《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》Kiyopon wants to be a bird / Kiyopon meets Ryuuen


It was a new day at the island, a nice peaceful morning. And soon, Class D will discuss their current plans to gain poi-

" HUH?! KOENJI RETURNED TO THE SHIP?!" Everyone yelled.

Horikita sighed and nodded.

" Sensei said that he simply walked into the ship and brushed past anyone who tried to stop him...." she said begrudgingly.

" S-So we lost 50 points?" Kushida stuttered due to the shock.


While everyone was busy dwelling on the past.

Kiyopon managed to see the same bird from yesterday.


Kiyopon was relieved to see that the bird returned.

And as he stared at it, he also began to wonder what it was like to be able to fly freely into the sky, without a single care.

Kiyopon decided that if he were ever reincarnated , he would want to reincarnate as a bird or at least someone who can fly.

Yes, a nice dream.

Meanwhile, back to Class D's discussion.....

" I highly suggest that you all should just put this matter about Koenji-kun aside for now. Currently, we need to gain spots. We can't play defensively forever." Horikita said.

Everyone decided to agree but Ike asked a question.

" But Horikita-san....what do we do about...her?" Ike whispered.

He was referring to the girl they picked up from yesterday.

Ibuki Mio of Class C.

Apparently, while Yamauchi had been scouting with Sakura and Akito, they stumbled upon a bruised Ibuki.

Yamauchi, being the nice person that he was....

Immediately offered his help and while Akito tried to stop him because he was suspicious, Yamauchi persisted and Akito gave up on trying to convince him.

Sakura simply did not say anything and watched it all unfold.

Back to the current events,

Horikita did a quick glanced at Ibuki and then returned her gaze back to Class D.

" I want a few of you to keep an eye on her. At all cost." She said.

" But who?" Shinohara asked.

" If it's not too much, I would like to to watch over her for a while...." Horikita said as she smirked at Kushida.

Kushida's eye twitched but she quickly remembered that Horikita can ruin her school life if she didn't comply....

" Of course, I have no problem with it, Horikita-san!" Kushida said while vomiting in her thoughts.

She HATED having to listen to Horikita of all people...

Horikita nodded and turned to the others and seperated them into groups.


A few groups were instructed to fish and search for edible fruits.

And other groups were instructed to guard the area.

Class D got to work.

Horikita sighed in relief that things seemed to be going more smoothly.

' Now...there's one thing left to do....' Horikita thought.

She turned around and walked to Kiyopon but immediately stopped a couple of meters from him.


It was because Kiyopon currently had a white bird relaxing on his finger.

Kiyopon simply stared at it and gently pet it with his other hand.

He didn't know how to handle a bird, but he tried to not show that he was nervous so as to not frighten the bird.

" Good....bird..." he said to the bird, quietly.

Horikita stood there, wide-eyed as she stared at this blessed sight.

' So....cute....' she thought.

But Horikita immediately snapped herself out of her trance.

' No! Stay focused!' She thought to herself as she walked closer to Kiyopon.

" Ayanokoji-kun." She called him and he turned his attention to her, while the bird was still on his finger.

" I want you and I to scout for spots and perhaps other classes along the way." She said.

Kiyopon nods in agreement and then suddenly the bird flew away into the sky.

Kiyopon was suprised but he didn't mind.

He did a small wave of goodbye as the bird flew farther away.

Horikita covered her face and turned around.

She tried her best to regain her composure and to stop blushing.

" L-Let's go now..." she said before walking off.

Kiyopon was confused on why she stuttered, but he silently went along.

" Class B...?" Horikita said as she stared at the sight.

Everyone in Class B was working together and had great cooperation with one another.

Kiyopon was also suprised. It was completely different from their class.

The morale here was quite high.

" Oh! Horikita-san and Ayanokoji-kun!" A voice called.

" Ichinose-san." Horikita said and nodded to her.

" It's nice to see that you guys found us! " Ichinose said.

" It seems very well organized around here..." Horikita commented.

Ichinose smiled and nodded.

" Well, when everyone is on the same page. Work tends to finish faster, no?"

Horikita nodded to that.

Both Horikita and Kiyopon were impressed by this amount of cooperation.

" Oh! Ayanokoji-kun!" A familiar voice called.

Kiyopon turned around and saw Amikura walking towards him.


" I didn't expect to see you here!" She said

" Oh! Are you talking with them, Honami-chan?" Amikura asked Ichinose.

