《Taking Her Home》Can You Call Your Dog


Rebecca stared at Vincent trying to really take in what he had just told her. After what seemed to Vincent like hours, he watched a smile spread across her face before she burst into laughter. Vincent raised a brow wondering what was so funny. He continued to watch her laugh loudly. She bent over and held her stomach as she laughed harder. Vincent leaned into the back of the couch and waited for her to sober up. When she did, she looked at him with a big smile still on her face. "That was a good one. You want to really explain now?"

Vincent shook his head. This was going to be harder than she expected. "I'm serious," he said in a tone that he hoped would convey just how serious he was. Rebecca looked at her and squinted her eyes. She leaned back and looked at him from head to toe. She took in the suit from their date that he was still wearing. His shoes were polished to perfection. Besides his hair, he was very put together. She thought about the night they met. The way he fought the guy that was trying to take her home with him. The words Joni had said the other day at lunch hit her. She had asked Tobin if it was true that Vincent was in the Mafia.

"The Mafia, Mafia?" She finally asked him.

Vincent looked at her wondering if that was really the question, she had but, he nodded his head in response. Rebecca opened her mouth to respond but was interrupted but a knock on her door. Vincent stood up and walked to the door. Rebecca started to follow but he held up his hand to stop her. He looked through the peephole and saw his brother, Gio. Opening the door, he saw that Domenico and Tobin were with him. Stepping to the side, he let the three men in.

As soon as Rebecca saw Tobin, she ran to him and threw her arms around his shoulders. Tobin was shocked but, hugged her back. He looked at Vincent over her shoulder and raised his brows. Vincent gave him a curt nod and turned to talk to Domenico.

"How many more men did you bring?" he asked him. He watched as Rebecca and Tobin separated. She grabbed her best friends hand and pulled him past the other two men to the couch.

"There are five more. Two at each entrance and two on this floor," Domenico answered. Vincent nodded in response and turned to look at Rebecca. She was talking to Tobin in a hushed tone. Tobin was nodding but, not saying anything. He took a seat in the chair at the end opposite of the couch and tried to hear what she was telling her best friend.

"How do you two really know each other?" she asked no longer whispering. Tobin looked at Vincent hoping that he would answer so he wouldn't have to be the one that told her. Vincent just looked back at him before gesturing to him to go ahead and tell her. Honestly, he didn't want to be the one to have to tell her that her best friend was a part of this too.

Tobin cleared his throat before looking at her. "I told you. Our father's work together." Rebecca rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "Okay. Okay," Tobin said rubbing the back of his neck, "I wasn't lying when I said our father work together. I was lying, however, when I said that I only knew of Vincent. We may not be friends, like you and I are friends but, we kind of grew up together." Tobin didn't look at Rebecca for a minute after filing her in. When he did, the look on her face sent a jolt through the heart. He knew that she was not only shocked but really, really pissed. Probably more than she had ever been before. "Becs. Look, I understand that you are upset. I do. I really d-," Rebecca lifted a hand to tell him to stop talking and shook her head. She prayed that he wouldn't say another word.


Slowly Rebecca stood up. She looked at each of the three men that stood in her living room before she walked to her door and opened it. Turning to look at the men again she noticed that each of their faces held a look of wonder. She let out a snort. Did they really wonder what she was doing? "I would like you all to leave now," she motioned to the open door. When none of them made a move to do as she asked her crossed her arms over her chest hoping to look like she meant business. She looked down at her feet and took a deep breath, "please." She heard movement so, she looked back up. She watched Domenico walk out without looking back. Tobin came behind him, stopping in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Sugar Plum," Tobin said taking a deep breath. He opened his mouth to beg her to forgive him but, she shook her head and looked back down. He understood that she wasn't ready to hear any more. He just hoped that would change sooner rather than later. "Love you," he kissed her head quickly before walking out. Rebecca stood at the door waiting for Vincent to leave but, after a couple of minutes, he still hadn't done so. Looking in the direction of the living room, she saw that he was still sitting in the same chair he had been before she left to couch.

Walking closer to him she put her hands on her hips and began tapping her foot. Vincent looked up at her and smirked when he saw her trying to be intimidating. "You know you are really cute when you try to be tough." Rebecca rolled her eyes and motioned to the door. "Oh, you think I'm leaving? No, I'm not going anywhere," he shook his head.

"What do you mean you're not going anywhere? I asked you to leave. Your men left, you need to also," she screamed at him. She watched as he shook his head and stood up walking towards her slowly.

"I can't just leave you unprotected." He stopped in front of her and leaned so close that she could smell the wine they had with dinner earlier.

Rebecca took a step back and squared her shoulders, trying once again to look like she meant business, "didn't your guy say that he brought five men to guard the place? If that's true, you don't need to be here too." Rebecca heard her voice waver but, she hoped that Vincent hadn't heard it.

Vincent smiled. He had heard how nervous she was. He hoped it was because they were closer in proximity and not because she was afraid of him. He had never done anything to hurt a woman and she would definitely not be the exception. "Do I make you nervous?" he asked as smiled wider when he watched her eyes look around the room at anything but him. "Look, I will sleep on the couch. I just want to make sure you are safe," he held his hands up in surrender.

