《Whodunnit ?》Chapter 16 - A Booming Death


The morning was a surprisingly quiet one so far for Rue Manor. However, the killer knew that was going to change.

Only two guests awoke to what sounded like a car rearing its engine that morning, the sound of tires roaring concerned them. However, the next sound which arose. Could have awoken the dead. A massive, earsplitting explosion rocked the entire manor. Every guest, along with Giles jumped awake in terror as the explosion rang in their ears. They all dashed into the hallway from their rooms.

Before Dan & Nelson could get down the staircase, Giles stopped them and ordered each guest to stay where they were.

Giles opened the curtains of the kitchen, and upon opening them a large, orange ball of fire was present about a few yards away from the garden shed. It was obvious that this was to do with the next murder.

Giles gingerly tiptoed back to the rudely awoken guests and counted each head. In order, he counted

"Ladies and gentlemen... it appears that Mr. Luton has left the manor with a bang."

Each guest covered their faces in their hands as they realised that Greg must have been in that explosion. Greg was dead.

"I know that you all might be firing at the bit to decide which area you'd like to investigate. But myself and the maids will need to spend a few hours putting out this torturous fire. We will all reconvene at sunrise but for now my guests. Please rest."


It was when everyone reconvinced in the parlor, awaiting Giles. The alliance of Jamie, Natalie & Dan already decided what areas they wanted to investigate. Natalie decided to go to the morgue for the first time in a while. Jamie decided to go to the crime scene and Dan was left with the last known whereabouts.

Brianna & Michelle had already decided to go to the crime scene together, feeling there had to be more in that area than just an explosion site. Reynold had pre-decided as well to go the morgue, Nelson didn't know exactly which alliance he was going to run with today. However, he did decide to go to the morgue.

Giles walked in one cue a few minutes later, with Sophie & May by his side. Ash was still present on their hands.

"Who would like to investigate the scene of the crime? The garage/garden?"

Jamie, Brianna & Michelle rose their hands.

"Please follow Sophie."

Jamie, Brianna & Michelle all quickly followed Sophie the maid, who already took off out of the parlor before Giles could finish.

"Who would like to investigate Greg's last known whereabouts, the library?"

Only Dan rose his hand.

"That's it?" Dan gasped slightly as he looked around at the other guests, who didn't have their hands up.

"Dan. The Lone Ranger," Giles commented.

"...Please follow May to the library."

Dan followed May.

"Nelson, Reynold & Natalie. Please follow me to the morgue."



Jamie, Brianna & Michelle knew that the crime scene was going to be the most grizzly one yet. But they definitely underestimated the damage it had done.

The car body had been completely scrapped of its metal, and the value of the normally expensive car was well and truly destroyed.

The very garden shed that Jamie had been searching in for the riddle yesterday had now completely disintegrated. Only sheer planks of the brittle wood remained on the charred ground. There was also tire marks which clearly stopped at the explosion site, they led off to another area which wasn't on their site.

"What the hell happened?" Michelle said in a shocked voice as she played with a piece of the destroyed shed in her hand.

"Did any of you hear a car start?" Jamie asked the two girls.

Both of them shook their heads back to Jamie. "I didn't hear anything except for the explosion. Are you sure it was a car starting?" Brianna asked, weary if the carpenter was actually lying to her and her fellow ally to try and throw them off.

Jamie nodded back. "Positive. I've heard a few good car engines in my days. My brother runs a car business."

"That's nice?" Michelle acted interested as she bends down to examine the smashed windows of the shed.

The three examine the shed for several minutes, however, they didn't find anything useful at all.

"There has to be more at this area." Brianna wasn't convinced that the major area could have no clues whatsoever.

They were all starting to lose hope. That was until Jamie reminded the other two of something vital. "Didn't Giles say garage/garden ?" Jamie scratched his head as he tried to remember what the butler said in his thick, slightly posh British accent.

"Yes, he did!" Michelle snapped her fingers as she finally remembered the key part of information Giles revealed.

It took quite some time for the three of them to find the slightly hidden garage, but when they did, they realised there was a lot more information than they thought.

"Told you it was a car!" Jamie slightly rubbed it in Brianna's face as they all saw a pair of car tire marks. There was indeed a pair of car tire marks burnt into the ground of the garage. The tires looked like they had been almost burnt with the black indentation left on the garage floors ground.

Michelle put the points together. "So he tried to drive out of the manor?"

"It looks like it." Brianna agreed. "But how did he know there was a car here? And plus the garage doors wide open, and that keyhole means he got the key somehow."