" Ye-" but she was instantly cut off by Amikura.

" I'll be borrowing Ayanokoji-kun for a bit!" Amikura said before quickly dragging Kiyopon to her other classmates.

Kiyopon just accepted his fate and let himself get dragged away 😶

He's realized by now that women can be extremely stubborn, so he's just going along with it.

' Did....Did she just...' Horikita was bewildered and Ichinose only chuckled nervously.

" I'm sorry for suddenly dragging your partner away, Horikita-san..." Ichinose apologized.

Horikita shook her head and dismissed her apology.

" It's alright, I just want to ask you a few things..."

Meanwhile, Kiyopon.

" Look who I brought~" Mako said as she stopped in front of a couple of boys and girls.

" Oh! It's Ayanokoji-kun!" A girl said in recognition.

It was one of the girls who were with Amikura during their first interaction with Kiyopon.

Kiyopon nodded in recognition.

" Oh! So you are the guy that Amikura and Ichinose were talking about , huh?" A boy said.

Kiyopon was suprised that people were talking about him.

He didn't really think of himself as someone that special to anyone.

" Oh, right. My name is Shibata Sō. It's nice to meet you." He introduced himself.

Kiyopon nodded.

" Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.....nice to meet you..." Kiyopon responded.

The boys were suprised and the girls squealed in delight.

" Kawaii!!" The girls yelled.

Kiyopon tilted his head in confusion.

He didn't understand what made them react like that.

Kiyopon's eyes landed on Chihiro.

He noticed that she was working together with an unusual group.

" Let's go. Ayanokoji-kun." A voice broke him out of his thoughts.

He turned to see Horikita.

" Aww you guys have to go?" Mako pouted

" They have their own class to care about as well, Amikura." Kanzaki said.

" Yep. But you two are always welcome here! If you want to bring your classmates along, then we don't mind." Ichinose said to Horikita and Kiyopon.

Horikita and Kiyopon noddef and then left their area.

" I managed to get some information about Class A." Horikita said.

Kiyopon turned to look at her.

" Apparently, Class A is rumored to be divided. With two factions, the Sakayanagi faction and the Katsuragi faction."

Horikita began to explain all the information she gained from Ichinose to Kiyopon.

He paid attention and nodded to what she said.

Soon, they heard loud sounds around the area.

" Huh?" Horikita let out a sound of suprise.

They both looked around and followed the sound.

Eventually, it led them to a beach.

" Class C...." Horikita muttered.

They were all currently partying and having fun.

Kiyopon and Horikita were bewildered by this.

The amount of points needed to spend to get all of this equipment....

" Kuku, it seems we have visitors." A voice said.

Horikita and Kiyopon glanced to see Ryuuen grinning at them while relaxing on his chair.

Horikita decided to talk towards him and Kiyopon followed

" I'm sure your aware that you won't gain any points by doing this, right?" Horikita said.

Ryuuen laughed and told a green haired boy to fetch him a cold soda.

" My My, Suzune. Of course I know. But I simply don't care about that!" Ryuuen said.

" That doesn't seem to be fitting for a Class C student." She said.

" And yet, I'm still placed in a classroom above you." Ryuuen retorted.

Horikita glared at Ryuuen but Kiyopon placed his hand on her shoulder and calmed her down.

" Oh. It's you." It seems like Ryuuen finally spoke to Kiyopon.

" Kuku, you know, you made me a LOT of money with the picture of you and Hiyori." He said .

' Hiyori...?' Horikita thought.

Kiyopon tilted his head and suddenly Ishizaki arrived with Ryuen's soda.

" Here you go. As a token of thanks for the private points, kuku." Ryuen said as he took the can and tossed it to Kiyopon.

Kiyopon caught it.

" Now. If you both are going to stay here, then Suzune and I can spend some alone time in a tent while Hiyori's " book-buddy" can spend time reading or whatever." Ryuen said.

Horikita was disgusted.

Kiyopon simply opened the soda and took a sip.

" NOT interested." Horikita said.

" Kuku, your loss! Now get lost! " Ryuen said and returned back to relaxing.

" Tch. Let's go, Ayanokoji-kun." Horikita said.

Kiyopon's eyes lingered on a certain object for a bit.

Horikita had begun leaving and Kiyopoon soon followed after he took a good look at that certain item.

' That Ryuen will most likely test my patience....' Horikita thought to herself.

Kiyopon continued sipping his cola.

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