《Forbidden - Rated M》Ten| why.


The Next Day

Running my hands through my curls I stared at the ceiling of my room. The minute Aubree gave me my money, I went and found me a place.

The doorbell rang through the house. Groaning, I sat up and tried to fully wake up. Taking a deep breath, I got up and headed to the front to open the door.

Sighing I looked at my twin brother. "Wassup Maine."

"Can I come in?"

I stepped back to let him through. We went and sat on the couch. "Shouldn't you be in school?" I asked.

"You too."

"I'm good."

He laughed. "You good? What does that mean?"

"I'm good. I got my money from dad, that'll have a me set for a while. I don't need school."

"So you dropping out with a month and a half left? You got full scholarships on the line. You really about to throw all this away because you got 500k. Money doesn't last forever."

"Maine, I don't wanna hear no pep talks. I'm a grown ass man, I got this. Besides, somebody's going to help me double it."

"Double it? Nigga do you don't not see the scammers on Instagram telling you they can flip yo money? What the fuck has gotten into you?"


"It's something. You drinking heavy, you being stupid, you doing Aubree bold as hell."

"Aubree need to learn her place."


"She's not my mother and I'm not about to keep letting her treat me like I'm her child."

"She the closest thing we've had to a mother in damn near 10 years. Momma forgot about us once daddy died and Aubree made sure we was good. We could've been in foster care, living with some people that hate kids and treated us like shit but our sister bust her ass to make sure we was good."

"I appreciate the shit she's done but I'm not about to kiss her ass."

"Nobody is making you do that. She never made you do that, all she asking you to do is show her a little respect. You drinking and shit. We already got one addict, are we about to have another one?"

"Man no, I just went to a party that night. I'll talk to Aubree in due time. I just want her to know that we're not kids anymore."

"Don't blend me in with you. I'm not a kid but I give respect to those who deserve it."

He kill me with this good boy act. It's old and tiring. "Whatever Maine, I ain't tryna hear this shit."

"All I'm trying to do is help you. I know something isn't right with you and I'm trying to figure out what it is."

"I'm good." That's a lie. I just feel like my life in shambles. I never been the type to talk about my feelings and I'm not about to start now. That's some sucka shit.


Maine sighed because he knew I was lying. He always knows when I'm lying. Standing up from his seat he shoved his hands in his pockets. I didn't think he was going to leave this soon. "Well I still got time to make it to my first hour, I'll hit you up."

I just nodded. He then walked out the front door.

Siting back on the couch I took a deep breath while looking around. Maybe I do need to talk to Aubree.

Pulling myself out of bed, I went into the bathroom in Aubree's room. She had a tooth brush and rag sitting on the counter and some clothes on the toilet. I went and freshened up then headed downstairs. It smelled good as hell.

I walked into the kitchen to see the girls sitting at the counter and Aubree at the stove. Her hair tied up and she's still in her night shirt.

Baby so fine.

I walked up to her and wrapped one arm around her then lifted her chin with my free hand. "Good morning beautiful." I kissed her a few times.

"Good morning." She kissed me again. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, the best I've slept in a long time."

"I could tell, that's why I let you sleep in." She fixed a plate then handed it to me then took two smaller ones to the girls.

I can't even remember the last time I've had a real breakfast. Not just some cereal and milk.

I went and sat next to Royalty and dug into my food. The pancakes melted in my mouth. I was in love. "So since the girls played hookie I was thinking we could take them somewhere."

Aubree looked at me over her shoulder. "Like where?"

I know she has to be careful where she goes with me. "What about the beach? I know a spot that many people don't go to so we should be good."

"I guess that'll be cool."

"You mind if I go grab me and Ro something to wear for the day."

"No go ahead."

"Thanks babe." I finished my food then went to rinse my plate, after that I rushed upstairs and grabbed my keys and phone and slipped on my shoes. Hitting the lock button on my phone there was a bunch of missed calls and text messages. Sighing, I just shoved it in my pocket. Hurrying back downstairs I went over to Royalty. "I'm about to make a quick run, be good for Aubree."


"I'll be back." I said walking into the kitchen with Aubree. My hands slid under her night shirt, then over the front of her lace panties.

She pushed me away. "You can't do shit like that if you wanna talk about going slow."

I smiled while biting down on my lip. "My bad. Be naked, I mean dressed when I get back."


