《Forbidden - Rated M》Two| full plate.


I sat at my desk, eyes burning and beyond ready to go. I've been at work since 4 this morning and it's looking like another late night for me.

I need a new job.

My office door opened and my boss Tisha walked with a stack of folders. I groaned and sat back. "No Ti, I can't take anymore files. I'm swamped."

"You know we're short staffed so it double the work. I'm trying to hire more POs but you know this isn't the most popular job."

"I know." I exhaled. "What you got?"

"Two inmates from upstate that were just granted parole. They'll be released in 48 hours and have to start seeing you as soon as possible to get everything set up." She passed me the files and they were thick as hell.

"Oh my god, what did these niggas do?"

"One is supposedly some big time drug dealer, the other was arrested over a DV issue with his baby momma but they proved she was lying. His record isn't that bad. He owns a few businesses, seem like the only time he gets locked up his kids mom is involved."

"Nothing as bad as a bitter baby momma."


"I guess I'll look through these then."

She stared at me for awhile. "Why don't you take those home with you. Go ahead and clock out, I know your little sister will be happy to see you before she goes to bed."

"As good as that sounds Tisha, I can't. The last thing I need is a short check."

"Aubree, I got you. Go ahead."

"You sure?"

"Yes, now go before my boss sees you."

"Thank you!!" I saved and exited out of all my important stuff on my computer before cutting it off. I packed up the folders I needed and ran out of that building so fast.

When I got in my car I felt so damn good. If only I could get off like this every day!

Pulling up to my house, there were WAY too many cars outside and I know dumb and dumber are responsible. Quickly cutting off my car I grabbed my stuff and rushed inside. Loud music played, and a bunch of voices came from my living room.

I walked in there and just stared at the chaos that was going on.

And the craziest part is, they had Ariel down here in this mess. I walked in front of the TV and cut it off.


The girl that sat on Jeremiah's lap, sized me up.

"Girl don't do that." He said while moving her. Then him and his idiot Twin rushed up to me. "Breeeee, what are you doing home so early?"

"Does it matter? Y'all got all these funky ass kids in my damn living room eating up my food and making a mess."

"It's just a small kickback sis." Jermaine said.

"That you didn't ask to have!"

"We didn't expect you to be home right now."

"And you got Ari down here in this mess."

"She chilling." Jeremiah said.

"Yeah Aubree, I'm chilling." She crossed her arms trying to look cool.

I couldn't help but smirk. "Take this mess downstairs and I want my living room SPOTLESS or it's going to be a problem."

"And that's why you the best Bre." Jermaine pulled me into a hug.

"Whatever, I'm about to go take a shower. I still have some work to do so don't be crazy loud or Ima embarrass y'all asses."

"We won't." He said.

"Let's go Ariel, let the boys enjoy their company."

"But they said it was cool if I hung out with them." She pouted.

"We got her Aubree you got work to finish." Jeremiah moved me over to the stairs.

"Don't fuck up my house!" With that I headed upstairs to my room. It felt so damn good to be home. I kicked my heels off and laid down. My bed literally feels like a cloud, whatever that feels like. They look soft and fluffy and that's exactly what my bed is.

I decided to take my shower later and start looking through the new folders Tisha gave me. I grabbed the first one and laid back.

Before I got too far, I text the twins to bring me up something to drink and some chips. Soon Miah brought my stuff. Once I got comfortable, cut on my TV, I started working.

"Christopher Brown 3 charges for possession of illegal substances. Prior convictions in 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, and 2007. This man is something serious."

I read more into his case until my eyes got heavier and heavier then eventually my head hit the pillow.

I jumped up to the sound of my alarm going off. Blinking a few times to straighten my blurry vision, I glanced over at the clock and it was 5:00 and time for me to get to work. "Oh my gosh. Was I really sleep that damn long?" Sitting up, I looked at the files in front of me that I was supposed to work on. One was half finished and the other I didn't even touch. Tisha is going to kill me!


Pulling myself out of bed I quickly picked out my clothes then jumped in the shower. Looks like I'll be skipping breakfast this morning. I had to read more into these cases before I got to work. The last thing you want is for one of your parolees to think you don't know nothing. If they figure that out they'll try to get over on you. You have to learn these criminals like the back of your hand.

As I leaned on the counter reading over my second case and drinking coffee Jeremiah came into the kitchen.

"You look tired as hell sis." He said.

"I am. I fell asleep a little bit after you brought me those snacks and woke up at 5 these morning and the crazy part is I'm still tired."

"Damn. I see you drag yourself out of here everyday just to keep a roof over heads and I just feel awful because you shouldn't have to do this."


"No Aubree. You're 26 raising 3 kids that aren't even yours because our mom wants to shoot up. You should be enjoying life, taking trips, going shopping. Not working yourself to death."

"I'll work 24 hours straight for you guys. I'd rather do this then have to visit y'all in a damn foster home. The last thing I wanted was Ari living with some strange ass people. I'll jump over the moon for you guys so working hard doesn't bother me."

"You don't even have time to date. The last time I remember you having a boyfriend I think I was in middle school."

"Dating is not important right now. I have to get you and Jermaine out of high school before I date somebody."

"Man we good. I know you want a little boo thang."

I laughed. "Maybe one day. My job doesn't even give me time to date so, I'm good."

"I promise you Aubree, as soon as I get drafted into the NBA you don't have to worry about nothing."

"I'll hold you to that." I went around and hugged him. "I have to go. Feed Ariel breakfast, keep my house clean. I should be home around 7."

"Maybe me, Maine and Ari can bring you lunch."

"I would love that! Bring Chinese."

"We will. Love you Bree, let me know when you get there."

"Love you more Miah and I will." I grabbed all of paper work and coffee and rushed out the house. Once I got in the car I just sat there and prepared myself for a long dreadful day.


I sat at my desk finishing up some work that I was behind on when my best friend Raven came barging in. We clicked instantly once I started working here. She isn't a P.O. she's the psychiatrist that some of the parolees are ordered to see but we work in the same office.

"Hey bitch." Raven said.

I chuckled. "Hey Raven, what's up?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to come bother you since I don't have any clients right now. I see you're still swarmed with work."

"Yes, I don't think I'm ever going to get caught up,"

"I don't even see how you do this damn job."

"I've always wanted to do this for some odd reason. The parolees are very interesting."

"Those motherfuckas are weird and perverted and a lot of them stink!"

I laughed. "And how are you a psychiatrist again?"

"Girl I don't know. The check keeps me coming back Honestly."

"I feel you."

"We need to go on vacation, ain't you tired of seeing this damn building."

"I am, trust me I am. But I have 3 kids to raise. Maybe once the boys are off to college I'll be able to take a vacation. But that's if I'm not paying for them to go. I can't wait to see if they get these scholarships."

"They will. So how's your mom?"

I shrugged. "Haven't been to see her. I need to take Ariel but every time I go, it ends in an argument. I don't need that stress right now."

"When is she supposed to be getting out?"

"Couple months. Let's just pray she stays sober. If she's doesn't I'm done."

"I hear you, I went through the same thing with my dad. It's a tough situation, hopefully it'll get better."

I nodded. Before I could say anything else there was a knock on my door. "Come in."

It opened and Tisha walked in. "Hey Aubree, one of your new Parolees is here." She said while stepping back so that someone could walk in. "Aubree this Christopher."

A tall light skinned guy with freckles and tattoos stepped closer to my desk.

I glanced over at Raven who was basically drooling on herself. I stood up to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you Christopher."

"Same here Aubree and please call me Chris."

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