《To The Moon And Back》Chapter 28


Priya ran her fingers through Aisha's tresses as the little one slept soundly in her lap. Even after three days, she was still taken surprise whenever Aisha called her 'Mumma'. Not that she was complaining. Hearing her call the first time, something pulled at her heartstrings.

She didn't admit to anyone. But when she was out of this world, lost in the darkness and giving up the hope, she heard her small voice calling her mom. Then followed by it, she heard Abhay. They were standing at a distance in front of a doorway holding out their hands. She wanted to run up to them but her feet rooted to the stop. Then, a gentle hand touched her back coaxing her to move forward. When she turned her head, she couldn't hide the surprised expression when she saw Ramya.

Ramya waved a hand towards them and said, "That is where you are destined to be. Not here. Go. They are waiting for you..."


"I am going to go back to my Rahul knowing my baby and family is in right hands. Hold them together, Priya." With that, Ramya gave a gentle shove to her and disappeared. She heard Aisha crying and Abhay saying to stay with him. She just move forward until she reached them and now she was here.

She didn't know where she was standing with Abhay. The first two days, she slept like a baby with the effect of medicines and exhaustion of the past few days. But she knew that he was always next to her side never leaving her. She didn't know whether she was craving affection and imagining everything but she felt him kiss her forehead and hands once in a while. The gesture was so sweet, it soothed her mind.

Yesterday, when she opened her eyes, she found her hand clasped tightly in Abhay's hand. She tried to free her hand without waking him up. But the man jerked up with just a slight movement. Before she could open her mouth, he was all over her fussing. She just stared at him wide eyed. He was freaking her out. She lost the count of how many times she asked him. What are you doing? But then, this man just smiled and pecked her forehead. She don't even have the energy in her to question him more.


But today, she's going to get answers. What the hell was happening? Anjali and Varun were not married yet. And no one spoke about Vineet or Riya. And she was glad that Aisha was safe. But if they were still out there...

There was a slight knock on the door. "Come in..." she said loudly. Her voice still felt hoarse.

The door opened and a man walked inside with a bouquet full of red roses. She couldn't see the man face as his face hid behind the flowers.


"Welcome back Priya..." The man said revealing his face.

She looked at him confused. "Do I know you?"

He smiled and walked further inside. He placed the bouquet on the bedside table and extended his hand. "I am Rithik."

"Oh," her mouth formed an 'o' shape. She totally forgot about meeting him. "I am so sorry..."

"Dont be," he cut her off, "I know everything that happened. Your mother told. I am glad that you are ok."

She smiled. "Please take your seat."

He did. "I tried to reach you before. But the security was too tight. Thanks to your mother. Today I am able to."


"Dont you know..."

She shook her head. "Well, there was a tight security around the hospital and not to forget the bodyguard outside this door."

Her eyes widened.

"She's cute..." he said looking at Aisha.

She smiled. "She is..."

For a while, no one said a word. Then Rithik asked a question surprising her. "So, when are you both planning your wedding?"


"Yes. You and his name... your boss..." he trailed off.


He nodded. She started laughing. "What's so funny?" He asked.

She shook her head. "I am thinking how nice it'd be if it's true."

He scrunched his eyebrows. "Are you saying?"

She shrugged and the same distant look came on her face.

For a while, Rithik didn't say a word deep in thought.

"I am confused why you are saying like that. Because that man didn't even wink while you were out and didn't even allow a fly inside," he said. "But know that if it's not real what I was thinking, then I'd be happy to have your hand in..."


"Not even in your dreams..." a growl echoed.

Their eyes snapped to the doorway where Abhay stood gripping the doorknob. His eyes were murderous aimed at Rithik.

"Out!" Abhay barked. "I need to have a word with my fiancee..."

Priya gasped. Instead of being intimidated by his glare, Rithik turned to her with a goofiest grin.

"Even now do you say the same?" With that he stood and left while Priya continued to stare at Abhay.

He was shaking with anger but when his eyes met hers, they softened. "Princess... why don't you go to dadi?"

That's when she realized Aisha too woke up and was staring in between them. Aisha quickly hoped off the bed and ran outside. Abhay entered the room and closed the door behind him.

Her heart thudded against her chest with each step he took. When he reached her bed, he pulled the chair close to her and sat down.

"Fiancee?" She said.

He nodded. "The Last time I remember you turned your back on me when I asked whether you love me." She said avoiding his gaze.

He moved closer. With one hand he held her fisting hands and the other held her chin making her look into his eyes.

"I love you," Abhay said, making her breath hitch, "I know I have been an asshole confusing you with my behavior. But believe me when I say, I love you. I have for a long time. Only, this heart was scared to confess. I was scared that I wasn't capable of loving you as you deserved. Even then I couldn't let you go. From the moment you stepped into my life, there's not a moment I stopped thinking about you. I love you for who you are and not just because of Aisha. The love you have for her was one of the reasons I love most about you."

Tears welled up in her eyes with his words. Her throat felt heavy and no words came put of her.

"Same something, " he said nervously squeezing her hand. A sharp smack echoed in the room, as his head turned to the side. His mouth opened apart and he moved his jaw sideways as he slowly turned to her.

"Did you just slap me?"

"Well you deserved it," she sniffled as tears rolled down her eyes.

"I deserved it," he says, as he stood hovering over her.

"Will you forgive me?" His eyes pleased.

Instead of words, she pulled him down and slammed her mouth on his. If he was surprised, he didn't prolong for a long time. Without hesitation, he claimed what was his. She sighed happily as his lips parted and licked the seam of her lips, nestling closer. There was a long beeping noise from the oximeter, but she ignored it and continued to melt in his warmth.

They parted panting for breathe. He put his forehead to hers and gave the biggest smile ever possible. She was sure she too looked the same.

"Well that was quite the forgiveness," he laughed as he looked at her. "I didn't expect that."

"What did you expect?" She breathed against his lips and pecked his lips, "That I would make you suffer for a long long time? Say all the bullshit and make your life hard? Nah," she kissed again long and hard.

"Life is too short, Abhay," once again her eyes watered. "When I was in that car the only in my mind was you and Aisha. I thought it was all over before it even began. Now..." peck, "I am not going to waste any of my time plotting revenge and bullshit. I am gonna cherish every second of my life with you. And our lovely princess and family. Will you do that for me?"

"Order anything and I am at your command..." Was his response, "You might not believe. I almost died that second when I saw the car roll over. I thought I lost you. I wanted to crush that fucker all over again for bringing this on you."

She gasped. "What happened to Vineet?"

"That he deserved. He's dead, sweetheart," he said without remorse. Of course. Why will he when the bastard had killed his family?


"Counting the jail rods," he said.

She stifled her laugh with his simple words.

"Now," she trailed her finger up his chest and tugged his collar toward her. "Where were you?"

A look of surprise crosses his face. "I didn't know a seductress hid behind all that innocence." He leaned into her and breathed against her lips.

"Only for you," she whispered. With that, they sealed their lips.


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