《Soulmates | S.M.》1


"Would you ever sacrifice your career for love?", a fan asks Shawn at one of his Q&As on his Illuminate world tour.

The group of people sitting in the room with him begin to chuckle as Shawn was taking his time to answer the question.

"I don't- I don't know because I've never experienced like true love I don't think. So I'd like to sit here and say no but I honestly don't know. Maybe."

A year ago today, I never would have thought I'd be going to see Shawn Mendes on his world tour for his self-titled album, but here we are. A little over a year ago, I watched the Carpool Karaoke that featured Shawn and quickly grew a liking to one of his newer songs, Lost in Japan. That one song led me to dive into the rest of the album which then led to my infatuation with Shawn's music. Now, I'm in a hotel, getting ready for the concert.

I looked at myself in the well-lit mirror in the bathroom. I was wearing a thin, yellow long-sleeved shirt under a pair of overalls. My long, dark brown hair was hanging freely from my head, like it always is. I sprayed one spritz of perfume then called my mom to tell her I was ready to go.

During the concert..

I was sitting fairly close to the front of the stage, close enough to see him without having to look at the big screen. I couldn't believe that I was here, about to hear his beautiful falsettos and his insane high notes.

Later on in the concert, Shawn started to sing one of my personal favorites, Ruin. I was just singing along and out of nowhere, Shawn gets off the stage and starts running to random sections of the floor area. He was getting closer and closer until he stopped at the row I was sitting in and I just so happened to be at the edge of the row.


"Do I ever cross your mind." he sang right as his eyes met mine. At this moment, it felt as if the world around me just paused and it was just him and me in that moment. But of course, I'm just a fan. He gave me the softest grin and continued, moving on to another row.

After the concert..

My mom and I ended up staying a little bit later after the concert since she needed to use the bathroom and there was a long line of people. Unfortunately, we were the last people in line.

"Hey, mom? Do you have my phone?" I asked as I looked in my bag and seeing that it was not there.

She looked in her purse. "No I don't. Go back and double check to make sure that you didn't leave it at our seats."

I agree, heading towards the doors of the arena. Great, a long line and I forgot my phone. My day is going from great to kinda sucky right now. I go to my seat and look everywhere around it. If I left it at the seat, it seems as if someone has taken it by now.

"Looking for this?" I look up to see where the source of the yell was coming from and when I saw his face, my heart stopped for a second. Shawn Mendes, with my phone in his hand, was talking. To me.

"Y- Yeah. Um, I'm pretty sure that's mine." I walk over to where Shawn was sitting on the stage and he hands me the phone. "Thanks." I whisper, turning on my phone to check if it was mine. I looked back up at him. "Yup. This is the one."

We both stared at each other in silence for around five seconds which, to me, felt like hours. I finally broke the silence and said, "I'm sorry. For staring. I should proba-"


"You're the girl." He says, interrupting me from completing my sentence.

"I'm sorry. 'The girl'?"

"The girl I made eye contact with while singing Ruin. I noticed how much your eyes sparkled, even in the dark."

I started to blush. "Thank you? I'm not exactly sure how to respond to that."

"What your name?" He asks me.

"Alana." I reply, nodding my head, feeling extremely awkward because I would have never thought I'd be on a situation like this before.

"Alana." He repeats. "That's a beautiful name."

"I'm. Uh. Flattered. You're so kind. I should be heading back to my mom. She might be wondering where I am. Um. Thank you. For my phone. The compliments. Oh and your amazing performance." Nodding my head a little, I quickly say the last couple of words and turn around, and start walking towards the door, not allowing him to say anything else.

"Hey. Alana." I stop and slowly turn around looking at him. "You seem like a cool person. Are you from around here?"

"I'm not but I go here often enough to know where I'm going. Why?"

"I was wondering if you would like to show me around the city. Maybe grab some coffee or something?"

I hope I looked calm on the outside because on the inside, I was absolutely freaking out. "I'd like that. Yeah. I'm here until tomorrow and then I go home so."

"We can exchange numbers and just text me when you're available tomorrow. Is that cool?"

"I- Yes." I walked up to him once more, him, handing me his phone and me, putting in my number.

I hand him the phone back and he says, "It was nice meeting you."

"You too." I smile then walk towards the door to the outside of the arena.

"Don't forget to text me." I hear Shawn yell once I'm at the doors.

"I won't." I yell back to him.

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