《Soulmates | S.M.》15


Shawn pulled the thermometer away from me, reading the temperature off of the tiny screen as I laid in bed, under the covers. "103 degrees. You have a fever, honey"

"Can I still go to your concert tonight?"

"You should stay back and rest. I'll go get you some medicine but I have to leave soon"

"Are you sure I can't go?" I pouted.

"I'd love it if you went but you need to get some sleep" He sympathetically smiled, kissing my forehead. Shawn was able to have medicine be brought up to the room and he had to leave for the show soon after. I curled myself into the blankets, turned on the television, and felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier.

I woke up to absolute darkness. Leaning over to turn on the light on the nightstand, I let my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness of the room. I looked around a bit, realizing that I was in my room at home, not at the hotel in Paris. Confused, I reached for my phone on the nightstand to call Shawn. I opened the "phone" app and saw that Shawn wasn't in my contacts. This is so weird. Am I losing my mind?

I ended up dialing Elle instead, hoping that she'd have answers. "Alana? What are you doing up? It's almost midnight"

"I have a quick question"

"Sure what's up?"

"When I last spoke with you, I was in Paris with Shawn, right?"

"Paris with Shawn? He was in town"

I made a face of disbelief even though she couldn't see it. "Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure he was with me last night"

"You're kidding aren't you?"

"I'm sorry, Alana. You should get some sleep. You're probably tired"

"It's alright. Thanks for your help" I ended the call. She said that I never went to Paris with Shawn? What is happening. Out of curiosity, I decided to search up Shawn on Google. I typed in his name on my phone and turns out, there were no traces of his singing career or even him. There were links to 'Shawn Mendes' Facebook pages but that was all.

I impulsively looked at my left hand. The ring, the promise ring was still there. I took it off, checking to see if the engraving was still there. It was and it had the same date.

I decided to just go back to sleep. Maybe I was losing it and my brain was making everything up.

"Alana? Babe wake up" I opened my eyes, the brightness of the sun making my vision blurry.


"Shawn? Who the hell is Shawn?" By the time the person said this, my eyes cleared and I realized that it was an absolute stranger. I reached for the bottom of my bed, grabbing the baseball bat I keep for protection, and stood up, holding it out in front of me.


"WHO ARE YOU?" I yelled.

"Alana?! ITS ME. YOUR FIANCE, MASON" I looked at him, in pure confusion. Mason had dark brown hair and a jock-ish type of look to him.


"Babe. You're probably tired. Look at the ring on your left hand"

I looked. It was the promise ring that Shawn gave me in Paris.


"Come on now. We're getting married in a couple of weeks"

"You're kidding"

"I'm not kidding. Now. Put the bat down and let's talk" I slowly dropped the bat, sitting next to him on the bed but still keeping my distance.

"What's going on?" He asked. I looked at him as if he was crazy. I wasn't able to get out any words; I was speechless.

Out of nowhere, a weird buzzing noise started playing. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

I tried listening closer. The buzzing began to get louder and louder until I could hear the sound of a voice, clear in my head. "Alana, honey. Please wake up. I know you're in there and that you can hear me. They said you'll be able to hear me" It was Shawn's voice. So close yet so far. Then he started singing the chorus of 'When You're Ready'. "Baby tell me when you're ready, I'm waiting" He sounded like he was in complete devastation. What's wrong, my love? Why can't I see you?

With a package of soup from restaurant across the street, I headed to the hotel room right after the concert so I could take care of Alana. I opened the door, walked in and placed the paper bag on the dresser under the television. I walked over to the bed where Alana was asleep and felt her forehead. She was burning hot.

"Alana? Honey? I got you some food" I stroked her hair to try to get her to wake up. She didn't seem to budge.

"Alana?" I began to get worried, checking her pulse. It was still beating. Thank God.

I said her name a little louder. "Alana" No response. I called Andrew and asked him to call an ambulance.

One hour later . . .

I sat in the chair next to Alana's hospital bed, my head rested on the barrier things and held her hand as she slept.

She was set up on IVs, wires, and whatnot, the heart monitor's beeping being the only sound in the room.

