《Forbidden - Rated M》Eleven| risky.



I've been in this house with a fucking attitude for two days because of Chris and his ignorance. After our little argument and I put his ass out, he started texting me petty shit. Telling me we wouldn't argue if I just minded my business and I should've just shut the fuck up when he told me he didn't want to talk about it. I told that bitch to suck a dick and choke. That really pissed him off.

The next day, I go to pick up Ariel from school, this mother fucka parks behind my car and blocks me in. He gets out of his car and goes inside the school. He took literally 30 minutes doing God knows what. When his tall boney ass came out of the school I went and stood on the hood of his car and started jumping. He laughed before calling me a crazy Bitch and said if I didn't get off his car he'd shoot me. I got in his face and dared the Bitch to do it.

The school security had to break us apart. Ariel said that I embarrassed her and she didn't want me to pick her up today.

All of this nonsense because I tried to make sure that fool was okay. And the fact that I just can't chalk this up as another lost and block his number and move is pissing me off even more!

The doorbell rang through the house. My eyebrows furrowed as I wondered who the hell it was. Climbing out of my bed I headed downstairs and looked out the window by the door before opening it. "Hey Raven."

"Well hello stranger!" She said while walking in. "You get some time off and can't call or text nobody?"

"I'm sorry, I've just been busy catching up on things. You know I never have time to do anything while I'm at work."

We went and sat on the couch.

"Girl I know. I had to beg for the next three days off. I need to get ready for Saturday." She started dancing in her seat.

"About that......I don't think we're going anymore."

"Aubree! Don't play with me. I made a hair appointment just bought some new bundles, I was going to pick out my outfit today! Why don't you wanna go?"

"It's complicated. The guy who invited me, I'm not really trying to see him."

"Okay well fuck him. We should still go out and have fun! Aubree this is damn near a once in a lifetime opportunity for us with our work schedule. You gone let some nigga ruin that."


"Raven nothing, get up and get dressed. We're about to go to the mall and find something to wear."

"I'm not about to buy anything new, I have a bunch of shit with tags on it in my closet."

"Well you can come help me, let's go."

I sighed and slouched down in the couch. I really didn't want to go anywhere.

"Please Aubree! You always have on the cutest stuff. Come help your friend out. Pleeeeease."

"Ugh! Let me get dressed."

"Yay, that's why I love you so so so much."


"Blah Blah Blah." I headed upstairs and picked out something to wear then jumped in the shower.

It took me an hour to get ready, then I headed back downstairs.

"Okay I was going to be mad as hell if you came down here looking all plain Jane but you really just came down here slaying shit." Raven said. "And this is why I need your help."

I looked down at my clothes.

"Raven this outfit is plain."

"It's not, I'm ready to go home and change."

I laughed. "Let's go, I have to be back once Ariel gets home so Maine can go to work."

She nodded and we left out.

"So how are things with you and Jeremiah? Last time we talked you said he was tripping." She asked.

"Still haven't heard from him. He'll come around though."

"And you still have no clue what his problem is."

"No, and I wish he would just come talk to me but he's so stubborn. Him and Jermaine are definitely the opposite of each other."

"He's going to realize he was wrong for everything and come back around eventually. I know he will."

"He pisses me off but I miss him."

"So who's the mystery guy that you were seeing? I was shocked when you finally got a boo."

"I know but I don't think it's going to work out. Things are a little hectic and you know how I hate crazy situations."

"When you say hectic, what do you mean?"

"Arguing over stupid shit, we haven't been around each other long and it's already a bunch of back and forth. He's very defensive whenever I try to look out for him and it's some other stuff blocking us from dealing with each other."

"Aubree I'm sure the arguments are probably petty. It's time for you to be loved on and boo'd up."

"I wanna be loved on and boo'd up but I don't want to do that while in a difficult situation. Because the other problems will just overshadow the love and being boo'd up. With him I know for a fact it's going to be complicated."

"Because of a few arguments."

"No it's not that."

"Then What is it?"

I sighed thinking about the real reason why I can't really get into a serious relationship with Chris and I didn't know if I should tell Raven or not. But if Tisha knows, it wouldn't hurt to tell her. "Weeeeelllll he's sort of, kinda one of the guys on probation that I see."

She gasped, slamming on her breaks making us both damn near fly out the window. People blew their horns swerving around us.

"RAVEN!!" I yelled holding on to the back of my neck.

"Bitch are you crazy?! Do you know how much trouble you can get in if Tisha finds out or if anyone finds out."

"Crazy thing is, Tisha knows."

"Oh my fucking gosh! What did she say? Was she pissed?"

"No, not all. She said I needed this, just be careful because of how much trouble I could get in."

"Wait a minute, I think I know exactly who the guy is!"


I laughed. "Who?"

"That fine as man that came in your office that day with all the tattoos and the diamonds that will fucking blind you."

I placed my hand over my mouth to try and hide my smile.

