《Taking Her Home》Get The Party Started


"I can't believe that you never told us you had the hookup, T," Joni shouted, pulling on the side of her black satin dress that stopped at the top of her thigh and had a little slit the sides were open showing a little side boob. Isaac told her he loved it so she wore it, but wasn't totally comfortable in it. One of the things she loved about him most is that he worked hard to push her out of her comfort zone. She would willingly admit that she was a spoiled rich girl when they met. She projected all the confidence in the world, but deep down didn't really have any. Isaac had changed that. The look in his eye when she had shown him the dress on her, had given her the boost of confidence to leave the house in it. But now she thought about how others may be looking at her the same way.

"You look amazing and you are safe with me," Isaac whispered as if he had read her mind. She stopped fidgeting and smiled at him.

Rebecca watched their interaction and sent her a wink when she looked at her. She loved their relationship, it gave her goals. "Yeah, T," she swung her eyes to their friend, trying to look mad. "What the hell?"

Tobin had gotten them all past the line and said he even could get them into the VIP area. "What can I say, everyone loves me," T said as he popped his collar. The rest of the group rolled their eyes at the same time. "But seriously, my dad knows the owner's dad. They went to school together or something. So, dad hooked it up for graduation," he said before turning around and waving down the bartender.

Tobin looked at the group, "what are we drinking tonight?" He asked them.

"Tequila, obviously," Rosalina shouted, causing everyone to groan. "What?" she asked. Rosalina loved tequila, but everyone didn't exactly love her after a couple of shots. She was loud and crazy sober. Give her some tequila and no one was safe.

"Can we do vodka or something else tonight. Please," Isaac, Joni's fiancé begged. He just graduated law school and was staring at his father's law firm on Monday, a hangover all weekend was not the way he planned on preparing.

Rosalina sighed, "fine, vodka's all around," she shouted and waved her hand in a circular motion at the bartender who nodded his head and started setting shot glasses on the bar.

The group all took their shots before the girls decided it was time to go dance a little. Joni held on to Rosalina and Rebecca's hands dragging them towards the dance floor as she shouted, "let's get this party started," causing the whole group to laugh. They danced with each other while the two guys watched to make sure that no one bothered them. They took pride in always making sure the girls were safe when they went out.

"Thanks for getting us in here tonight, T," Isaac said while watching his future wife grind on her best friends.

"Not even a thing," Tobin said back laughing as he watched Rosalina nearly fall over from Joni grinding too roughly against her. "Maybe we should take the girls to VIP. It might be safer," he laughed. Isaac nodded in agreement.


The guys walked to where the girls we are dancing. Isaac wrapped his arm around Joni's waist and leaned into her ear. "Let's go check out VIP," he said and she nodded happily.

Tobin led the way and gave his name to the bouncer that was guarding the area. After checking his list, he turned and opened the door, revealing a set of stairs. The group climbed them to the top where they were met with another bouncer that stood with a door on either side of him. "Name?"

"Tobin D'angelo," he said his full name proudly.

"Oh, are you Salvo's son?" The guard asked him. Tobin nodded his head as the others looked at each other wondering what was going on. The guard turned and opened the door to the left of him before stepping to the side for them all to enter. "Enjoy, Sir," he said before shutting the door.

The others raised their eyebrows at him, but Tobin just shrugged, "must be a VIP thing," he cleared his throat nervously. "You know got to treat us extra special." He walked further into the room. Rebecca looked at Joni as if to say that they would both be making sure to ask T what that was really all about.

Looking around the room they were all amazed at the scene in front of them. The room was completely white. From the walls to the furniture. It was dark in except where there were bright spot lights lining the floor and the bar. There was a glass half wall overlooking the dance floor so they could still hear the music and be a part of the club vibe.

"What can I get you?" a waitress asked. They each ordered their favorite drink. Rosalina, of course, added a round of shots for them before standing up and beginning to dance again. Rebecca and Joni joined her as they laughed.

"I can't believe that we are finally done with school," Joni said. "Finally, time to start our lives."

"Speak for yourself," Rosalina said. She was starting medical school after the summer. She sometimes wasn't sure if she made the right decision. Rebecca had done nurse practitioner and Rosalina had thought about it, but her parents had pushed for her to become a pediatrician so that she could join them in their practice. Rosalina didn't even like kids, but had agreed none the less. It was hard, at least for her, to tell her parents 'no.'

"Ros at least you will have a built-in job as soon as you graduate," Joni placed her hand on her shoulder and shook her, "and you have the entire summer to party," she got louder as she spoke causing the others to huller and giggle.

"Girls, drinks," Isaac shouted to get their attention. They all ran over to the couch the guys were sitting on. Everyone grabbed a shot glass, they clinked them together and shouted "cheers!" before slamming them back.

