《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》Underwear Incident / Kiyopon and Ibuki


Some boys woke up as they heard some noise from the girls outside of their tents.

" What the fuck are they yammering about...." Sudo muttered with an annoyed tone.

Kiyopon also woke up and rubbed his eyes and then yawned quietly.

Kiyopon was curious on the commotion.

" Hirata-kun, please wake all the other boys up." Shinohara said.

Kiyopon stepped out of the tent and looked at what's happening.

Shinohara seemed angered and flustered.

And the girls seem to be pissed as well.

" Ah, good morning Ayanokoji-kun" Hirata greeted.

Kiyopon nodded as a response.

" Sorry for bothering you Ayanokoji-kun. Don't worry, this will not involve your and Hirata-kun." Shinohara said.

" What's happening exactly....?" Kiyopon asked.

" Well....apparently-" Hirata was cut off.

" Oi! What is it...." Sudo asked as more boys went out of their tents.

" Why did you want to take us up..." Ike asked, annoyed.

Shinohara crosses her arms and glares at the boys, excluding Hirata and Kiyopon.

" Well, this morning...... Karuizawa-san's underwear went missing. Do you know what this means?"

" U-Underwear?" Hirata stuttered in suprise.

Kiyopon's eyes was also suprised by the revelation.

Shinohara continued,

" Karuizawa-san is crying inside the tent right now. Kushida-san and others are comforting her but...." she trailed off as her glare intensified.

" Huh?! So you're blaming US for this?" Ike said

"Isn't that obvious? Someone went through her bag in the middle of the night and stole them. Our luggage was outside the tent, so if someone wanted to steal something, they easily could have!" She retorted.

The boys exchanged looks with each other.

" Was it you?" One asked another.

" Huh? Hell no!" He denied.

" Ike, weren't you pretty late coming back from the toilet yesterday?" Miyamoto suspected Ike.

" No! It was dark, so I was struggling!" Ike said in panic.

" One of you confess already!" Shinohara yelled.

" W-Wait, Shinohara-san we should at least listen-"

" No, Hirata-kun. One of them MUST have done it!" Shinohara stayed stubborn.

" Give it back already!" A girl yelled to the boys.

" Oi, Kanji just give it back..." Yamauchi said.

" Huh?! It's not me! Wait, maybe it's you Haruki!"


Kiyopon watched this all unfold, the spark of resentment during a time like this.

He wondered who could have done it?

He wondered if the boys were telling the truth.

But he stayed silent, this was none of his business.

" I don't believe that they stole it." A voice said.

Everyone turned to the voice, which belonged to Horikita.


" H-Horikita-san...." The boys said as hope sparkled in their eyes.

" What do you mean, Horikita-san? All of them are perverts! The only boys who couldn't have possibly done it would be Hirata-kun and Ayanokoji-kun!" Shinohara said.

" The boys wouldn't do something stupid at a time like this. Even if you call them perverts, they wouldn't throw away the opportunity to earn class points for some underwear." Horikita countered.

" B-But-"

" Quiet." Horikita glared and silenced Shinohara.

The boys silently praised Horikita in their heads.

" But since you still hold some distrust for the boys. I will allow for you to conduct a short test to see if they are lying. " Horikita said.

' I'm going to be classmates with these people for three years..... we will never reach Class A if they keep grudges like this for years to come......' Horikita thought.

" Fine...." Shinohara nodded and looked towards the boys, " Show us your bags! Now!"

" Wait, hold on. Let's relax a bit first. " Hirata calmed the escalating situation down.

" I'll do the checking for their bags. For privacy concerns." Hirata said.

Shinohara reluctantly nodded since she could trust Hirata.

The boys were opening their bags, just in case it was really in there.

They were nervous but did their best to not show it.

' Not in mine....phew...' Sudo thought

' Not in mine....as expected!' Yamauchi thought proudly.

' Oh thank god. Not in mine either....' Ike thought in relief.

Kiyopon began to slowly open his bag.

No underwear was found.

Kiyopon sighed softly in relief.

The boys then showed their bags to Hirata and Hirata sighed in relief that none of them had stolen it.

The boys walked out of the tent.

" I checked it all. No underwear was in any of their bags." Hirata said.

" Really...?" Shinohara asked in suprise.

The girls started murmuring to themselves.

" Hirata-kun couldn't be lying...right?"

" Are the boys really innocent?"

" This doesn't make sense."

The boys did a victory pose in their heads as they proved their innocence in this argument.

" Wait! Check their pockets!" Shinohara said.

But the boys felt very confident.

" Ha! Go ahead! " Sudo taunted

" Yeah! Go ahead and embarass yourselves!" Ike said and stepped in front " In fact, check mine first!"

' To be touched by a woman, no matter the context.... I have achieved Zen...' Ike thought.