"Yaaaaasss!" She hollered. "I'd break the law for him too bitch. Y'all are dope together! Aubree fix whatever problem y'all got going on."

"But I'm not the one causing the problem. He is."

"So what! Be the bigger person."

"You know what's crazy though, it's like this shit was destined. His daughter is Ariel's best friend."

"Oh Bitch if that ain't a sign then I don't know what to tell you."

"I still don't think it's going to work though."

"I do, you keep saying that because you're afraid of falling for somebody. You haven't had a serious relationship in a long time, you're used to these quick flings and also you're focused on your siblings. It's nothing wrong with that but you gotta make some time for yourself. You deserve it."

I nodded. "The boys are grown and my only focus is Ariel. It is time that I focus a little more on me."

"Right, So we're going to this mall, finding the sexiest outfits and we're going to that grand opening Saturday and we're going to get your man back."

"Yes boss lady." I laughed.

"Let's go."

Saturday Night

I stood in VIP and glanced around my club with the biggest smile on my face. I never thought I'd be able to accomplish something this big. My club is packed to capacity, with a line outside still wrapped around the corner.

This shit is fucking surreal.

Yes Indeed blasted through the speakers as I took another sip from my Hennessy bottle. I know I shouldn't be doing this but oh well, it's a big night for me and Ima celebrate.

Pulling my phone out of pocket, I checked to see if Aubree called or text. Even though we aren't on good terms, I still want her here. I'm not used to having somebody looking out for me, so when that happens I don't know how to receive it. I get defensive for some odd reason. I wanted to explain that to her but once she gets mad she gets petty and her mouth get slick. It takes everything in me not to smack her.

I can't believe we were about to fight outside of the girls school. I don't need to deal with no bitch that gets me to the point where I want to get physical with her.

Maybe I just got to keep Aubree as a friend.

"Aye we did it bro!" Sinko said.

What the fuck did he do besides complain every five seconds?

"Yeah." I gave him a fake smile.

"It's so many bad bitches in here, I don't know which one ima choose."

"Whoever choose yo fat ass. Stop acting like bitches just be flocking to you." I laughed while taking another sip from my bottle.

"You always got to be on some hating shit. That ain't cool, you supposed to be my brother."

"Ain't nobody hating and I am your brother, that still don't take away from the fact that you fat and don't nobody want you."

He flipped me off then walked away. I laughed then looked down at my almost empty bottle. Making my way out of the booth, I went up to the bar. "Aye, let me get another one."

The bartender nodded then walked away.

I leaned on the bar scrolling through my phone when a handle touched my back. I quickly turned and looked at some chick I ain't never seen before. She was cold, can't even lie.

"So I hear you own the place." She said before bitting her lip.

"And if I did?" My eyes roamed down to her breast then back up to her face.

"I just wanted to know who should I congratulate on this big night."

"That would be me, I'm Chrez." I held my hand out. Hoes don't get the real name.

She gently shook it. "Jade."

"Nice to meet you."

"Same here....so Chrez, is there a lucky lady to share this beautiful night with you?"


"Here's your bottle boss." The bartender said. I nodded while ripping the paper off then popping the top.

"You were saying?" Jade asked.

"There isn't a lucky lady with me tonight unfortunately. It should've been, but......" I shrugged. I put the bottle to my lip but before I could sip out of it somebody grabbed it. I quickly looked to my left.

"You shouldn't be drinking that."

A smile peeled across my face. "Aubree....you came."

"Yeah, I couldn't miss this, Congratulations on the accomplishment, Chrez."

I laughed at her using my street name, how does she even know it? "Thank you beautiful."

Jazmine, that ain't her name...Jordyn....wait that ain't it either. Something with a J cleared her throat, making me and Aubree look at her.

"You can leave." Aubree said.

"We were in the middle of a conversation but you decided to rudely interrupt."

I wrapped my arms around Aubree's waist and pulled her closer. "The conversation is over now, you can leave like she said."

"Fuck you." She stormed off.

Fuck her.

Pulling Aubree to me, I placed my hands on her ass. She looked good as hell tonight. "I wanna apologize." I said.

"Don't even worry about that right now. Let's just enjoy the night."

"Okay but I don't want to just sweep our issues under the rug. The last couple days have been crazy. I want to make that up to you. You were just looking out for me."

She nodded. "Yeah. But like I said, we'll deal with that in the morning."

"Alright." I looked at her and bit my lip, before burying my face in her neck and kissing it. I moved from her neck down to her breast, running my tongue between them. She moaned and tossed her head back.

"The Henny got you feeling risky huh?"

I pulled one of her boobs out of her top and sucked on her nipple then quickly put it back. Her face was red as hell.

"Are you serious?!" She asked while laughing.

"Nobody saw, quit crying. I bet that just turned you on though."

"That's an understatement."

"Do you taste as good as you look?"

"Wanna find out?"

"You tryna get fucked tonight Aubree?"

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do."

I pulled her out of the club. This girl don't know what she done got herself into, I'm about to tear her little ass up.

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