Rebecca shook her head. She didn't want him anywhere near her. At least not right now. She needed to think. "I don't want you here. If you were so worried about my safety maybe you should have just left me alone. I seem to be in this mess because of you." She finally looked him in the eye and watched as his darken. Vincent clenched his fists he hated to admit it but, she was right. She was in danger because of him. Who was he kidding thinking any different? Nodding his head, he brushed past her stomping to the door. He swung it open and looked back at her opening his mouth to say something before he shook it and left slamming the door behind him.


Rebecca stood there for several minutes just staring at the door. She couldn't help running all the information through her head. Vincent was in the Mafia. Some guy was threatening her because he was in the Mafia. She was in danger because Vincent was in the Mafia. The worst fact though was that her best friend who she had known most of her life, had lied to her. Walking to her kitchen counter she picked up her phone and dialed the only person she thought she could talk to about everything, Joni.

"Can you come over?" she asked her when she heard Joni answer. Not even five minutes later there is a knock on the door. Answering the door Rebecca sees a man she didn't know and opened her mouth to scream before he moved out of the way revealing Joni and Rosalian. Looking between the girls and the man she raised a brow. "Do you know these two?" the man asked. Rebecca nodded her head. The man turned to look at the girls before bowing to them, "ladies," he said moving out of the way fully so they could enter the apartment. Rebecca eyed the man, "Felice," he answered her unasked question. "Please let me know if you need anything." Felice turned around and resumed his post without another word.

Rebecca shut the door and turned to be met with her two friends. "Geez," she said jumping from the shock. Pushing past them she walked to the couch and took a seat. "I figured I would have woken you up," she looked at Joni.

"Ha! Are you kidding you had a date tonight! I was waiting to hear all about it. Ros called earlier and I told her about it so, she came over to wait for you to get back," Joni waved her arms around as she talked. "So how was it? And who is the guy at the door?" she bounces around with excitement. Rebecca opens her mouth to start telling her but, realizes that she probably can't tell them about Vincent and Tobin.

"It's the Mafia after all doesn't that sort of thing get you whacked?" She thought to herself. Shaking her head, she tries to think of what to tell her friends but, she can't think of anything. She sucks at lying and they would know if she did. Instead of saying anything she starts to cry. She had no one she could talk to about this. The more she realized the trouble she was in the more tears that poured from her. She felt two sets of arms wrap around her and heard both girls trying to soothe her.

"Tell us what happened. If he hurt you, we will support you through whatever you need to do. I will drive you to the police station myself," Joni said. Rebecca felt Rosalian nodding her head in agreement. Knowing that her friends would be there for her in situations like Joni had just mentioned made her heart swell. She shook her head and sat up straighter causing the girls to unwrap themselves from her. She looked from one friend to the other and smiled.

"The date was great. Really, really great," she smiled wider when she realized that she wasn't lying to them. "I just don't think there will be a second one," she quickly added before Joni jumped in with both feet asking questions about it. "Can we maybe just have a girl's night?" Rosalian nodded her head before jumping up and heading for the kitchen. Joni started clapping her hands and grabbed the tv remote.

"Okay, you seriously need to get some groceries in this place," Rosalian said as she walked back to the couch. She threw each girl a water bottle and sat down. "And you seriously need to tell me who the hottie is at your door," she wiggled her eyebrows at Rebecca who rolled her eyes.

"Can we please just watch a movie and not talk about anything else for the rest of the night?" Rebecca prayed her friends would just do as she asked because she didn't have a clue how to explain the guy outside her apartment. Looking at each of them with a pleading look she sighed when they both agreed.

Two hours later, Joni and Rosalian had both fallen asleep. Rebecca, on the other hand, was exhausted but couldn't sleep. Getting up, she walked to the counter to grab her phone before she headed upstairs to her room. She decided that she would text Vincent.

She didn't have to wait long for a reply.

She sighed after reading the text. She felt herself getting angrier.

Rebecca sat down on her bed and began to stew on the conversation she was having with Vincent.

Rebecca read his text and something told her that she actually wouldn't be that happy if he left her alone. She had a great time with him every time they were together and besides the whole Mafia thing, he was a really great guy. She knew she couldn't tell him that though. It would be better if they cut ties as soon as this was over.

She asked the question she really wanted to know. She guessed that he wouldn't be too happy if she told the girls what was happening but, he wouldn't let the guy leave so she had to come up with something. They wouldn't take no answer, for an answer for long.

Rebecca was shocked when she read his answer. Before she could reply he sent another message.

She rolls her eyes as she reads the words that she guesses he said only to get her to swoon. Well too bad for him, she wasn't going to.

She plugged her phone in and crawled into bed. She didn't realize she was as tired as she was and she was asleep as soon as she laid down.

Vincent read her text and smiled. He figured she wouldn't bite when he sent the last text but, part of him actually meant it. He didn't trust some of his closest men. But with Rebecca, he felt he could completely trust her.

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