《Taking Her Home》Saving Her


Rebecca, Tobin, and Rosalina had decided to leave. Rebecca was not looking forward to her hangover the next day, but at the moment was too drunk to really worry about that. As they got to the bottom of the stairs, she bumped into a tall man with tan skin and dark curly hair that went to his shoulders. Do all the beautiful people come to this club? She thought to herself, causing herself to laugh a little.

"Hello, Bella," the man said, looking down at her. She blushed at the sound of his accent. Rebecca looked at Rosalina and they both giggled. Tobin rolled his eyes in annoyance and let out a heavy sigh before crossing his arms over his chest. "What is your name or should I continue to call you Bella?" the man said, causing Rebecca to blush more than she already was.

"Rebecca," she answered him before looking down at her feet. She then shot her eyes up to his as she felt him slip an arm around her waist.

"Care to go have a drink somewhere quieter so we can get to know one another?" He whispered into her ear. She got an uneasy feeling, but brushed it off as her nerves and nodded her head forcing a smile on her face.

"Bec, I don't think that's a good idea," Tobin says, trying to grab her arm to pull her to him, but she batted it away. She could see the true concern on his face, but knew it was because he always liked acting like the big brother.

"I will be fine, T," she giggles looking up at the man again. "We are going somewhere public, to talk and then I am sure this handsome gentleman will put me in a cab home, right?" She continued raising her eyebrow at the man waiting for him to agree with her. He just nods his head. Smirking, she turned back to look at Tobin, "see?"

Tobin looks to his side to ask Rosalina her option to find that she is gone. Looking across the bar, he sees that she is at the bar trying to get another drink. Tobin sighs before turning back to look at Rebecca. He isn't completely sure, but he thinks he knows who the man is and if he's right he doesn't trust him. He needs to get Rosalina and protect Rebecca. He knew he should have insisted they left when Isaac and Joni did. "Don't go anywhere yet. Let me grab Ros and we will just go with you," he said, looking at Rebecca with a look to convey how serious he was. She nodded as she clapped her hands in excitement.

Rebecca felt the man lean into her ear again. "I will have my men bring them to meet us. We can go ahead and grab a table," he whispered. She nodded and allowed him to tighten his grip around her waist and lead her out of the club.


Vincent watched as Rebecca walked out of the club with none other than Enzo. He clenched his fists at his sides and felt himself begin to breathe deeply. He turned and stomped out of his office and down the stairs as fast as he could. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he saw Domenico, who hadn't returned upstairs after following Enzo downstairs and gave him a head nod to tell him to follow him.

As he reached the club entrance, he saw Enzo take his keys from the valet before opening the door for Rebecca to get in. "Enzo!" Vincent shouted, causing the Rebecca and the man to pause and look in his direction. "I believe you were supposed to leave my club," he crossed his arms.

Enzo chuckled and rubbed his chin, "that is exactly what I am doing right now." He looked around, "technically, I am outside of your club. So, I have left already." Vincent narrowed his eyes.

"I would prefer you to do that without one of my customers in your vehicle," Vincent said reaching for Rebecca's arm. He barely felt her skin on his fingertips, a slight tingle shooting from her to him, before he was pushed back by Enzo.

He looked up at Enzo as he dusted off the arms of his suit jacket. He adjusted his tie and collar before balling up his fist and sending a hard-right hook to Enzo's chin. As Enzo stumbled back, landing on the hood of his car, Rebecca let out a sound that sounded like a gasp mixed with a scream and moved further away from the two men.

Vincent cringed at the noise but, looked in her direction, opening his mouth to say something reassuring before he was pulled backward by one of Enzo's men. "Hey!" Domenico shouted to the man that had a hold of Vincent's shoulder. Before Vincent could even give the order, Domenico had laid the man out and turned to knock out the one coming up behind him. Vincent looks at his right-hand man, sending him a nod in thanks before turning back to make sure that Rebecca was alright.

