《■ Helpless ■ Gilbert Blythe ■》An open invite to my heart


"Well, well, well. I'm feeling lucky. It's not every day that you're blessed with a visit from the Majesty herself."

Victoria's jaw clenched instantly when the door opened and revealed Billy Andrews right in front of her with a cocky smirk while leaning against the door.

"Listen, I don't have the time. Just give this to your parents or whatever you want to do." Victoria said as she handed Billy the letter. Billy snatched the letter from her hands and opened it. He quickly read what was written in elegant writing.

"Oh look at that. I'm invited to your house. Guess you have no choice but to spend more time with me." Billy said, the smirk still on his face. "Actually, my house is big enough for me to distance myself away from you."

Victoria turned to leave but Billy called out to her before she could. "What is your problem?" Victoria turned to look at him, with fury on her face. "My problem? What's your problem? I did nothing to you but you for some reason have it against me. I don't know why and frankly I don't care just leave me alone."

"What's going on here?" Victoria looked at where an older woman, who must be Billy's mum, walked towards the two. Even Billy had a slight look of panic on his face when he saw his mother.

Mrs Andrews took the letter that was in his hands and read it over. She tore her gaze off the letter and smiled at Victoria. "That must make you an Edwards, I heard about you and your family arriving. And you must be Victoria... My children have mentioned you a couple of times."

Victoria looked nervous, they must have told her plenty of horrible things. From the way she acts, to how she stepped on Billy's foot and was almost about to attack him. "Billy go inside while I talk to Miss Edwards."


Billy looked at Victoria before he left with a sly smile as he seemed to have thought that his mother would be telling her how what she had done to him was barbaric.

"I heard about what happened at school and I must apologize for the behaviour of my son." Victoria looked at the woman incredulously, whatever she was expecting she didn't expect an apology.

Victoria stayed silent and continued to listen to what the woman had to say. "I know how he can be and I try to show him that the way he acts can be wrong but it never seems to stick. But Jane and Prissy seem to think that you're nice enough."

Victoria cleared her throat, not sure how to respond to that. "Umm, thank you." "Anyway, thank you for the invitation. We'll be sure to come."

The girl left feeling very confused. She had no idea what was exactly happening. Victoria continued to go on her rounds, while she met people who she never met or even other children who she met in school.

One thing is for sure, neither Josie Pye nor Victoria felt thrilled when they came face to face with the other. Victoria simply told her that she hopes that she would come and left back to Baelfire.

Victoria groaned as she hopped down from Baelfire once again. She was tired of hopping up and down from him and talking to other people. Victoria hated socializing. The only thing that made her feel better was the fact that the stack of letters seemed to almost be at its end.

She knocked on the door and waited for a while. After a minute more of looking at the ground and waiting for someone to answer, she decided to knock again.



Victoria's eyes opened wide when she heard the voice of a person who she was so familiar with. She quickly made sure that all the hair was in its place and straightened out her clothing.

The door finally opened and Victoria instantly lightened up when she saw the smiling face of Gilbert Blythe. "Hey, Victoria. What are you doing here?"

"I have something for you." Victoria took out a letter from the inside of her coat and handed it to him. "It's an invitation. My mother is hosting this gathering or something and she would like you to come."

Gilbert took the letter gently into his own hands. He stared at it for a while before looking back at Victoria. "I'm sure that I can come. Who exactly did she invite?" He added as he fiddled with his hand.

Victoria thought for a second. "Ummm.. pretty much the entire town.. yeah I think that's accurate."

Gilbert nodded. "Well tell your mother that I'm sure to drop by. Although it would have been better if the entire town didn't have to come."

Victoria looked at him as she raised her eyebrows. "Oh really? And why is that?" Victoria asked with genuine curiosity. "It will be harder for me to spend time with you. You know just the two of us.." Gilbert said with a joking smile on his face.

It didn't take long until Victoria burst out laughing. "Gilbert Blythe, you flirt!" Gilbert laughed along with her. "I'm only joking but apart from that, it really would be nice to spend some time with you."

Victoria sighed. "Speaking of time, I have to motor. I guess I'll have to spend more time with you another day. Good evening, Gilbert Blythe." Gilbert smiled as he saw the girl walk away from him and the house. "See you at school, Victoria Edwards."

The girl glanced at him from over her shoulder and with a final wave, she climbed back on Baelfire, leaving behind a very giddy Gilbert Blythe.

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