When Alana was brought to the hospital, the doctor took some samples and tests to see why she wouldn't wake up. She was my Sleeping Beauty, literally. Jokes aside, the doctor came back a little bit later and told me the reasoning for the coma. Apparently, she did not get enough of the necessary vaccines for France since she only got them for Japan. The doctor gave her some of the vaccine and it was currently making it's way through her blood. Some foreign virus got into her system, causing her to get incredibly sick and in a coma. The doctor told me that if I didn't get to her when I did, the situation would be much worse. He also told me that she would be waking up on her own, the hard part is waiting.


I called Alana's parents, telling them what happened. Unfortunately, they were not able to come due to work but Elle decided to come in place of them.

I put my head up, bringing her hand to my lips, and watched as she slept in peaceful silence. "Alana, honey. Please wake up. I know you're in there and that you can hear me. They said you'll be able to hear me" She still didn't budge. I started softly singing 'When You're Ready' to her, tears filling in my eyes.

Alana and I haven't know each other for very long but it feels as if I've known her for my whole life. She makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world. The way she laughs, the way she subconsciously rubs her thumb over my swallow tattoo when we're holding hands, her facial expressions when she talks about something she's passionate about. All of these little things make me so happy and I don't know if I'd be able to live without her. Come on, honey. Wake up. For me.

I looked at Mason, trying to figure out what was going on. Am I dreaming? I have to be. I pinched myself and that didn't seem to work.

I faced Mason on the bed. "I um. I need some air" I got up from the bed and walked out of the house and sat on my porch, looking at the street around me. Everything looked the same. My car in the driveway, all the houses on the street.

I watched as a black Jeep parked itself on the driveway across from my house. A tallish figure with curly hair came out of the drivers seat. I looked a little bit closer, standing up from the porch swing and walking across the street.

"Shawn?" The boy turned around looking at me.

"Hey Alana. How's it going?"

I walked towards him, giving him a large embrace. "You don't understand how much I've missed you"

Shawn responded by slowly giving me a pat on the back. "Me too? Alana? Are you alright? Where is this coming from?"

I looked up at him. "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing. You're just acting a bit weird. I should go head inside now. Elle's waiting for me"


From inside the house, you could hear Elle's voice yell "SHAWN. I'VE BEEN DYING TO SEE YOU"

"COMING HONEY" He yelled back.

"Honey?" I was absolutely lost.

"Yeah" He responded. "Elle, as in your best friend, as in my wife. I'll see you soon, Alana. You should go get some rest" With that, he gave me a small wave, turning around, and left me in the driveway, shocked.

I stayed by Alana's side all night, not realizing that I fell asleep in the chair with her hand still in mine until I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

I instantly jolted up, looking to see who it was. It was a petite looking girl, around my age, with long brown hair, wearing grey sweatpants and a red Champion hoodie.

"Shawn! I've been dying to meet you! I'm Elle" She put out her hand for me to shake but I just stood up and gave her a small hug.

"Thank you so much for coming, for everything really. It's an honor to meet you, Elle"

"You too" She looked over at Alana. "So. How has she been?"

"Hasn't moved or anything. She's supposed to wake on her own. I've been talking and singing to her all of last night"

She sat down on the chair, looking up to me. "Mind if I talk to her a bit?"

"Of course not. Go ahead" I walked out of the room to get a cup of coffee.

I came back with two cups of coffee. I handed one to Elle. "Thanks! That's so sweet of you"

"It's no problem. Have you been able to make any progress?"

Elle pouted. "Sadly no" I looked over at the wall by the window and saw my guitar in it's case. This gave me an idea. I took it out, strumming a bit.

I pulled up a chair next to Elle, continuing to strum. I then started singing 'Stuck on You'.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The sound of beeps filled my ears, causing my head to hurt a bit. Then I heard the strum of a guitar and Shawn's calming voice. I opened my eyes a bit, slowly but surely.

They were still a bit closed but it was wide enough to where I could see what was happening around me.

"Shawn?" The guitar stopped. The sound of a chair moving across the floor as I felt a hand hold mine. My eyes were still a bit heavy.

"You're awake"

"Shawn" I then felt his hand go away and was replaced with a smaller one. I was able to open my eyes a bit wider. "Elle?"


"What are you doing here?"

"You scared me so much. I took a plane here" I smiled softly. I still felt a little weak.

"Where'd Shawn go?"

"He went to get a nurse. Hang in there okay?"

"Alright. I love you for being here, Elle"

She chuckled. "I love you too"

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