She was standing with her arms around herself, shaking in shock. Vincent walked towards her slowly trying to make sure that he didn't scare her any more than he probably had with that fight. As he came to stand in front of her, she started to giggle a little. Vincent raised an eyebrow not understanding why she was laughing. As he reached out for her arm, her head shot up and she glared at him.

"What is your problem?" She asked him, taking a step back away from him so he could no longer reach out and touch her. "Why would you do that? Are you some kind of crazy, psychotic, rage, hungry person?" She ranted. He thought of laughing, but, thought better of it when he saw the seriousness on her face.


Vincent put his hand back beside him, "I was saving you," he said trying to contain his anger. Why was she being so ungrateful? Obviously, she didn't know who he was. She had come to the club with Tobin he just naturally assumed that she would know who Enzo and he were. He realized now that he was mistaken.

"Saving me from what?" Rebecca asked before giggling again. "We were just going to go and get to know each other, "she hiccupped. "A cup of coffee is not a big deal," she scoffed.

Vincent ran a hand down his face in frustration. "You defiantly could use a cup," he mumbled, her head whipping to look at him with a glare. He turned to look at Domenico, who was on his phone probably calling for someone to come clean the men up that they had knocked out. Enzo and his car were both gone. Figures he would run away like a little bitch, Vincent thought with a smile. He waved at the valet who jogged over to him quickly. "Get my car immediately," he said the valet nodding to him before turning and running to complete his given task.

"Where are your friends?" He asked Rebecca as he turned back around.

She shrugged, "they probably went home already."

Vincent sighed and nodded his head. "Dom!" he shouted. Seconds later, Domenico was standing beside him. Vincent turned to look at him, "make sure that this is all cleaned up and that the club gets shut down without fault," he turned to see the valet running up to him with his keys. Taking them, he turns back to Domenico, "thanks for the backup brother." Turning towards Rebecca he offered her his hand, which she took after some hesitation, and led her to his car.

Rebecca wasn't sure what was happening. This guy was cuter than the one she was going to go with before, but he was just talking to the one she kissed earlier. Worst of all, her head was getting blurry and she was feeling dizzy. She looked up and saw the man holding the door open on his car. Don't throw up in his car, she thought to herself taking a deep breath. She got in and put her purse on her lap. Vincent shut the door and ran around to the driver side getting in.

Revving up the engine he took off quickly causing her to slam against the back of the seat. She looked at the man that was driving. She was pretty sure that he was gorgeous, but she knew she couldn't trust her judgment because she was extremely drunk and getting worse by the minute.

"Where do you live?" she heard him ask. She lifted her head up to look at him in a questioning manner. She hoped he didn't think she was going to sleep with him.

"Wherever you are," she giggled before her vision, blurred more and her head started to spin like crazy. 'Not the time to flirt, Rebecca,' she mentally scolded herself.

Vincent huffed a breath out looking at this girl he was trying to help. His mother taught him to respect women and to never take advantage of one because of her being drunk. She was beautiful, there was no doubt about it, but he was going to take her home and leave her there. As soon as he figures out where she lives.

He pulled over to the side of the road, she was nearly passed out. How was he going to get her home now? He could take her to his place, but he didn't like people knowing where he lived. It was safer that way. Plus, the last time a woman knew where he lived, he had to move because she would show up whenever she felt like it. As he looked at the sleeping beauty, he noticed that her purse was on her lap, he could check her ID card and get her address. He ran his hand around looking for it before coming across a set of keys with a tag attached. He pulled them out and read the tag. It looked new and he assumed she must have just moved in. Most people didn't keep the tag that had their address and apartment number on it for long. He knew exactly where the building was. Putting the car back into drive he pulled back onto the road heading in the direction of her home.

The entire drive Vincent asked himself over and over why he was doing this? He had watched many girls go home with men, including Enzo, that would use them and leave them before. Hell, he had been one of those men many times. He wasn't sure why the thought of her being one of those girls bothered him so much. He didn't know why he was so determined to take her home. To her home, not his. Sighing, he continued the drive trying not to think too deeply about the meaning behind his actions.

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