《Taking Her Home》Kissing Frogs


Vincent was almost finished with all the paperwork when Dominico and Gio walked into his office. He looked up at them before looking back at the contract he's was currently reading. "Is everything good?" He asked without looking back up.

"A little problem but, it was already dealt with," Dominico said, he and Gio walking over to the big window that overlooked the club. Vincent nodded realizing it would be the same problem Roco already told him about.

"There are a ton of hot girls here tonight," Gio said before whistling.

"Agreed, but that's every night boys," Roco said standing and walking over to look with them.

"Will you idiota's shut up," Vincent barked at them rolling his eyes. He knew the smug look on Roco's face was mostly because he was proud of the beautiful women, he had brought into the club with his policies on making sure they were able to feel safe drinking and dancing here without any chance of being unwantedly harassed. Roco had made it his priority when one of his friends' girlfriends had been felt up by some guy when she was out for a girl's night once. It was also because he thought he was a lady's man.

"Brother, you need to get laid," Gio said turning to look at him. Vincent flipped him off before going back to the contract.

Roco walked back to the chair he was sitting in before leaning back getting comfortable, "Vince better get ready to settle down. Father may do the same as Grandfather did to him and require that he marry before he takes over."

He started to chuckle, "I don't think so. Not happening. You know that I don't like the dedication rule so I will not be getting married," he leaned back in his chair and looked at his brothers. "I only like Italian women and being with only one for the rest of my life is not my idea of fun," he finished standing up and buttoning his suit jacket. "Let's go have a drink, boys. Before I have to go." He picked up the stack of papers, handing them back to Roco who ran them across his office and met them at the top of the stairs leading down to the main floor.

They walked down the stairs and headed towards the bar. As they crossed the club, Joni noticed that the big bad boy was back. She stood up and pointed in the direction of the four men, "Look! He's back," she shouted causing the group to stand up and look down.

Joni turned to look at Rebecca, "what are you waiting for? Go," she pushed her towards the exit of the room. Isaac started walking towards her.


"Come on little sis," let's get this craziness over so I can take my fiancé home. She's had too much to drink I think," he whispered in her ear causing her to laugh and nod her head in agreement.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs Isaac stopped and turned to look at Rebecca, "you don't really have to do this, you know?"

She waved her hand around to dismiss him, "it's fine," she said. She was drunk enough that she didn't even see a problem in what she was doing at all. She turned and went straight towards the group of scary looking men. She noticed as she got closer, he was really big at least a foot taller than her. How was she going to do this? Stopping right in front of Dom, Rebecca wiggled her pointer finger at him. Dom looked at the guys in his group who in turn all shrugged. Roco was smirk and nodded his head so, he leaned down to her height. Rebecca threw her arms around his neck kissed him right on the mouth.

The whole group of men just stared wide-eyed at her as she giggled and ran back towards Isaac. They turn and head back upstairs.

"Man, what did you do to get that hottie to want to kiss you?" Roco asked Domenico nudging his shoulder.

Domenico stood there in shock a little blinking his eyes before shrugging with a little smirk. "The ladies love them some Dom," he said. All the guys rolled their eyes and continued on to the bar laughing a little with each other.

As Vincent followed the guys, he turned and watched Rebecca and Isaac head back up to the VIP section. He found himself smirking at what she had done. Dom was a big guy and most people were intimidated. He knew there was a large chance that she was too drunk to even think about that fact but he felt slightly jealous she had chosen Dom and not him. There was something about her. He was intrigued. He shook his head and dismissed the thoughts he was having and ordered a drink.

Rebecca and Isaac walked back into the VIP section where their friends were still at and they all started screaming. Rebecca was nearly tackled by Joni and Rosalina. "I can't believe you actually did that," Joni said jumping up and down with excitement.

"Okay, babe. Time to go home," Isaac said wrapping his arm around Joni's waist. Joni turned to look at him with puppy dog eyes and sticking her lip out in a pouting manner. "You have had enough to drink and I have an early morning meeting," he continued before turning to bro hug Tobin really quick, making sure that he could handle the two girls that were left. He was satisfied when Tobin told him he would be fine with them.