Rebecca slumped down on the couch next to Tobin and took a deep breath before putting her head on his shoulder. "What's with you Sugar Plum?" He asked her. She smiled at hearing his nickname for her.


"I just don't feel like I'm where I should be in life by now," she said picking at her nails. Tobin started laughing, but stopped when she gave him a look that said she was serious.

"What are you talking about? Your life is just starting. You have a great job already, a great apartment and the best friends ever! What more could you ask for?" he waved his hands around like she should take in the splendor that was her life. Rebecca laughed and turned to look at him.

"I know, but look at Joni, she's getting married. She has the guy," she shook her hands in her best friends' direction who was sitting on Isaac's lap making out with him. "I didn't even go out on more than one date through the entire span of college." This caused Tobin to bust out in a fit of laughter. Rebecca slapped him on the shoulder, "It's not funny, T."

"I'm sorry, but it kind of is. That date was a serious disaster," he said while still laughing. Rebecca tried to hold in her laughter, using her hand to cover her mouth to hide her smirk. But she couldn't help but laugh thinking about the date that had ended with her date dropping her off at the emergency room before leaving her there like the asshole he obviously was. She ended up with four stitches across her forehead after they has bumped heads reaching for her napkin that she dropped. When she had pulled her head back, she hit the tray that a waiter was holding at just the right angle.

"What are we talking about?" Joni asked. She had finally stopped trying to suck Isaac's face off but was still sitting on his lap.

"Bec's is feeling sorry for herself. She is crying over missed opportunities," Tobin waved his hands dramatically. Rebecca could have taken offense to it, but she had known him long enough that he was just trying to be funny.

"I'm just not looking forward to all the frogs I'm going to have to kiss so that I can find my Isaac," She said looking between Joni and Isaac.

"Well, why don't we get you started, then?" Rosalina said, sitting down beside her and handing her another shot.

Rebecca took the shot, "what do you mean?" She frowned at her afraid of the answer. Rosalina's ideas always scared her a little.

"We will pick someone for you to kiss and you kiss them. Boom, just like that you will have kissed one frog and you can move on to the next." With that Rosalina stood up and looked out over the club below and started scanning the room. The rest of the group soon joined her. Rebecca watched them all for a minute bouncing to the music. Finally, she sighed and joined them.

"How about that one?" Joni said, pointing to a man that stood about 6' 6", had slicked back black hair and was extremely muscular. He was wearing a black tee shirt that not only showed his muscles, but also both completely tattooed arms. He had just entered the club and was standing with a few other men. He screamed bad boy.

"Well, he's defiantly a frog," Rebecca said.

"Yeah a really hot frog," Joni and Rosalina said at the same time. Both bursting into laughter at their joint thought. Most likely because it was rare for them to agree on anything.

Rebecca took a deep breath and nodded her head, "your ideas are always stupid, Ros, but what the hell?" She said before turning to look at Tobin, "T, come with me but stay back a little?" She asked him but he wasn't paying attention. Mostly because he knew who this guy was and he wasn't the type of guy to joke with. He couldn't be seen anywhere near what the girls were planning.

"Um...," he scratched his head and looked around the club avoiding looking into anyone in their groups' eyes. "Why don't you pick someone else? That guy looks like trouble," him, pointing toward the man Rosalina had suggested Rebecca ravish causing the rest of the group to raise their eyebrows again.

"What's going on with you?" Rebecca asked, crossing her arms over her chest. She had continued to wonder since they got to the club. Tobin was not being himself.

"Nothing. I just think that you should choose another guy."

"Nope, she is kissing that guy. He's perfect," Joni said. "Isaac will go with her."

Rebecca smiled at Tobin.

"Oh no! He's going up the stairs," Rosalina says in a pouty voice.

"See, you should pick someone else," Tobin said with a triumphant smile.

"Forget it," Rebecca says, walking over to the bar to order another drink. What was the point.

"Honestly, Sugar Plum," Tobin turned the bar stool she sat on so that it was facing him. "What is the point of all of this? I always pegged you to be one of those girls that sat back and planned her life out until Mr. Right came along," he thanked the bartender when she placed a Rum and Coke in front of him. "I get that maybe you're a little lonely. I mean I have been single for nearly as long as you, but that doesn't mean that you need to start kissing random guys." Rebecca nodded and looked at her fingernails.

"To pick or not to pick," she thought as she began to pick at them. Tobin placed his hand over hers.

"Stop that. And just calm down. I know for a fact that you are the last girl on the planet that will end up single," he kissed her forehead before standing and heading toward the others. Rebecca watched him go. She knew that Tobin was a big believer in fate. She believed love happened. Her parents were proof of that, but she didn't necessarily believe that everyone had someone that was made for them, which made her wonder most times, if she did.

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