" Hirata-kun, please check them."



Hirata nodded,

" Ike-kun, I'm going to search you, alright?" He asked

" S-Sure..."

' NOOOO! MISSION ABORTTTT' Ike screamed in his thoughts.

After all the boys were checked out.

The girls decided to take away their accusation and gave an apology, much to the boys enjoyment.

Everyone was currently doing their daily tasks.

" Hirata-kun, please come with me in the tent. I have something to discuss with you." Horikita asked.

" Oh, sure thing." Hirata nodded and followed Horikita to the tent.

The girls who overheard this quickly gossiped.

" W-Wait, is Horikita-san trying to hit on Hirata-kun?!" Mii-chan whispered.

" Eh? But Hirata-kun is already dating Karuizawa-san..." Another girl who crushes on Hirata whispered.

" W-Wait, aren't and dating?" Another said

The girls gasped.

They slowly turned to look at Kiyopon and their eyes widened.

Kiyopon was staring at the tent that Horikita and Hirata entered.

The girls quickly turned to look at each other.

" He's jealous!" They said.

But in reality, Kiyopon simply stared at the tent because he was curious of Hirata and Horikita's discussion.

But he decided to mind his own business and decided to go to a certain spot and wait.

" What is it that you needed to discuss with me, Horikita-san?" Hirata asked.

Horikita unzipped her bag and took out an underwear.

Hirata's eyes widened.

" T-This is-"

" Yes. It's Karuizawa-san's underwear." Horikita confirmed.

" Horikita-san....did yo-"

" No I did not." She instantly shut him down.

" I see.....im glad..." Hirata sighed in relief.

" But....how did you get it?" Hirata asked.

" I saw someone sneak into the boys tent. After they left, I checked it out myself to see if they had done something." She said " And then I found the underwear in Ike's bag, so I took it out."

" I-I see......thank you, Horikita-san." Hirata smiled.

He was glad that the class didn't split up because of their leader's intervention.

" But...we should find out who did this..." he said.

Horikita nodded and their conversation ended.

Kiyopon relaxed on the tree trunk while he sat down.

Suddenly he hears a voice.

" Ayanokoji-kun."

He turns his head to look at Horikita.

" You were right. I'm glad I took your advice about staying up late and wait for Ibuki's move." She said and sat down beside him.

He signed.

Horikita sighed.

" Of course I am." She responded.

Kiyopon lifts his hand and touches the back of Horikita's head.

Horikita was alerted.

" What are yo-"

Kiyopon pressed her head to lean on his arm.

" Rest...." He whispered softly.

Horikita turned red.

" R-Right..." she said before fully relaxing and leaning on the trunk while leaning her head on his arm.

Horikita slept soundly on Kiyopon's shoulder.

Kiyopon smiled a little bit and also relaxed a little.

He soon fell asleep for a while.

' Damn it.....what happened? I thought I placed it in Ike's bag! ' Ibuki thought to herself as she sat down.

' Ugh....I have to think of something else....'

Suddenly, she saw two feet in her vision.

She looked up to see Kiyopon looking at her.

" What...?" She asked

Kiyopon points to her and then to himself and then to a route in the forest.

' Is he mute? Come to think of it, I haven't heard him speak....' She thought to herself.

" You want me to come with you and pick fruits?" She guessed.

Kiyopon nodded.

Ibuki sighed and agreed.

She needed Class D to have some sort of trust in her by helping them out after letting her stay.

" Lead the way...." she said.

Kiyopon nodded and went ahead with Ibuki following him.

Currently, Ibuki and Kiyopon were picking fruits from trees.

And right now, Ibuki was struggling to pick a fruit because of her height.

' Should I kick it? But if I accidentally kick it too hard, it's going to get squashed...' she thought

Kiyopon walked behind her and reached it for her.

" Thanks..." She said as he gave her the fruit.

Kiyopon only nodded before picking more fruits.

' He's been silent ever since we interacted.......is he really mute or is he just extremely introverted.....wait no, an introverted person wouldn't ask someone like me to come with them so suddenly , not only that.... it's also our first interaction! So is he just naturally silent?' She thought to herself.

" Hey."

Kiyopon looked at her.

" What's your name?" She asked.


But Kiyopon finally opened his mouth.

" Ayanokoji Kiyotaka......" he simply said before returning back for fruit picking.

Ibuki's eyes widened as she heard his voice.

' W-WHAT THE?! HOW IS HIS VOICE SO SMOOTH AND YET MONOTONE??? ' She thought while flustered.

" Are you okay....?" He asked.

Ibuki slapped herself in the face and nodded.

" Yeah. Don't mind me."

Kiyopon was suprised by how she slapped herself in the face so suddenly, but he just silently shrugged to himself.

They had a peaceful time....

Fruit picking.....

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