《Taking Her Home》First Date


Vincent was waiting for Rebecca when she got off work. She smiled at him as she walked toward him. "You look nice," she said.

"Don't I always?" he frowned and looked down at his suit and tie. Rebecca blushed.

"Yes, you do. I just thought I would compliment you on it," she looked down at her feet. Vincent reached out and lifted her head with two fingers under her chin.

"You look very nice too," he nearly whispered. Rebecca felt herself blush again and mentally cursed herself. This blushing thing was getting out of control.

"I'm in scrubs," she motioned to her work attire. "Any chance we can swing by my place so I can change?"

Vincent nodded and they walked out of the building. He opened her door for her making sure that she was in before shutting it and walking to his side to get in. It took twenty minutes to reach Rebecca's building. The entire drive they both were silent. Rebecca listened to the music coming from the radio that was just loud enough to hear. The song was one of her favorites and she relaxed into the seat. Vincent watched her from the corner of his eye he was glad that she felt comfortable enough around him to relax as much as she seemed to be.

Vincent shut the car off and looked at her. "You don't mind if I come up with you, do you?" He wanted to make sure that her place was secure. He could have one of his men disguise themselves as a handyman or something and check it out, but the only person he trusted completely to get the job right was his self.

"Of course not," Rebecca answered reaching for her doors handle. Vincent reached for her grabbing her wrist to stop her movement. She looked back at him with a questioning look.

"I will get your door," he simply said before opening his and getting out. His mother would have his head if he let a woman open a door. He jogged quickly to her side and opened the door offering his hand to help her out. Rebecca smiled at him and took his hand.

They walked to the elevator waiting for it to come down from its current level. Rebecca could feel the warmth of Vincent's hand on her back and surprisingly she didn't feel uncomfortable. There was something about him that made her feel at ease and safe.

When they got to her apartment Rebecca unlocked the door. Vincent followed her in and shut the door. "I will be quick," she said as she headed for the stairs.

"Take your time," he said looking over his shoulder. Rebecca nodded and headed upstairs to take a quick shower. Vincent turned back to the door and turned the deadbolt, locking and unlocking it several times to make sure that it locked properly. Afterward, he checked the windows and made sure that there were no cameras or bugs. When he was satisfied that there was nothing to find downstairs, he listened for Rebecca's movement upstairs. The water was running. Assuming that she was still in the shower he made his way up the stairs to check everything up there.


He checked the window, looked for camera's and bugs in her end tabled and under her bed before walking into her walk-in closet to check there. While he looked for anything suspicious in her closet, he didn't hear her open the door to the bathroom.

Rebecca walked out of the bathroom and went to her closet. She was in deep thought about what to wear on this unexpected date and didn't notice Vincent who froze when she walked in. She grabbed a pair of panties and a matching bra before she turned in the direction he was standing. When she saw him, she let out a blood-curdling scream.

Vincent rubbed the back if his neck, "this isn't what you think?" he said in more of a question than a statement. Rebecca's grip on her towel tightened and she raised an eyebrow. She was trying not to freak out but she was wondering what the hell he was doing in her damn closet.

"What is it then?" she asked him. Looking down she made sure that her towel was covering the most vital parts of her anatomy. Even though she had slept with him already and he'd seen it all, she had said no sex and she meant it.

"Um. I was. I wanted to make sure you had a dress appropriate for where we are going," he stuttered out. He never got nervous, but this was a more awkward situation than he had ever been in. He wasn't even sure what he had just said to her.

Rebecca thought that his stuttering was kind of cute or at least would have been if what he said hadn't fully registered and she realized that what he said was kind of rude. "Do you not like the way I dress?" she asked him folding her arms across her chest and popping out a hip. Vincent looked down at her chest quickly taking note of the way she folded her arms really accentuated her breasts. Biting his lip, he looked back up to look her in the eyes. "Is that why you sent the dress for the gala?" She started pacing causing Vincent to laugh a little. She stopped and looked at him.

Sobering up quickly he decided he should answer her. "No. I sent you the dress because I saw it and thought you would look amazing in it. And I was right. I didn't mean to offend you by what I said," he walked toward her. He could tell she tensed a little by the tightened hold in her towel. He felt himself smirk, "I will let you get dressed." He started to slip past her. He stopped and leaned into her ear, "I really like the red one," he whispered and went back downstairs.