"So he was driving and somehow ran into the shed which killed him?" Jamie knew it didn't make sense.

The three definitely had a lot of unanswered questions, but they knew that hopefully, their alliance members at the other locations could bring answers.


: Dan found it very strange being the only person to investigate one area on his own. He definitely thought that someone else from the other alliance would have gone with him. But he was secretly thankful that they didn't. Because now he had all the information for himself.

Dan made himself comfortable in the library. Upon inspecting the table he noticed a few things. A plate of drinks had obviously been served, unopened pots of sugar and milk were sitting on the tray. He also noticed a letter, with several holes in it. Which confused the footballer, he read.

"Another note left by the killer." Dan sighed as he inspected the handwriting. Dan found it silly how so many people had fallen for notes from the killer (Justin, Courtney & Greg) and how it had ultimately been their demise.

At first, Dan was sad that there wasn't as much information at the last known whereabouts then he originally thought, but he knew he noticed that the other guests probably didn't have any inkling that this note existed. And That gave him power. Power for once in this game.

Reynold, Nelson & Natalie somehow didn't think through their minds that Greg's body was going to be the most disgusting yet. And they definitely paid for it the minute they walked into the Morgue. The unusual smell of burnt flesh to Natalie & Nelson almost made them puke directly on the immediate entry of the morgue.

"This is the worst body yet," Nelson whined as he started to gag at the putrid smell.

"I'm gonna throw up." Natalie started retching as she grew closer and closer to Greg's dead body.

The body itself was completely destroyed. The skin was a mixture of black and purple, as well his stomach had several deep holes in it. There was also a large indentation in his head, which looked like someone had flattened with a rolling pin.

"What could have caused this head wound?" Natalie asked the doctor, thinking he could maybe give a hypothesis.

Reynold scratched his head. "I don't know, I've never seen something like this before I don't think."

"But I can say that both his legs are completely broken." Reynold noticed that both of Greg's legs were dangling off the table in impossible angles for them not to be broken. Natalie & Nelson took note of that.

Nelson was expecting Greg's left arm when he noticed a circular device, firmly grasped in Greg's hand. "What's this?"

The group huddled around Nelson as he held the circular device in his hand. Apart from the dried blood on the sides, the group quickly realised it was what looked like car keys, attached to the circular device which had a big button in the center.

"Some sort of keys?" Natalie looked at the blood stained keys.

Reynold pressed the button on the clicker. "It's not doing anything."

"It obviously starts or opens something," Natalie said.

"But what?"

Before Natalie or Nelson could respond to Reynolds question the estate bell rang. Time was up for the three of them.


The seven remaining guests all reconvened in the parlour. And split into their groups. A snack and grab breakfast was also on service by the maids.

Nelson decided to stick with Brianna & Michelle, they also (to the surprise of the other alliance) seemed to invite Reynold back into their conversations.

"I can't believe I was the only person to go to the last known whereabouts!" Dan smiled slightly.

"Why are you so happy about it?" Natalie chuckled.

Dan lowers his voice "Because. They have no idea why Greg went down garage at that time."

Jamie piped in "So why did he go down there?"

Dan took a bite of his croissant "One of us left a note pretending to say that we're all escaping. The name however was cut out so I don't know who it was."

Jamie nodded "Well that's helpful I guess."

"Well the Morgue was an experience to say the least... Greg's body was completely mutilated. I don't think there was one part of his body that wasn't completely mangled. His skin was a mixture of red and black, probably from the explosion. Both his legs were broke, and there was a flattened part of his head which looked like someone had actually rolled it out like play-dough." Natalie shuddered at the memory of Greg's destroyed dead body in the morgue.

Jamie went next "The crime scene was interesting. Remember that little garden shed we were in yesterday during the riddle?"

Dan & Natalie nodded

"Yeah well that's completely gone. I think that was where the source of the explosion was. The whole car was straight up black. We followed the tire marks and they led to that garage that you've been talking about Dan. There was skid marks, so Greg obviously drove fast out of there."

"But why would he drive off so fast if the letter said all of us were coming?" Natalie queried.

Dan rubbed his chin at the only female left of the alliance's comment. "That's a good point?"


"One of us should have really gone to the last known whereabouts." Reynold started to regret letting Dan going to one area on his own.

Brianna sighed "Well if he did find something, it couldn't have been that important. We kind of have all the information really. It's just a matte of putting it all together."

"But what caused that explosion?" Michelle said for the tenth time. It confused the wannabe actress that they didn't actually find the cause of the explosion at the crime scene.

Nelson suddenly had a eureka moment, "The gas canisters! I remember seeing them in the shed

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