《Helluva Harem》Thank you


Y/n: What a fucking night. I had a blast!

Loona: What amazes me still is the fact you can still move after eating that much.

Octavia: Or the fact he can even talk.

Y/n: Hey! I'll have you know that meal was absolutely tasty and I would eat it again.

Octavia: You should move to the Gluttony ring then.

Y/n:[Pouting] Are you calling me fat?

Octavia: What! No. I'm just saying you like to eat a lot.

Y/n: Haha yeah.... Anyways, who up for some dessert?


Y/n: Yup.

Octavia: Amazing...

Y/n: So do you want to go or not?

Charlie: I'll go...if that's okay

Y/n: Sure! Is Vaggie coming with us?

Vaggie: Nah, I'm heading back to the hotel, gonna sleep the night away.

Y/n: Okay, anyone else? Blitzo? Verosika? Vortex?

Loona: I'll go.

Y/n: Sweet

???????: Me to...

Y/n: I see, and who are you?

???????: Roxanne.

Vortex: Wow, Look at Roxanne finally getting buddy buddy with someone.

Roxanne: Shut up Tex, only reason why I'm here was there was free food.

Y/n: Honesty... I like it

Stolas: I'll go to. Via, do you want to go?

Octavia: Fine...

Millie: Y'all grabbin' dessert?[Star-eyed] Can I come!?!

Y/n: Of course you can!

Moxxie: I'm going to head home, have fun you guys.

Y/n: Stay safe Mox.

Millie: Love you honey.

Moxxie: Love you to Millie.

Angel: I'm going to head home to toots, busy day coming up.

Y/n: Unfortunate. Stay safe for me.

Angel: For you, Anything~.

Vortex: Me and my Friends are gonna cause a riot, Have fun Y/n.

Y/n: Thrash some shit in my name, ok.

Vortex: Will do.

Verosika: I'm going to the studio, apparently SOMEONE![Looking at Josh] Forgot turn off the fucking recording equipment and now it's been picking up every sound. Now we're going to STAY THERE ALL NIGHT! To fix everything.


Josh: I already told you Verosika, I DIDN'T DO IT!


Verosika's crew groans in anguish.

Verosika: Except Milky!

Verosika's crew: WHAT!

Verosika: She was the only one who didn't show up today. Why would she need to go if she didn't even show up.

Milky: Then in going with Y/n!

Blitzo: Oh fuck it why not, I don't want to go back home yet, Come on Y/n, Let's go.

Stella: I'll come to, I want something sugary.

Y/n: FUCK YEAH! Now who wants ice cream?

Everyone agrees that ice cream would be the superior dessert for this current moment. You and group are now set on an adventure to find a ice cream parlor.

Y/n: You know, I really like banana split over the hot fudge sundae.

Stolas: What sort of drugs are you taking? Clearly the hot fudge is the superior kind of ice cream special.

Blitzo: Stolas I love you but I'm with Y/n on this one. The hot fudge ruins the whole purpose of the ice cream.

Loona: No the both of you clearly wrong, Hot fudge solo's every single banana split. Easy.

Millie: Now that's just plain stupid, Although hot fudge is good. The banana split has 3 whole different flavors, fruit, nuts, syrup, and cherries. It what the sundae wants to be.

Roxanne: Nah, hot fudge is number 1. Simple as.

Y/n:[Jokingly] Aren't you dogs, y'all can't have chocolate

Loona:[Smiling and giving you the finger] Dick.

Octavia: I just want strawberry ice cream...

Stella: Vanilla...

Milky: Personally I'm a pistachio girl.

Everyone looks at Milky like she committed a war crime.

Charlie: That's like the worst flavor...

Y/n: Wrong!

Everyone: WHAT!

Y/n: I am sick and tired of people saying pistachio is the worst type of ice cream, IT IS NOT! It's provides a nice subtle sweet flavor and the pistachio provides a nice clash with the softness. All of you ARE SHEEP! The real worst flavor is clearly Cookies & Cream.


Milky: Finally, someone said it.

Loona: You're clearly just wrong.

Y/n: I'm dying on this pistachio hill.

Milky: Me to.

Stella: Y/n, you must be joking right?

Y/n: Not one bit, pistachio is criminally underrated and misunderstood.

Stella:[Sarcastically] I fell in love with an idiot...

Y/n:[Proud] The world's most correct idiot.

Everyone just laughs at the end, no one at the end really caring about anyone's opinion. All just fun banter.

Arriving at the ice cream shop everyone ordered what they wanted.

Octavia got a simple strawberry ice cream, Stella got vanilla, Loona got cookies and cream, Charlie got Rocky road, Roxanne got a fruit popsicle, and milky got pistachio. You,Blitzo, and Millie enjoyed a banana split while Stolas enjoyed a hot fudge sundae.

Everyone mingles with everyone, shooting the shit and talking about daily life, Loona and Roxanne seem to hit it off, finding alot of things in common. You even managed to hold a conversation with Roxanne for a couple of minutes. After awhile Charlie walks up to you.

Charlie: Hey Y/n, you think you can give me Katie Killjoy's number?

Y/n: Sure, why you need it?

Charlie: I want to promote my hotel, it's a "passion project". My first time advertising it didn't go so well since it was on a channel nobody watched...

Y/n: I think I remember seeing it once, The hotel that gives you a shot at redemption?

Charlie: Yes that one!

Y/n: Oh I see, well give me your number and I'll send hers your way.

Charlie: Thank you!

You and Charlie exchanged numbers, she even gave you Vaggie's number just in case she can't make it to the phone.

Charlie: Thank you for this night Y/n, I've had fun... You ever gonna do this again?

Y/n: Probably, invite some of your friends next time!

Charlie: Oh... I don't have alot of friends... Just lots of acquaintances.

Y/n: Then invite em. Make em your friends.

Charlie: Heh, if only it were that easy...

Y/n: Hey, anyone can do anything. Just try.

Charlie: Yeah... Welp! I should get going, Vaggie is probably worried sick about me.

Y/n: Stay safe Charlie.

Charlie: You to Y/n.

Charlie leaves, this started a chain reaction. Soon everyone started leaving saying their goodbyes. Eventually it was just You Roxanne and Loona roaming the streets.

Roxanne: Today was... Fun.

Loona: Yup all thanks to Y/n here.

Roxanne: I usually don't get to leave my house. Not 'cause of anything I just never bothered leaving. Putting in too much time into my band I guess.

Y/n: You're in a band?

Roxanne: More like a solo act.

Y/n: Sick, what do you play?

Roxanne: Keytar.

Y/n: Really!?! I have one in my apartment!

Roxanne: Fucking sweet!

Roxanne then looks at her watch.

Roxanne: Shit it's getting late. It was nice meeting y'all.

Y/n: Likewise

Roxanne then runs off into the night, leaving you and Loona alone.

Loona: Well I think I'm going to head off to, Blitzo wants us to work tomorrow.

Y/n: Sounds cool with me. See ya Loony.

Loona: Love it when you call me that.

You kissed Loona goodbye, watching her blend into the background. You finally head home. You shifted into your pajamas and fell into your bed, letting night-time jazz play.


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