《Soulmates | S.M.》16


It's been about an hour since I have woken up. The doctors told me everything and said that I'd have to stay in the hospital for a few more days to regain my health. I told Elle and Shawn all about what happened in the coma and whatnot. People visited me throughout the day, mainly the tour crew. Shawn and Elle sat by my side the whole time.

We were all just talking about random things when Shawn's phone started ringing. He picked it up and it was Andrew telling him that it was almost time for the next show.

"I don't want to leave you again"

"It's alright. Elle's here" Shawn looked from me to Elle, contemplating. After a little, he nodded his head, walking up to the bed, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you, honey"

I smiled. "I love you more"

He walked out of the room, shooting me one last smile before walking all the way out.

Elle spoke up. "You love him a lot, don't you?"

I looked at her, smiling softly. "Yeah, I do"

"He loves you a lot too"

"Yeah? How do you know?"

"When I walked in, he was asleep next to you, holding your hand. He must have been in that position the whole night"

I grinned, looking out the window at the blue skies. I then heard a shriek. Worried, I looked at Elle. "What's wrong?!"

"You're. You. You are. Engaged?!" She jumped up and down and reached over, grabbing my left hand, and looked at the ring.

"I'm not engaged. You don't have to worry" I chuckled.

"A promise ring?"


"If this is the promise ring, I can't wait to see the engagement ring. It's stunning, Alana"

I looked at it, moving my hand around to watch it sparkle in the sunlight. "It is, isn't it?"

"That boy, man, person loves you. You need to keep him. The amount of love I feel in this room when both of you are present is absolutely ridiculous; it's off the charts"

"Is this your 'witchy' side talking?"

"Hell yeah it is. I've been around many couples. This, what you guys have, is different than any feeling or vibe I have ever felt"


"So" I said, slowly. "What you're saying is-"

"Soulmates, Alana. Soul. Mates"

"I thought you didn't believe in that stuff"

"Well. I was obviously wrong"

For the next couple of days, I stayed at the hospital, recovering from everything. On the third day, the doctor came into the room and informed me that I was able to leave. Shawn was downstairs, checking me out of the hospital.

Elle went over by the window, picking up a bag. "I bought you some clothes"

"Are you sure it's clothes I can actually wear?"

"Are you still on my case about the red dress situation? Because if we do a little fact check, you got something good out of it"

"Alright, alright" I chuckled, bringing the bag into the bathroom. I can finally get out of this hospital gown.

I opened the bag and took out the contents. A white shirt, black pants, and my black vans. I put them on and went out of the room.

"See" Elle said. "Do you like it?"

"Yes. Thank you"

Shawn entered the room with some papers in hand. "You're officially better and I can now do this" He walked towards me by the bed, putting his lips on mine, smiling into the kiss.

"EWW. Don't forget about your audience over here" Elle said, making a face of disgust. Shawn and I both chuckled as we gathered up the last of our things and headed out of the hospital.

The Next Day . . .

"The fact that you have to leave me hurts" Shawn said, lying in bed as I packed my suitcase.

"Trust me. I don't want to leave you either. But, school is important and I already signed up for classes this semester"

"When's the next time we're able to see each other?"

"I should be asking you that. You're the one with the hectic schedule"

"You're right. Let me think" He took a second to think, then pulled out his phone. He pressed a couple of buttons then finally said, "I'm going to be done with tour before Christmas?"

"That's only" I paused for a second, thinking. "4 months from now?"

"Just about"

I looked over at Shawn and he was staring blankly at the wall behind me. I put the last shirt into the suitcase, zipping it up and placing it near the door. I went to the bed, pulling him out, and dragged him out to the balcony table. We sat down across from each other on the marble seats.


I put my hand out across the table, grabbing his left wrist. "Look" I said, rubbing my pointer finger across the paper airplane tattoo. "If you really ever need me, just remember I'm only a plane ride away" He looked at me in the eyes, reaching a hand over and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I don't know what I ever did to deserve you"

I bit my lip, looking at him, and smiled. "I should be the one saying that, handsome"

He shook his head, smiling, then took my hand and pulled me to his lap. We sat there in silence, his head rested on my shoulder as we admired the city below us.

Home, once again. I left my suitcase in the living room, going my bedroom and laid down, looking at the ceiling. The long flight left me exhausted but I couldn't go to sleep due to jet lag. I did some calculations in my head and figured out that it was. the middle of the day where Shawn was. I decided to give him a call.

After a couple of rings, he answered. "Hello, honey?" I could hear whispers in the background.

"Good afternoon, handsome. Are you busy?"

"Mmm. Just a little. I'm currently at a Q&A and you're on speaker"

"Oh gosh. I forgot you had a performance today. Sorry to disturb. Hey guys!" I heard cheering and yells. "Well, I'll leave you alone. Just wanted to tell you that I loved you before going to bed" There was a mix of 'aww's' in the back.

"I love you more"

With that, I plugged my phone into my charger and got ready for bed.

A Few Days Later . . .

The first day of my junior year of college. I sat down at the vanity in my room, getting ready for the day. I can't believe I'm almost done with school. After this, I can find a job, settle down, get married, have kids. It all g-. I looked at myself in the mirror, further thinking the situation through. I'm not like most people. They aren't dating a world famous celebrity. Would Shawn want to settle down and have kids? His career is only getting bigger and better from here. What would happen when I find a job and he's always touring? It's alright. We'll figure things out when we get there. For now, have a great first day.

I finished getting ready, grabbed my backpack from my kitchen counter, and headed to my car in the driveway. The university was about thirty minutes away from where I lived so I always decided to leave early so I had extra time to do stuff when I get there.

I arrived at the building where my first class was held. I had about twenty minutes until it started so I just sat in my car and looked through my phone. It said I had a message from Shawn.

Shawn: I hope you have a great first day! I love you sweetie ❤️

Alana: Aww. I love you too. I miss you a whole lot, handsome.

I put down my phone, taking off my seatbelt so I could get my textbooks from the floor of the passengers side. Reaching over, I retrieved them and felt a tapping at the window to my left. I looked out and saw that it was a girl with tan skin and long brown hair. I rolled down the window to see what was going on.

"Hi!" I said.

"Hi" She said, excitedly. "I'm so sorry to bother you but are you Alana Sinclair?"

"Yes, I am" I smiled. Once I said this, her eyes lit up.

"Would it be alright if I take a picture with you? I'm a huge fan of you and Shawn"

"Oh. Thank you! Of course" I went out of the car to take the picture. Wow. People are starting to recognize me. This is so weird and such a warming feeling. So many people being united by this one dude who plays the guitar and tells you to "SCREAM IT OUT" when he's singing his songs.

Once the girl left, she told me her name was Hazel, I got my things and went to my first class of the new school year.

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