《Soulmates | S.M.》2


I walked out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth and went to the queen sized bed nearest to the window of the hotel room. I situated myself in the comfortable blankets and grabbed my phone from the charger on the nightstand. I turned it on and noticed I had a text message.

Unknown: Hey. I know I told you to text me but I just couldn't wait any longer.

Alana: Shawn?

Unknown: Who else would it be?

Alana: I don't know? Texting is a really sketchy world. You could be anyone. Send me proof..

Unknown: You really just want a picture don't you?

Alana: wHat? No. I just want to make sure I'm not texting a serial killer.


Alana: hHAHAHHAAA. I love how you took the time to add that little coffee sticker.

Shawn: shush. It gives the photo more life. And makes me feel less lonely. Andrew, my manager, wouldn't go downstairs to get coffee with me.

Alana: AW. Sister Shawn is sister sad because he's lonely.

Alana: Hey. Where are you anyways? That cup looks really familiar.

Shawn: At this little cafè at my hotel. Why?

Alana: My hotel has a little cafè..

Shawn: Are you telling me we're staying at the same hotel?

Alana: I don't know? Maybe?

I turn off my phone and look at my mom who was on the other bed.


"Hmm?" She mumbles as she was about to fall asleep.

"I'm going to go downstairs and grab some coffee."

"Okay. Don't stay out too late."

I get up out of bed, deciding to leave my pajama pants on, I put on my black hoodie, my yellow vans, then walk out of the hotel room.

As I was nearing the first floor on the elevator, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. Shawn was calling. I decided to not answer since I was already almost to my destination.


I get off the elevator and head straight to the lobby, where the cafè was located.

There he was. As I was getting closer and closer, I could see his figure through the glass, still attempting to call me.

I reached the cafè and went to the table he was at, sitting down on the chair across from him.

Giving me the most surprised look, he adjusted his hoodie a bit, clearing his throat. "Hey."

"Hi." I gave him a small grin. "What a coincidence. Am I right?"

"For sure. I just can't believe you're here right now. In front of me." He took a sip of his coffee. "Do you want anything?"

"Um. I'm fine. It's kinda late to be drinking coffee." I turned my phone towards him, showing him the time. 10:37.

"What are you doing down here, so late at night? I bet you're exhausted from the concert earlier."

"No. Well, I am a bit tired but." He took a second to find his words. "Whenever I need to think about things, or in this case, inspired to write music, I usually like to be in a calming environment. Hence the coffee and the cafè."

"Inspiring." I stared into his eyes for a second. "Oh gosh. I just realized that I'm intruding you from all the calmness." I start standing up from the table when he stopped me.

"No. Don't go. I enjoy having people around when I'm writing. And also, I do need to learn a little bit about you. Instead of waiting for tomorrow, why don't you tell me something now?"

I looked at him for a second. "Um. I guess I can tell you something? I'm an overall boring person but. Okay. Here goes."


"My full name is Alana Rose Sinclair. I'm 19 years old and as of right now, I am on my summer vacation. Usually, I'd be at school, studying nursing. I'm the youngest of two children and my favorite colors are purple and yellow. How was that? Too much?"

At my last question, Shawn gave me one of his signature smiles. "That was perfect."

"Now that you know something about me, why don't you tell me something about you?"

"I'm pretty sure you know everything already."

"Just because I went to your concert doesn't mean I'm obsessed."

"So you don't know a lot about me?" He asked with a look that showed he didn't believe me.

"Okay. You got me there. I am a huge fan. But, what you show on the internet and to the world might possibly be different than who you actually are. I want to know the real Shawn Mendes."

"Wow. Nobody has ever said that to me. Um. I guess I'll tell you a little bit about me." He shyly grinned, putting his hand through his curly brown hair.

"My full name is Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. I have a younger sister, Aaliyah. I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter and am currently obsessed with electric guitars and fluffy jackets."

"You knew all of that didn't you?"

"Mmmm. Maybe." I smiled.

"Yup. You did. I told you, you already know everything."

"I truly don't know everything. But it's good that I knew all of the things you described about yourself. It shows that you are truthful and honest. I love people with those qualities."

"And there are in fact, some things I don't know. Like. What you like to do on a rainy day."

"Play guitar for hours on end."

"See. Now I know that you like to abuse your fingers. I'm learning."

He chuckled at that statement and took another sip of his coffee.

I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear as we stared at each other in silence once again. This occurred five other times that night.

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