《To The Moon And Back》Chapter 27


She whimpered. Everything was dark around her. But she could hear voices. She tried to open her eyes but gave up when it just made the throbbing worse. Distantly she heard her name being called.


Instantly she recognized the voice. Abhay. A sense of relief washed over her knowing he was here. For her. But... he must be with Aisha right now. God! She recalled how Vineet planned with Riya.

She opened her mouth to shout for him to go away and save Aisha. But she doesn't think even a single sound came from her lips. Her lips parched.


Now, his voice was close.

"Don't Abhay," another voice said, "Let them get her out." Ramesh?

"Let me through..." was the response from Abhay, before she felt hands on her and she was being pulled out. She groaned. What the hell was happening? She wanted to just curl and sleep.

A hand clasped hers in a tight hold. "Stay with me, Priya. Please," Abhay voice echoed in her ears. Her eyes opened slightly and the last she saw was his face.


It was after six o'clock in the evening the next day when Indira and Aditya came rushing inside Priya's hospital room. Abhay glanced her way and then focused his eyes back to Priya. He wasn't letting her go not even for a second. Her mother could have her time with him next to her.

He stared at Priya and couldn't get the image of her muddled in blood inside that car out of his mind. When he realized what was happening it was too late.

When he figured out that Riya was also with Vineet, he didn't waste a second. He drove straight to his home where Riya was already trying to escape taking his daughter Aisha. Abhay with his friends saved his daughter and handed her to the police. Before that, he made her say where they had hidden Priya. He closed his eyes and prayed to God to get his Priya back.


Indira rushed to Priya's other side and caressed her head. Even though she noticed Abhay holding her daughter's hand she didn't say a word. She just stood next to her side and cried silently.

"Don't cry," Abhay said still his eyes on Priya. "She's going to wake up."

He heard Indira sniffle and inhale deeply. "You are right. My girl is strong. She's going to wake up," she said, holding Priya's other hand.

Time passed. But still, Priya didn't even make a move. Another night passed and when Aditya told his mother that she needs to take a break. At first, she protested but reluctantly stood. Before she left, she looked straight into Abhay's eyes and said, "I'm glad you are here."

In the morning, Anjali and Varun brought Aisha to see Priya. It was the day they should get married. But they canceled it. Anjali put a hand on Abhay's shoulder and gently squeezed him.

"Daddy? Why is Aunty not talking?" Aisha asked, shaking Priya with her small hands. He didn't say a word.

"Aunty..." Aisha shook her again.

"Sweetheart..." Varun said gently, "Let your Aunt rest. Come here."

"No..." Aisha whined, "Mumma..."

Abhay's breath hitched as Aisha said the word. Even Anjali and Varun were surprised.

"Mumma. Wake up..."

There was a loud beep from the monitors and he saw that her heart rate picked up. Her fingers moved in his hand and her eyes fluttered a bit. He instantly stood and hovered over Priya.

"Priya..." he whispered and looked at Aisha. "Baby, say it again."

Aisha said again. And Abhay too joined her. Her eyes opened and focussed on him.

"Abhay..." her voice hoarse.

"God! You scared me to death..." The next second he lifted her off the bed and hugged her. Her monitor beeped ferociously but nothing registered to him. She was back. His priya was back. He pulled back slightly to look at her face


She opened her mouth but couldn't form a proper word. Abhay made her sit with a hand around her shoulder and hugging her close. God, how much he had missed her warmth.

Taking the water glass from the bedside and removed the oxygen mask around her face. He made her take a tentative sip and watched her swallow.

"More?" He asked.

She just nodded, leaning into him weakly. Her eyes wandered around for a while and suddenly fear settled inside her. But it didn't last for long when she noticed Aisha in front of her next to bed.

As she reached out a hand for her, Anjali made Aisha climb on to the bed. He noticed Varun was missing and know he went to call the doctor.

When Aisha tried to hug her, Priya winced in pain as her left hand was casted. Aisha instantly moved back and looked up at her with wide eyed.


Priya's eyes, which were foggy before, widened with curiosity and hope. Before she could utter a single word, doctor walked inside in a rush and started checking her vitals.

Once again Abhay denied to leave her side. But he must in order for them to check her properly. Then again, after this he wasn't going to let her go.


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