Rebecca released a breath she didn't realize she was holding and walked into her closet. She looked at her dresses hanging up and grabbed the only red one hanging there. Pulling it out she looked at it. It was a form-fitting dress that reached to just below her knees. It was sleeveless on one side and the other was a thickened piece of fabric that started below her chest. The dress was one of her favorites. She didn't normally just buy dresses, but she had seen this one on one of the random shopping trips that Joni had drug her on and loved it. She slipped it and went in search for some heels to go with it.


It only took her about ten more minutes to get ready. Taking a deep breath, she went downstairs to find Vincent on the phone and pacing. "I don't care if it's inconvenient," he said to whoever he was talking to. Turning around he caught a glimpse and paused his pacing. "Just make sure it's done by the time I arrive," he ended the call. Walking to where Rebecca was his eyes ran up and down her body. She looked even better in the dress then he thought she would. "You look perfect," he whispered just loud enough for her to hear and cause her to blush a couple shades of red.

"Thank you," she whispered back.

Vincent turned and walked toward the door, "we should get going," he looked over his shoulder. Rebecca followed him out the door. Locking it behind her. Vincent reached back to place his hand on the small of her back. He reached out and checked the door before.

They pulled up in front of Mangia Per Vivere. Vincent got out and opened Rebecca's door before handing the keys to the valet and leading her inside. Inside was beautifully decorated. Rebecca was in awe. Vincent placed his hand on the small of her back as he gave his name to the hostess. The hostess led them to a very privately placed table. Vincent pulled her chair and pushed it in for her. He sat across from her before looking at the hostess, "please bring my lovely date the wine list," he smiled over at Rebecca. She was a little shocked. Vincent seemed like the kind of guy that would choose the wine because he knew what was best.

The hostess walked away swaying her hips making Rebecca laugh a little. She completely understood he was hot. "So, tell me something about yourself, Rebecca," Vincent leaned forward with his hands folded in front of him in the table. She didn't know what to say. He didn't look like the type of guy that would really be interested in normal things. She thought about their coffee date and how he had actually listened to what she had to say.

"There's not a lot to tell," she shrugged and bit her lip. Vincent laughed causing her head to snap up. She raised a brow at him, "What's so funny?" He shrugged.

"I just don't believe you. You seem like you would be very interesting. Tell me about your family. Do you have any siblings?" Rebecca shook her head.

"Nope. Just me. I mean my best friend Joni is like a sister. Her parents are like another set of parents," she shrugged and looked up at Vincent. He nodded his head in understanding. They spent the next several hours eating and Vincent getting to know her. Rebecca tried hard to get to know him, but he seemed to avoid most of her questions. All she really learned about him was that family was super important to him and that he had two brothers and sisters. Also, the guy she kissed the night they met, was his cousin. On the other hand, she had told him all about how she and Joni met, about her favorite foods, and nearly every bit of her boring college years.

"It's getting late," Vincent said after a while. He didn't want the night to end but he had learned a lot about Rebecca which pleased him. He noticed that she was getting frustrated when he avoided questions so he thought it best to end the night.

Vincent walked Rebecca to the door of her apartment, "I really enjoyed getting to know you, Rebecca," he reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He had resisted touching her all night and couldn't anymore.

"I did too," she blushed and bit her lip.

Vincent took a step closer to her and lifted his hand to cradle her head. Rubbing his thumb across her cheek he finally did what he had really wanted to all night. Leaning in, he covered her lips with his own. It was not like they had kissed the night of the gala. It was a simple yet Rebecca felt her whole-body heat from it. Separating, Vincent rested his forehead against hers, "can I see you again?" Rebecca was so in shock that he wanted to see her again, that she was afraid if she tried to talk, she wouldn't be able to so she just nodded her head. Vincent smiled his perfect smile again and she felt her knees go weak. "Good. Thank you again for tonight," Vincent said and turned without another word or look and walked toward the elevator.

Rebecca watched him get on and turn and waved as the doors closed. She smiled and waved back before unlocking her door. She understood now what it meant when girls said they were on cloud nine. She couldn't wait to tell Joni, but it was late. It would have to wait until tomorrow. She flipped on the light in the kitchen and turned around and let out a scream.

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