She looked at the front door and sees Tobin. Changing direction to avoid him, she walked to the couch. She hits Rosalina's leg to wake her and get her to make some room on the couch. Taking a seat, she crosses her arms and looks the opposite direction as her guests.

"You didn't tell me exactly what T did, Bec," Joni said walked to stand next to Tobin. Giving him a look, she hoped one of them would just tell her so she could go across the hall to her place and go back to bed. Rebecca opens her mouth to answer her friend but, as she does, she sees Vincent walk in and send her that smile that she was falling for before last night. Rolling her eyes, she stands up and stomps up the stairs without saying a word. Joni and Rosalina followed her up. Joni stares at her best friend with a look of wonder on her face. She had never seen her act like this and she was sure that she had never seen the women mad at Tobin before.

Rebecca turned around, sending a quick look between the two girls she walked to the top of the stairs and looked down. Vincent was standing at the bottom. "Why are you here?" she asked him. She made sure to show as much attitude as she could. She watches him as he shrugs and takes a step to come up the stairs. She holds a hand up telling him to stop his movement. Vincent does and backs off the stairs holding up his hands in surrender.

"I told you I would be here this morning," he answered her. Rebecca shook her head at him.

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did. It was the last text I sent you last night," Vincent could feel himself getting angry. Why was she lying? He hated liars. Women were liars that's was another reason he didn't like to date. All women lie. He glared at her as he watched her shaking her head at him. Still lying. Clenching his fists, he deepened his glare. Rebecca turned and grabbed her phone from her bedside table and opened it to the message chat they were having the night before. Looking at the last message she realized that he was right. He had told her he was coming.


"I must have fallen asleep," she said looking at the girls before walking back to the top of the stairs. "Sorry. I fell asleep and haven't looked at my phone yet this morning," she saw him give her a curt nod. She turned back around walking to her bed, she sat on it.

"Okay, so what the hell is going on?" Joni said folding her arms. She had had enough of whatever was happening. She really was ready to go home. But she wasn't one to just leave without hearing why the drama was happening. She may have a problem.

"Go ask T and the Godfather," Rebecca mumbles under her breath. Joni looks at Rosalina before she turned and stomped down the stairs. She walked straight to where Vincent stood in the living room and crossed her arms.

Vincent looked down at her and raised a brow. "Can I help you?"

"What the hell is going on? Why is my best friend mad at our other best friend and the first guy she has dated in like, ever?" Joni practically yelled in his face before turning to look at Tobin so he knew that she was asking him the question too.

Vincent smirked when he heard the last part. As he wondered how to ask Joni to elaborate on what she said, he saw Rebecca come flying down the stairs. "Thank you, Joni, you can shut up now," she walks until she is standing between Joni and Vincent. "You can get information without giving out my personal information." Joni shrugged her shoulders and moved to sit on the couch. She looked between her two best friends and Vincent waiting for someone to tell her what was going on.

Vincent finally took a deep breath. "I'm not exactly a night club owner," he told Joni. He watched as Rosalina joined her on the couch. Her interest was obviously now peaked.

"So, you don't really own the club where you met?" Rosalina asked him.

"That's a really pathetic way to pick up girls, dude," Joni commented. Rebecca sent her a glare. Sometimes she wondered why Joni's parents taught her to talk. Her head snapped in Vincent's direction when she heard him snort. He thought her comment was funny?

"I do own the club but," he answered before pausing and turning to look directly at Rebecca, "Are you sure?" Rebecca nodded her head.

"I need to be able to talk to someone about what's going on," she shrugged. Tobin walks closer to her and grabs her elbow to turn her in his direction.

"You can talk to me about any of it," he says with a pleading voice. Rebecca rolls her eyes and scoffs.

"Tell them," she said turning to look at Vincent again. Vincent nodded his head and looked back at Rebecca's friends.

"I'm also in the Mafia," he tells the girls. Rebecca, Tobin, and Vincent watch as the two girls think about what they were just told.


After processing it for a while, Rosalina jumps up from the couch, "I knew it!" She has a smile on her face. The truth is she really did think the rumors were true. She was pretty sure that she had slept with the guy at the door once and she remembered hearing him on his phone when he thought she was asleep, about things that were not exactly legal. She looked at Joni and noticed she was in shock. This surprised her because everyone knew that Joni was all about the gossip in Chicago and some of the biggest gossip in the city was that Vincent Bellandini, was the leader of the Mafia.

"That explains the guy at the door this morning. But, why is he there?" Joni asked after a while of thinking of what to say. Truthfully, she wasn't as surprised as everyone thought she was. She just needed to process the fact that she was right about her theory and that was really rare. She had to decide if she would ask questions or gloat first.

"Last night, after Vince dropped me off, there was a man in my apartment waiting for me. He warned me that Vince was dangerous and I should stay away. I called Vince and he came and over with men to guard the place," Rebecca rattled off the basics of the previous night's events. Vincent though only focused on the fact that she called him Vince. Not many people called him that but, he liked the way it sounded coming from her lips. He thought first it was a slip but, she said it three times. Each time making it harder for him not to smile. "Tobin came too. That's how I found out he is a part of all this too," she continued. Vincent watched as she glared at her friend. He felt a little bad that he was the cause of her being mad at her friend but, more of him was glad that was one less male in the world that she wanted to talk to.

"So, how do you plan to protect my friend?" Joni questioned pulling him from his thoughts. He looked at Rebecca before turning back to her friends.

"I will do whatever I need to in order to keep her safe," he shrugged. He knew they wouldn't understand how important it was to him to make sure she was safe. He didn't even understand it completely. "I apologize for dragging you all into this," he quickly added. "I know you have a fiancé," he said looking a Joni, "I'm assuming he makes you feel safe. But you, are single correct?" He looked at Rosalina. She nodded her head wondering how he knew that. "I looked into all of Rebecca's friends," he answered her unanswered question. He could feel Rebecca glaring at him. He was sure that was something she wasn't happy about but, right now he didn't care. "You should stay with one of them while this is being sorted," he motioned between Joni and Rebecca.

"I can take care of myself," Rosalina crossed her arms in a huff. Vincent sighed. He didn't have time to deal with these girls.

"I insist. I am going to be putting more of my men in and around the building. I don't have enough to spare for two buildings. It would make it much easier," He turns to look at Rebecca in hopes that he will help him in convincing her friend.

"You can stay with me it will be fun," Rebecca says with a smile. The truth was that she had spent the last four years with a roommate in the dorms and she already was hating living alone. Even with Joni right across the hall. And now with everything going on she really didn't want to be alone. Rosalina sighed and nodded her head causing Rebecca's smile to widen. She turns to look at Vincent. He gives her a nod before pulling his phone out.

"Dom, I need full coverage at Rebecca's building," he says into the phone. He hangs up without waiting for a confirmation. He knows that his cousin would never let him down. Turning to look back at Rebecca, "can I talk to you. Alone?" Rebecca looked around the room before nodding and following him to the door. Stepping out he waits for her to look at him before he speaks, "I just want to say that I am really sorry about all this," he sighs. She nods her head and looks down at her feet. "I promise as soon as this is all over, you will never have to see me again," he adds when he realizes she isn't going to say anything. Again, she says nothing so he sighs. Leaning towards her, he places a kiss on her forehead and freezes. He can feel her stiffen and he realizes what is happening. Pulling away, he scratches the back of his neck. "I have to go. But I will check on you later," he tells her before quickly walking away. "What the hell was that?" he muttered under his breath as he got on the elevator.

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