《Taking Her Home》In the Mafia


Rebecca stopped screaming out loud but, in her mind she still was. She looked around the room wondering if she could get to the bathroom and lock the door before the man could catch her. Maybe it would be better to run out the door and across the hall to Joni's apartment. She remembered that it was pretty late and Joni and Isaac were both most likely asleep. She eyed the man as she took deep breaths trying to think of an escape route.

"Rebecca? Correct?" the man asked her calmly. She quickly whipped her head to look him directly in the eye. She nodded her head and looked him over wondering if maybe she knew him. His dual brown eyes look as unfamiliar as they looked honest. He was extremely tall; she was sure that she would remember someone as tall as him. "You don't know me but, I know you. Or of you anyway," he said as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and took a seat on Rebecca's couch. She watched him but did not move or say anything. "My name is Dito. I'm here to deliver a message from my boss. You know a Vincent Bellandini correct?"

Rebecca was shocked that this had something to do with Vincent. She nodded her head again still too afraid to say anything to this intimidating man sitting in her living room. "Who. What. What do you want?" she finally was able to stutter out. Ditto sighed and looked at her from head to toe and back before standing up again.

He walked to stand in front of her and leaned in close to her. Rebecca froze. "It would be in your best interest to stay away from Vincent. I hope I won't have to, but I will come back if I need to," he whispered in her ear before standing up straight again and walking out of Rebecca's apartment.

Rebecca stood in the same place for a few a while before letting out the breath that she was holding and turning to look at her door. Rushing to it she flung it open and looked down the hall both ways. Not seeing anyone she slammed the door and locked it. Pulling on it to make sure that there was no way to get in, she grabbed her phone from her clutch and ran upstairs to her room. She quickly sends a text to Vincent before going to take a shower hoping to wash off the uneasy feeling Dito had given her.


Vincent had gotten a call from Dominico, the minute he reached the bottom floor of Rebecca's building. He was needed at the club. When he got there, Dominico met him at the door and told him that a young boy had been sent to deliver a message to Vincent. The boy had told Dominico that he was under strict orders to only speak the message in Vincent's presence. "Bring him to my office," he tells Dominico before turning and heading up the stairs to his office. He was now in a foul mood. He had such a great time with Rebecca earlier and now this. Stomping to his desk he took the seat behind it and waited for his men to bring him the boy.

Five minutes later, Dominico walked in with a boy that could not be more than fifteen. The boy looked nervous and Vincent figured that it must be his first job. Message boys, as they were usually referred to, were safe no matter what. They were not loyal to anyone specific family, instead, they were the go between's used to avoid bloodshed. "Speak," Vincent commanded after waiting for the boy to deliver the message he was paid to.

"Um. Uh," The boy stuttered. Vincent rolled his eyes and sighed.

"It's okay. No matter what you say, you are safe," he spoke to the boy in a calm tone even though he wasn't feeling very calm. He understood the boys' nervousness and just wanted to hear the message and get this over with. The boy nodded before taking a deep breath and looking up so Vincent could see his face.

"Vincent should not get comfy. He will never be boss," the boy finally said quickly. Vincent raised his brows in shock. No wonder the boy was so nervous, he was delivering a threat and he knew that it would make him mad. He opened his mouth to ask who sent him but, Dominico beat him to it.

"I don't know," the boy shook his head. Vincent stood up and rounded his desk to look the boy in the eye. He searched for any sign that the boy was lying but, he found none. Nodding his head he waved his hand to tell Dominico to see the boy out and went to sit back in his desk chair.

His phone pinged and he picked it up seeing that he had a message from Rebecca. He couldn't help but smile. He couldn't lie, he was happy that she was already getting in touch with him. That had to mean that she had a good time too. He opened it as Domenico walked back into the room. Vincent looked up and placed it phone down to give his cousin his attention. He would read the message when he was done talking about the current problem. "Do you think it was from Enzo?" Domenico asked him sitting in the chair across from him. Vincent nodded and looked back at his phone. He really wanted to see what Rebecca had to say. Dominico noticed Vincent's actions and smirked. "How was the date?" he asked him.


"It was fine," Vincent snapped. He knew his cousin was going to give him a hard time about it because Vincent didn't date ever. It was a huge deal that he had taken Rebecca to dinner and he knew everyone would be talking soon. And Domenico would be at the center of it. He looked down at his phone again. His hands itching to pick it up.

"Just check it," he heard Domenico sigh. Grabbing the phone, he opened the message that Rebecca had sent him.

Why did some guy name Dito, break into my place and tell me to stay away from you?

Vincent's eyes grew as he read the message. His head snapped up to look at his cousin than back down at his phone. He pushes the call button beside her name. Holding the phone to his ear, he stands and begins to pace. "What is it, cousin?" Domenico asks. Worry laced in his voice. Vincent holds a finger up to silence him when he hears the phone stop ringing and Rebecca's voice.

"You have reached Rebecca's phone. Leave me a message and I will call you back at my earliest convince." Vincent takes a deep breath when he realizes it is her voicemail. Has Dito hurt her?

"Rebecca. Stay in your apartment. Lock all the doors and windows. I will be there as soon as possible. I am leaving now," he rattles off a message hoping that she is okay and just missed his call. Turning to look at Domenico he masks the worry that he is feeling and gets serious. "Get more men to Rebecca's place. Now. Meet me there when you are done," he quickly instructs. Receiving a nod of understanding from him, Vincent turns and runs to his car.

It only took Vincent ten minutes to get back to Rebecca's place due to speeding through the streets of Chicago. He ran into the building and pushed the up button repeatably. Finally, the doors opened and he got in hitting her floor and the door shut buttons. When he finally reached her front door, he began to pound on it. "Rebecca, it's Vincent open up please," he shouted. After waiting for what he was sure was forever, the door swung open and he saw Rebecca's face. Her really pissed face he was guessing. "Thank God you're okay," he said in relief.

Rebecca took a step back and made enough space that Vincent could come in. "Are you here to explain?" she asked him shutting the door behind him. She watched Vincent walk to her couch and take a seat. He turned this head to look at her and patted the couch seat beside him for her to sit down.

"I'm really glad that you're okay," he said when she finally sat down beside him. Rebecca nodded and just looked at him. She really looked at him. His hair earlier in the night had been slicked back and perfect. Now it was messier like he had been constantly running his hands through his hair since he left her place an hour ago. "I can explain. If you're willing to hear me out," he paused and waited for Rebecca to nod her head in agreement before he continued. "You have to promise that you will listen to me completely before freaking out," he added quickly. Again, Rebecca nodded. She was nervous about what Vincent had to tell her. The man, Dito, had scared her earlier and she could only imagine what Vincent's explanation was going to be. Rebecca watched him take a deep breath and look at his hands that were folded in his lap. He took another breath and ran his hands through his hair. She was beginning to think that he was nervous. Which didn't help her nerves at all.

Rebecca cleared her throat and drew his attention to her. She raised an eyebrow wondering if he was going to continue. Deciding that it was better to not show how nervous she was, so she squared her shoulders and raised her chin. "Go ahead and explain," she said crossing her arms across her chest. Vincent used every ounce of strength he had to not check her out. He nodded and looked her right in the eye.

Taking a deep breath, he knew he was just going to have to say it. "I'm in the mafia."

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