《Whodunnit ?》Chapter 15 - Ringtone


It was when May, the maid arrived at Reynolds room. Taking him downstairs and leading him to the library where he would state his case. He knew that he was confident, but the only question on his mind was who was going to be scared. He also wondered if the other guests would get confused as of what actually finally killed Talia. But luckily for him, he knew exactly what it was.

Greg was the last guest to sit at the dining table before the guests all tucked into their sizzling fajitas. However Greg didn't feel like eating, he knew the texture of the sizzling fajitas was probably specially requested by the killer to relate to Talia's sizzling skin. Eventually, all the guests realised this and waited in silence until Giles strolled into the dining room.

"As you know, one of you has blown the killer away with your portray of events..."

The guests all exchanged looks, hoping they were the person who would have the best statement.

Giles quickly pulled out the note from the killer. "Congratulations...Brianna..."

Brianna gave a massive smile as she heard her name being called from Giles.

"And! Reynold. You two are spared tonight. The both of you gave almost identical statements so I couldn't decide on a winner."

Reynold pulled a slightly surprised face as he heard his name being called after Brianna's.

"As for the rest of you. You will know have to hear what you didn't get correct in Miss Hansen's murder."

"Killing Talia was very planned. The night Alec died I secretly snook out to the pool area, and dosed one of the cider cans with laxatives..."

Everyone pulled confused faces as they heard about the dose of laxatives. Nothing that any of them found suggested the idea of laxatives.

"We should have checked the bathroom," Michelle whispered to Brianna.

"The next morning at the pool party. I made sure that Sophie the maid gave that specific can of cider to Talia. Within moments of Talia drinking the cider, she knew something was wrong. Talia sprinted to her room and spent hours on the toilet."

"Gross." Michelle pulled a face of disgust.

"When the pool party eventually ended, everyone went up to their suites. Not me. Going out to the front of the manor, I used the two-story ladder and stabbed it into the ground to try and get to the exact position of Talia's window. Therefore explaining why there were dark footprints in the spa. Eventually (after destroying most of the flower bed) I found the correct position and climbed up to Talia's window. I easily broke in and placed two news articles of our fellow guests. Greg & Reynold. I then hid under Talia's bed and waited for her arrival. Several minutes later, Talia collapsed onto her bed but soon discovered the news articles. After carefully reading the news articles she headed for the door, probably eager to find out her findings. However... she didn't get far. Leaping out from under her bed I tased Talia numerous times, she tried to escape but she only ended up knocking the door handle off until frothing and vomit formed in her mouth. Once I made sure she was dead, I dragged her body across the hallway to the luxurious spa. Knowing that I had already pre-blocked the jets of the hot tub, I placed Talia's dead body in it and ran the tap. Once the water to built up to the rim, I pulled out my closed test tube full of high concentration hydrochloric acid and simply poured. Burning the bottom of the hot tub and most parts of Talia's skin in the process. Before leaving, I left the tap of the hot tub running, which eventually did alert us to the spa where the very much dead Talia was floating in the hot tub. Your killer."


Each guest shivered after hearing how Talia was killed. They knew each death was most likely going to get more severe from here on out.

"As you all know. Brianna & Reynold are not the only guests who are safe tonight. Your cards are already placed under your china plates."

The guests all reached for their cards and waited for Giles's cue.

"Dan?" Giles called Dan's name first.

Dan shakily pulled out his card, he knew he got a lot wrong. But was it enough to be spared? Thankfully for him, he was

"Good job." Jamie congratulated the footballer.

"Thank you." Dan smiled back.

"Nelson?" Giles called the charity worker next.

Nelson slowly pulled out a card. Which surprised him.

"Michelle?" Giles called the wannabee actress next.

Michelle took a quick sip of wine before pulling out her card. Unfortunately for her, for the first time. She was

Most of the guests gasped at the shocking reveal. Lots of them felt Michelle was one of the smartest in the manor, and would have been able to figure out Talia's murder without as many clues.

"Great," Michelle said sarcastically before taking another sip of wine.


Natalie quickly pulled out a card. Not really taking anyone by surprise.

"Jamie, you are next," Giles called out Jamie penultimately.

Jamie hoped that he wasn't scared. A third time definitely wasn't a charm in this game. Thankfully for him today wasn't that day and he was . Jamie took a deep sigh of relief before looking at Greg apologetically.

"That means Greg. You are scared... for the second time in a row." Giles reminded the guests (and Greg) that he was indeed scared for the second time in a row.

Greg pulled out his card for the sake of it. Showing his SCARED card for all to see.

"My apologies to Michelle & Greg, but one of you will be the next victim. Normally the killer would force you all to return to your suites. But, since this is an early dinner. You have been given the permission to roam the manor free tonight."

Some of the guests gave excited murmurs, finally able to actually explore the manor in its whole for the first time.

"As for now. Goodnight guests." With that, Giles turned to leave the dining room. Before a ringing sound filled the room. Everyone recognised the sound, it was a ringtone.


"Who on earth can call here?" Giles pulled out his cell phone from his left pocket.

"You have a phone! There's signal here we can get h-" Brianna rose from her chair but Giles interrupted her swiftly.

"It's... the killer." Giles turned his cell phone in the guest's direction to see the caller ID of 'the killer' arraying in the phones light.

"Answer it!" Greg said impatiently.

Giles quickly accepted the call, put it on speaker and rested it on the dining table.

"Hi!" The guests heard a familiar, bubbly voice from the call.

"It's Natalie and I'm the killer." Natalie pulled a stunned face as she heard her voice boom from the phone.

"What the fuck?"

"Are you surprised? You should be. I am the killer, yes me, Nelson." The guests heard Nelson's voice next. Nelson gave a stunned laugh.

"It's me, Reynold. I am the sinner." The guests all started to feel uncomfortable. Knowing everyone's voice would be heard at the table.

"If you all want to live. I suggest that you don't get on my bad side..." Dan's voice came next.

"Because six of you are going to be killed, by me. In cold blood." Michelle was next.

"I am Brianna, I'm gonna kill you when you least expect it." Brianna shook her head, knowing completely she never said that.

"Yeah, it's me, Greg. Let me offer you these chilling words..." Greg nervously shuffled in his chair.

"From me! Jamie. Don't cross my path or I will put you down!" An eerie laughter which belonged to Jamie echoed in the room before the call was abruptly hung up.

The guests all sat in a stunned silence as Giles grabbed his cell phone and exited the dining room.

"I never said that!" Natalie gasped as she looked around the table.

Greg finished his wine before talking "I mean could the killer of put all that audio together?"

Michelle nodded "It's possible you know? The whole house could be rigged with cameras and microphones."

"I know it's rigged! Courtney was being watched by the cameras." Dan brought up the CCTV camera which he watched when he saw Courtney die.

"Well, I'm going to the library," Greg commented as he rose from his seat and strolled towards the dining room door. Within seconds, he was out of everyone's view.

"I'm going to the gym," Brianna sighed, also rising from her seat.

"I'll go with you." Michelle followed the kickboxer as they both disappeared out of the dining room.

Natalie, Nelson, Dan, Jamie & Reynold decided to just call it a night and return to their suites. Knowing they could rest without having the risk of being killed.


By every guest was asleep. Catching some much-needed rest from the early morning wake-up call from today. However, the killer couldn't sleep. He or she was replaying the next murder over and over in their mind. This death was going to be the most gruesome one yet.

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