《■ Helpless ■ Gilbert Blythe ■》The invites


"Mother we're home," Victoria stated as she and her brother arrived. She took off her coat and white apron and hanged them on a coat rack.

Caroline Edwards quickly emerged from a room in the house. "Oh, Victoria you're here. Are you still up for passing out the invitations?"

Victoria shrugged. "Sure. While I'm passing out the invitations, I thought I could take Baelfire for a run. You know, an excuse for him to stretch his hooves." Caroline smiled. "Whatever bakes your potato."

Victoria sighed. "Mum, no one uses that expression except you." Caroline shook her head and handed Victoria a stack of letters tied up as a bundle by a string. Victoria took them and glanced at the letters before turning her gaze back towards her mother. "You'd be surprised by how many say it. You better go now and pass them out quickly before it gets dark."

"Many use it. More like no one at all." Victoria muttered under her breath as she put on her coat again, this time not wearing the apron. She stuffed the letters in the inside of her coat and left the house after waving at her mother.

She went straight to the stables where she started to get Baelfire ready for a ride. It didn't take long until the two of them left the house and rode towards the first houses.

Victoria reluctantly went to Rachel Lynde first. The woman tried to lure her into her home to have tea but Victoria refused as she told her that she had a lot of places to go.

She went to the Cuthberts next where Anne opened the door once again and instantly smiled when she saw Victoria. "Victoria! You're here again! And what a wonderful horse you have, what's his name?" Anne asked as she ran towards the horse, not caring that she left the door wide open.


"His name's Baelfire," Victoria answered as soon as she caught up with her. Anne started to pet the horse and then looked at Victoria.

"I'm sorry, you came here for something and I didn't give you the chance to tell me why. It's just that Baelfire is truly a great beauty." Anne explained.

"There's no need for you to apologize..." Victoria took out the stack and pulled a random letter from the pile and handed it over to Anne. "My mother is hosting a get-together or whatever. I would like it if you came. I don't have that many friends." Victoria said as she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

Anne gave her a sad smile. "I get it as well. Especially here, the town is so small and people have known each other since forever. It seems so hard for someone new to come in and try and change everything." Victoria looked up from staring at a spot on the ground and met Anne's eyes.

"I know how you feel, it's as if you don't-" "Fit in." The two girls ended off together and neither could fight their urge to smile. "Trust me, I can relate. I can tell you right here, right now, that I'll be coming." Anne said as she pointed at the letter Victoria had just given her.

Victoria grinned. "Splendid! I have to go and pass the rest of these out but I'll see you some other time." Victoria was going to climb on Baelfire before Anne stopped her. "If you want, you can always come here and we could spend some time together. You're always welcomed at Green Gables."

Victoria's grin grew wider. "Well, I can safely say that I'll stop by soon enough." Anne's face lit up enthusiastically as she wrapped her arms around Victoria, not caring that she dropped the invitation.


Victoria was hesitant first, not knowing exactly how to react but she quickly responded to the gesture and hugged her back. Victoria then took a step back from the red-haired girl. They said their goodbyes after Anne apologized for multiple of times because of the letter she dropped.

It's safe to say that Victoria was feeling a lot better as she rode away on Baelfire with a satisfied look etched on her face.

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