《To The Moon And Back》Chapter 26


Chapter 26

He cringed hearing the dejected words from her lips. Every cell in his body screamed to stop her. Hold her never letting her go. But his feet rooted to the ground as she walked away.

He knew what she wanted to hear. But he couldn't give her promises. How could he say those words when he wasn't capable of love? He had done that once.

It was selfish of him to ask her to marry him. He thought they both could be benefited at first. But now...

"You are doing a mistake."

He turned around surprised hearing the voice. Ananya was standing at the open doorway with her hands crossed.

"Hey! When did you come?" He asked.

"Long enough to see Priya walking out crying," she replied. A disapproved frown on her face.


"It's not your fault Abhay," she said, cutting him off. He stared at her, as she continued with a sad smile. "I was a fool. Thinking you couldn't give your attention to me with Aisha around. But you didn't. I was blinded and pushed away from the luck. Also, I made you doubt yourself. You don't know how many nights I regretted my actions. But Priya is nothing like me. I know for sure she's perfect for you and you are more than capable of loving her."

"How can you say that? I hurt you," he croaked.

She shook her head. "No. As I said, I was a fool and had hurt myself." She smiled. "I am leaving tomorrow. So I thought I will see you and give my wishes to the new couple. But then... I saw you both fight. Sorry for the intrusion. But I thought you should know this."

Abhay smiled and instantly hugged her. "Go and tell her how you feel. Before it's too late" she patted his back and pulled away. With that, she left.

Abhay closed his eyes and thought about everything that's Priya. Since the moment he bumped into her, he felt a tug at his heart. He doesn't know whether its called love. But he knew he couldn't live without her. He said to himself that it's nothing but only he knew how he did everything to keep her by his side. It's not only Aisha. He too needs her.

He recalled everything that happened in the past few days. He didn't give a right impression with the way he behaved. Now, it's time to make that right. It starts by saying sorry to Priya.

With a newly found enthusiasm, Abhay reached the ground floor where everyone was present. Except for Priya. Where did she go? He searched everywhere for her but didn't find her. When he saw Madhu, he pulled her to the side and asked, "Where is Priya?"

She threw daggers at him. But replied, "Home."

His heart sank. "Why? Did she go alone?" It wasn't safe for her to go at this time of an hour.

Madhu narrowed her eyes. "Yes. She said she'd call." Like in a queue, Madhu's mobile rang. He watched as Madhu talked with her.

"She said she reached home," Madhu said. He was partly relieved. But, he wasn't going to let her walk off. He was about to move when Ramesh and Varun arrived.

"Where are you going?" Varun asked.

"To rectify my mistake, " he said determinedly.

Varun looked confused while Ramesh looked thoughtful.

"I need to see Priya..." With that, he took a step forward but Ramesh grabbed his arm.

"Don't, " Ramesh said seriously, "I have seen the way she looked. She needs to have some time." Abhay was irritated but was happy that his friend was trying to protect her.


"No... I should-"

"More how much you want to hurt her?" Madhu snapped.

Abhay looked at her and grimaced. He deserved that look.

"Not anymore Madhu. I..." a small smile at his lips, "I love her."

There was a moment of silence before big grins morphed their faces. He was surprised when Madhu squeezed the life out of him. He laughed patting her back and smiling at his both friends.

Madhu pulled away saying, "Thank God. I was stressing myself thinking about how to get out of a murder. You saved me the time."

Abhay laughed. "My luck," then he became serious. "I need to go before my darling get any more ideas. Damn!" He said thinking about her phone call.

"All the best. " Madhu gave a sympathetic smile, "after the way it went down, you need it."

"Thanks," he said smiling at her and first bumping his friends. "Later." With that, he raced out to his car.

"I am coming, Priya."


Abhay stopped the car in front of Priya's building and stepped out. He inhaled deeply suddenly feeling nervous.

On the way here, he prepared a lot. But not even a single word he could recall at the moment.

When he reached her floor, he again fidgeted on his footstep. This was crazy, he thought suddenly angry at himself. Whatever her reaction was going to be, she's his. With that determined, he walked to her door. But, stopped mid-step when he saw her door opened ajar.

He frowned. She never leaves the door opened. His gut instinct says something was wrong.

Opening the door, he met with darkness. "Priya," he called out but no response. Except for a whimper. His heart raced and he took a step forward in its direction but tripped on his feet when he stepped on a stick. He switched on the lights and froze with the sight in front of him.

The whole living room was chaos with the sofa moved apart, utensils are thrown around and other things. Again he heard the whimper. He moved towards the crumpled couch and saw Bobby wounded.

His heart dropped and rushed to the bleeding dog. He was glad it was breathing. But where was Priya? He looked frantically around the room but found no trace of her. Panic was back full-blown. At the same second, his mobile rang in his pocket.

He'd have ignored it but something told him to lift it. Still, with his eyes on Bobby, he answered the call. A laugh greeted his ears. His body was rigid as he recognized the voice. Vineet. He was supposed to be in jail. Everything was cleared. But how was it possible?

"Shocked to hear my voice, brother?" Vineet mocked.

"What did you do?" Abhay growled.

"Uh-Uh! Is this the way you talk with your dear cousin?" he tsked, "I expected more. I suppose you are not at all keen to find what happened to your dear assistant via lover."

Abhay eyes widened and hand tightened around the phone. "Priya..."

"Yes... Priya..." Vineet drawled, laughing, "Beautiful Priya. The problem with you Sinha guys... You always fall for the wrong kind of woman. What to do? Anyways... They end up dead at last."

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her." He gritted his teeth.

"Woah! Wait a sec," Vineet said, "Is that fear I hear there? Wow..."

