《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》Who does Kiyopon like? / Class C vanished?


" Yo! Ayanokoji, would you like to come fishing with us?" Ike called.

Kiyopon turned his head to look at Ike and a few boys waiting for his answer.

Kiyopon was once again reminded by Horikita's warning during their first few days in school.

But Kiyopon would like to experience this, so he nodded in agreement.

" Alright! Meet us at the river spot." Ike said before leaving with the boys.

Kiyopon did a thumbs up sign in response.

Kiyopon then arrived to the spot and he already saw that the boys started fishing and waiting patiently for the bite.

" Oh, you've arrived!" Ike said and waved.

Kiyopon nodded

Ike handed him a fishing rod and pointed at a spot.

Ike recited some basic tips and tricks when it comes to fishing and Kiyopon nodded.

" Alright, let's try to catch more fish today!" Ike said.

Currently, it's been 10 minutes and no fish has been baited by Kiyopon yet .

He passed the time by staring at his reflection througj the water, while waiting for the fish to bite.

Ike set his fishing rod down and sat beside Kiyopon.

" Hey, caught anything yet?" He asked.

Kiyopon shook his head 'no'

Ike chuckles

" Well, it's always a waiting game when it comes to fishing. You'll get used to it." He said.

Kiyopon nodded.

" Hey. Ayanokoji, do you have someone you like?" Ike asked.

Kiyopon was suprised by the question and looked towards Ike.

" I mean, I'm just curious. " Ike said.

Kiyopon sighed.

" No......I don't really have anyone I like..." he said.

" Huh?! Wait, seriously?" Ike exclaimed in shock.

Kiyopon was confused by his reaction but he nodded nonetheless

" Then what do you want in a girl?" He asked.

Kiyopon thought hard about this.

" Maybe....someone kind....and gentle? Someone who is the opposite of me...." he said.

Ike widened his eyes.

" L-Like Kikyo-chan?!" He said.


Kiyopon widened his eyes and cringed at the thought of her.

" No." He said sternly, which suprised Ike.

Ike scratched his and let out a laugh.

" Haha! I see." He said

' Damn I'm glad he isn't aiming for Kikyo-chan...... the girls already seem charmed by him enough...' Ike thought in relief

Suddenly Kiyopon widened his eyes as he felt a tug from the line.

" What? You got something?" Ike asked.

Kiyopon nodded and quickly tried to apply the tips that Ike taught him.

" Alright! Don't be too hasty or else the line will snap!" He said

Kiyopon nodded and stayed patient.

" ALRIGHT! REEL IT IN!" Ike yelled and Kiyopon followed.

Kiyopon reeled the line and also pulled the whole rod.

And a huge fish came out from the river.

All of the boys eyes widened at what Kiyopon had caught.

" IT'S MASSIVE! " Ike yelled as he touched the fish.

" SUGOIIII!!!" all the boys yelled.

" IT'S A REALLY GOOD ONE!" Miyamoto complimented.

" GREAT JOB! " Okitani added.

" I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU MANAGED TO CATCH A BIG ONE. BUT GOOD JOB!" Ike said with a huge smile and thumbs up.

The boys started sharing their praise and how proud they were.

Kiyopon was stunned by all this attention but he didn't mind it.

Kiyopon looked at fish he caught and poked it, completely stunned that he had caught something like this.

" Ayanokoji, let's keep fishing! You might catch another big one!" Ike said.

Kiyopon slightly smiled and nodded.

Kiyopon enjoyed his time fishing.

Horikita looked around the area, searching for Kiyopon.

' Where is he? I thought he finished his task earlier....' Horikita thought to herself as she walked around the camp.

' Wait, is he with Mori-san?' She thought to herself.

An uneasy feeling began to build in her heart but she stayed strong.

' I'll just ask her then.'


Suddenly she hears a voice.

" Horikita-san!" Suddenly, the voice in question decided to come to Horikita instead.

" What is it, Mori-san?" She asked

" Have you seen Ayanokoji-kun?" Mori asked.

" Is....he not with you?" Horikita said with a confused look.

Mori shakes her head 'no'

" I haven't seen him the whole day...I though he was with you, so I asked you." She added.

Horikita felt slightly worried now, but she didn't show it.

" Let's ask someone else, then." Horikita proposed.

Mori nodded and they both went to the closest person they could find.

The two best girls approached Hirata.

" Hirata-kun." Horikita called.

Hirata looked at the both of them.

" What is it?" He asked.

" Do you know where Ayanokoji-kun is?" They both asked at the same time and then glanced at eachother.

" Ayanokoji-kun? Ah, I think he's currently fishing with Ike-kun and the others." He said.

" I see...." Horikita said.

" Um, where do they fish again?" Mori asked.

Hirata told them the directions and soon they left to find Kiyopon.

' Why is she looking for him?' Both of them thought in their heads as they glanced at each other.

" Horikita-san, why are you also searching for Ayanokoji-kun?" Mori decided to ask with a smile.

" I need him to come with me and investigate something." Horikita simply said.

" What about you, Mori-san?" She threw the question back.

' Straightforward....' Mori thought.

" I just wanted to talk to him, that's all." She responded.

" I see..... but sorry to tell you, I have something very important to do with Ayanokoji-kun." Horikita stated.

" Is that so? How about we let Ayanokoji-kun decide that?" She retorted.

" That's ridiculous. This is important for the class." Horikita said.

" Oh? But it's still his choice, no?"




" Fine. I'll humor you this time." Horikita said.

They finally arrived at the spot but then they heard laughing and happy sounds from the boys.


Horikita and Mori got curious so they peaked through the bushes.

" You're awesome, Ayanokoji!" Ike praised

" Yeah! We're all gonna have a feast at this rate!" Another praised.

And more and more praises went towards him.

' So sweet....' Horikita and Mori thought as they watched the scene.

" Okay! Let's do a few more and call it a day!"

Kiyopon smiled a bit and nodded.

Both the girls who were watching the scene, instinctively hid their faces.

' S-SO CUTE!' They both thought.

" H-How about we just let him be for now?" Mori asked.

Horikita nodded without saying a word.

They both quickly stood up and left the scene.

They were currently walking back to camp.

" So....Horikita-san, if you don't mind me asking. What were you exactly going to do with Ayanokoji-kun?" Mori asked.

" I wanted his help on investigating something....and usually he was free." She responded.

" Oh....I see...." Mori said.

" If...it's alright with you...then I can help..." Mori slowly offered.

Horikita's eyes widened in suprise.

She hadn't expect Mori to offer her help.

Horikita sighed.

" I would like your assistance , then." Horikita said.

Mori smiled and did a salute.

" Yes ma'am!"

Horikita decided that they take a detour to Class C's base.

Horikita explained to Mori that she wanted to check on the other classes bases in order to make a plan.

And Class C was first.

" Um....Horikita-san...?"

" Yes...?"

" Is it just me....or is the beach empty...."


" Or...were they never even here in the first place?"


" Or maybe, they were gho-"

Horikita covered Mori's mouth.

" Alright....enough...."

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