"Fine," Joni said sighing and hugging both of her girlfriends. "I guess I have to go now," she folded her arms across her chest causing everyone to laugh at her. Everyone just used to Joni acting like she was a five-year-old. She was under the impression that the world was supposed to be handed to her, mostly because her parents had yet to tell her that it wasn't. They all loved her though and that would never change.

After Joni and Isaac left, Rosalina ran to the bar and asked for a round of shots to be delivered to their table. "More is on the way!" She shouted flopping down beside Rebecca. "I still can't believe you did something that crazy and that guy was h..." she trailed off as she turned in Rebecca's direction and noticed the door open. Her eyes grew wide which caused Rebecca to turn just in time to see the guy she had just kissed downstairs along with three other guys.

Turning back around, she looked at Rosalina with big eyes, "Oh no," she said in a tone that caught Tobin's attention also. She threw her hand over the side of her face in the hope that the man wouldn't recognize her. "Can we go now?" She asked her two friends.

They both looked at each other before bursting into laughter and shaking their heads no. "Here you go guys," the waitress said setting down the shots that Rosalina and ordered and nearly forgotten about. Rebecca didn't miss that Tobin shifted slightly so he was leaning again the back of the booth like he was trying to hide behind Rosalina.

"Can we have another round. Doubles this time," Rosalina asked smiling at her before pushing all three shots towards Rebecca who lifted an eyebrow in question. "Take them all than you won't even care."

Taking a deep breath, she took all three shots, one after the other. Slamming down the last shot glass on the table, she scrunched up her nose. "I think I'm going to be sick," she said while rubbing her stomach.

"Vince. Hello?" He heard his brother shouting his name bringing him back from his thoughts about the small, slightly tan skinned women who had caught his attention tonight. He looked up at Roco who was standing over him with a raised eyebrow. "Did you hear what I said? We have a problem and I need you to take care of it. It's not my area of expertise, if you know what I mean," Roco pointed towards the door to signal that Vincent was going to need to leave the room.

He nodded his head and stood up. He shot one more look in Rebecca's direction before turning and following his brothers and cousin out of the room. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Roco, "What's going on?" He asked him.

Roco took a deep breath, "Enzo and some of his goons decided to grace us with their presence tonight."

Vincent rolled his eyes and groaned. Enzo was the last person he wanted to deal with tonight. The Morandi's were supposed to have learned their lesson tonight and he and his men were supposed to be celebrating that exact thing. "I'm going to my office. Get him and his men in there. NOW," he stomped off.

Rebecca had watched the men walk out if the room and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as soon as the door shut. She was drunk, but not drunk enough to confront the person she practically assaulted with her lips.

Rosalina stood up and grabbed her by the hands, "dance with me Becs," she shouted as she began to swing her hips around and wave her hands in the air. Rebecca laughed before joining her friend.

Enzo sits in the chair in front of the desk and crosses his legs at the ankles, "we just wanted to celebrate my father handing the family over to me, and we wanted to do it at the best damn club in town," he motioned to the club so Vincent understood that he was complimenting him while he insulted him at the same time by just being anywhere near him after his threats earlier.

Vincent laughed, looking at his brother and cousin before back at Enzo, "you are Boss now?" He asked him, pointing laughed, looking, but realizing that Enzo's father was just stupid enough to actually turn the family over to the man child.

Enzo nodded and stood up, buttoning up his black suit jacket. "If that is all boys? I will take my men and leave your establishment," he walked closer to Vincent as he stood from his desk, "I guess we'll be seeing a lot more of each other huh? Oh, wait that's right, you're not boss yet." He turned and walked out of the door as Vincent lunged after him but was stopped by Gio.

"He's not worth it brother," Gio patted him in the chest. Vincent shook him off walking to the window and looking down to make sure that he saw Enzo leaving. What he saw pissed him off even more though.

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