"Vineet..." Abhay, with all his self-control, willed himself to calm down, "She doesn't have anything to do with..."


"It has everything to do with her," Vineet yelled.

"I'll do anything you want..."

"Anything..." Vineet laughed, "As much as the offer tempts me, I am gonna do what I have to do. Say goodbye to your love." The line went dead.

Abhay cursed and ran his hands through his hair. Immediately, he dialed Ramesh number, when his eyes caught a shiny material near the couch. He lifted the chain to his eye level just as Ramesh answered.


Priya could feel heart thump against her chest that she wondered how it didn't burst out of its cage. She didn't know what to do. She heard each and every word he spoke to Abhay. But, she couldn't do anything. Her hands and legs were bound and a blindfold was tied around her eyes. She had to do something. But, how?

"I know you are awake, baby," Vineet said and then she heard his footsteps. She pursed her lips praying he wouldn't come at her. But, then when was the luck on her side? Her skin repulsed when he took hold of her chin and forcefully tilted up.

"What are you going to do with me?" she asked, barely above a whisper.

He hummed a bit. "I didn't quite decide it yet, baby. Sell you off or kill you off? Such a beauty will go waste if I kill... What to do? I think you'd like it more if I keep alive, right? Living among vultures, dying second by second," a cold metal rested against her temporal head, "instead of welcoming death with a bullet."

Priya swallowed, even though she wanted to just die from his words. But, she refused to show him her fear.

"Why, Vineet? Why are you doing this? You have a good family who takes care of each other. A beautiful life ahead of you. Why are you spoiling your life? Why do you have to kill me?"

"Oh! You are still in an old movie. All I wanted in my life was power. And yeah, Ramya. I wanted them both. I almost had them in my hands when that Rahul intervened. All in my life, I was under that bastard shadow, doing everything. But he. He snatched her away from me. Damn it! Even Ramya wanted him. Not me. So, when I found my chance I killed them both. I thought without him being there, I have my chance. But this Abhay entered the ring. Don't they bored. Always the same song," he huffed dramatically. "I have to admit he's a hard game. Other than that little minx, whom he built a strong wall around, I didn't find any chance to break him. Now, see. I got it. Poor Priya! I don't have anything with you. I want him off my back and make him regret every second of his living."

"You can't do that. You deserve everything for what you did-" a sharp sting erupted her cheek.

"Shut up bitch!" He yelled.

"You are insane," she clenched her teeth.

He began to laugh and then she heard his retreating step. But, he didn't leave the room. She needed to keep a cool head if she wanted to get out of this situation. She tried to concentrate to know where could they have kept her. All she could remember was opening the door for Riya and inviting her inside. She was stunned at first to find her at her doorstep. But, now she realized what a big mistake she'd done.

After what felt like forever silence, she once again heard Vineet. "Hello!" He barked. Once again a phone call.

"How long do you need to get that little brat?"

Priya gasped. Aisha? Were they getting Aisha too? No!

"What the hell did Aisha do?" She shouted.

"Mother hen has woke up. Make it fast. My patience is running."

"Vineet," she begged. "Don't do anything to Aisha. Please."

"Uh-uh. Don't you like a little company?" She felt his fingers grip her chin.

"That little shit should not have born," he snapped, pushing her face away.

A sob escaped her lips. She hated herself at the moment. For not being able to do anything. She prayed Abhay was next to her.

Hours passed. Nothing happened. Except for Vineet words about he wanted to torture Abhay using Priya and Aisha. She doesn't care what happened to her. But, she'd not sit ideal knowing Aisha will get hurt.

Her heart picked up speed when she heard the doorbell. She frowned thinking he'd kept her in a house. She heard his footsteps and then the bang of the door. Her head moved side to side and she strained her ears to hear something. But nothing. Then suddenly the door opened followed by curses from Vineet. He untied her legs but still kept the blindfold and hands tied. Again she felt the cold metal on her head as he ordered her to move forward. She did as he said.

When they reached down, she heard the chaos. Amongst it, one particular voice raised her hope. "Abhay!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Priya!" Abhay called out but couldn't decipher where.

"Shut up bitch," Vineer pressed the gun to her head.

"Vineet," she heard Ramesh voice, "Let Priya go. It's for your good only."

"Damn yes," Vineet laughed. "Don't follow me." He made her walk a few steps and remove the blindfold. When she opened her eyes she found herself in a driver seat. Her eyes wandered and caught Abhay. His face was hard and worry itched his face as he stared at her. He seemed like he was fighting to move forward but couldn't as Ramesh held him by a hand on his shoulder.

"Drive," Vineet ordered, pointing the gun at her head. Tears rolled down her eyes as she stared at Abhay. This might be goodbye. Love you, she mouthed the words, which she ached to shout out loud. As she started the ignition, she saw his eyes widen.

Keeping her eyes on Abhay, she turned the car with a heavy heart. "Go to the airport," Vineet ordered when they were out of reach to Abhay.

Priya clenched her fists around the steering wheel. She drove to the highway as he instructed. But she could feel the wheels running in her head. It was the same highway where she lost her father. From the corner of her eye, she saw Vineet relaxed. At that moment, she made a drastic decision.

Slowly she put more pressure on the accelerator and increased the pace. Surely after a distance, Vineet caught on her act. He put the gun against her temple and snapped, "Slow down Priya..."

She ignored him and raised the accelerator. Second by second, she could feel the tension from him. She smirked knowing she has the upper hand.

"Are you scared?" she mocked.

"Bitch! You are asking for it," he moved over and tried to pull the keys from the ignition. But Priya knocked his head, as he leaned forward, with her knee and twisted the steering wheel. All she remembered before she blacked out was the rolling of the car and the sirens in the background.

And the last thought in her mind, Abhay and Aisha.


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