Aubree groaned and I laughed, walking away and out of the house. On my home I just hoped that my dad wasn't there. I don't have time for NONE of the shit he be on. He try that hitting shit today and it's gone turn into a fight.

I've never wanted somebody dead as much as I want him dead. He's truly the devil. His energy makes my skin crawl and I can't be in his presence too long and I hate the moments when I have to be like him.

Pulling up, I got mad instantly. Of course he's here, hopefully he's still in bed. Parking my car, I got out and headed inside. I guess my mom had a few kids to watch because of the tiny shoes by my door. Wish they would get their own fucking house.

Heading upstairs, I went into Ro's room and started grabbing her things. As soon as I turn around, guess who I run into. Smacking my lips I step back and just look at him. "You in my way."

"I guess everything that I said to you yesterday went in one ear and out the other."


"If you ain't at the warehouse money ain't being made the way I want it to be. I don't have time for you to be fucking around."

"Like I said yesterday. If you want things to go your way, you need to go up there and run shit. I don't have time for that right now."

He did that dumb evil laugh then his hand went right across my face. I felt the metal from his ring cut me right below my eye and that pissed me off even more. I was about to kill this nigga.

As soon as I went after him, I blacked out. I wasn't stopping until he was dead or unconscious.

"CHRISTOPHER! STOP CHRIS!" I heard my mom yelling. But all her yelling was pointless and she wasn't strong enough to get me off of him. Ima when I want to.

I sent multiple punches to his face, he tried to fight back but couldn't. Once I realized he was barely conscious, I got up. Blood covered his face and he just laid on the floor groaning.

"Are you serious?! There are kids downstairs! What the hell happened?!" My mom yelled again.

"I'm sick of that bitch, he wasn't about to keep putting his fucking hands on me." I wiped the blood from my mouth. "I want y'all out of my shit by the time I get back."

"Chris he's your father! Why would you do this?!"

"Fuck him and if you wanna take up for him, then fuck you too! That man ain't shit! He's been abusive my entire life! I'm not about to keep dealing with this. I'm almost 30 fucking years old, I'm not taking shit no more! You and him gotta get out my crib and stay the fuck away from me."

"What about Royalty?"

"When you grow a brain you can come back around her." I grabbed her bag, then went in my room and got some stuff for me then left out the house.

I was so fucking pissed! Why do I have to go through this Bullshit man? Why was I cursed with such a horrible father? I wish I could just run away from all of this.

I pulled into Aubree's driveway and got out and went inside. "Here's her stuff."

Aubree did a double take before jumping up and rushing over to me. "Oh my god are you okay?"

"Here Ro go get dressed." Walking away, I passed her, her bag.

"Did grandpa do that to you?" Royalty asked.

"Go get dressed." I yelled, scaring her and Ariel. Now I felt even worse. Royalty rushed upstairs.

"Seriously Chris?" Aubree said.

"Aye you mind if I stay here a few days. I need to stay away from my house for a minute."

"So you're just going to ignore everything that I'm saying? You walked out of here perfectly fine then you come back with bruises. What the hell is that about?"

"Obviously I don't wanna fucking talk about it, so you should just drop it."

"Ariel go upstairs."

Ariel grabbed her things and did what Aubree told her.

"I thought I asked you to be dressed when I got back, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Changing my mind about going anywhere with you, that's what I'm doing."

I shrugged. "That's cool."

"So is this something that I'm going to have to deal with often? You getting randomly beat up and then when somebody is concerned you catch an attitude?"

"Ain't nobody beat me up and you ain't gotta deal with nothing."

She laughed. "Well, I'm gonna go climb back in my bed. You and Royalty can go to the beach or whatever. I'm just trying to make sure you good, I don't need the bitchy attitude."

"Watch that bitch word baby girl."

"Don't act like one then baby boy," Aubree climbed her stairs.

"Can you send Royalty down?"


I went in the kitchen and grabbed some paper towel to clean the blood off of my face.

A few minutes later Ro came downstairs. "Are we still going to the beach?"

"Not today baby girl. We're going to be staying in hotel for a few days though. Daddy needs to get away from people for a while."

She sighed. "Is Aubree and Ariel coming?"

"Naw, you'll see Ariel in school tomorrow. Okay?"

She looked like she was about to cry and I hate whenever she does. "Okay."

"Let's go."

Walking out of the house I put her in the backseat then climbed in the front.

It's been a fucked up morning.

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