《Forbidden - Rated M》Three| free as a bird.


I sunk down into my chair while staring at the beauty that I couldn't believe was my damn P.O.

She rambled on about things that I've heard a billion times while I just stared at the way her breast sat up in her white button down shirts. My tongue ran along my bottom lip just thinking of exactly what I'd do to her.

"If you are caught with any illegal substances, you will be sent back to prison and will have to serve the maximum sentence. Are you willing to follow these rules Chris?" She asked.


"Good, I just need you to sign these papers and then you're free to go."

I took the paper from her and started signing my name. "So Aubree, you gotta man?"

"Excuse me?" She laughed.

"You gotta man? I don't see a ring on your finger so I'm guessing you ain't married but that don't mean you ain't got nobody."

"Ummmm, are you done with those papers?"

"So you not gone answer my question?"

"No I'm not."

"I'll find out on my own then."

She smirked. "Well Mr. Brown, I will see you in a couple Weeks for your drug test." She stood up and walked over to the door.

"Damn you putting me out already? I was hoping we could get to know each other better?" I walked up to her and placed my hand on her waist.

She moved my hand. "Oh we'll get to know each other, trust me. Have a nice day Mr. Brown."

"Bye beautiful." I winked and walked out the door. When I got outside to my car, I started it up and hit the phone button on the steering wheel as I pulled off. "Call Sinko."

"Calling Sinko." The automated voice repeated. The phone rung a few times then it finally connected.

"Are my eyes deceiving me or is my nigga back networking?" Sinko said.

I laughed. "Yeah nigga I'm back. They really tried to have me in there for a long ass time but I told my lawyer to handle that."

"I'm glad you out bro. So what now?"

"Time to get back to work. Have everybody meet me at the spot in an hour."


"Alright." I hung up and headed to my moms house. I had to go see my baby girl. After a 20 minute drive I pulled up in her driveway. Quickly cutting off my car, I got out and headed to the door and knocked. It took no time for her to open it.

"My baby's home." She said while wrapping her arms around me.


"Hey Ma, pops here?"

"No he's over your grandmothers. How are you?"

"I'm good, happy to be home. How are you?"

"I'm okay, so happy my baby is home. And Royalty has been dying to see you. RORO COME HERE PLEASE."

The sound of my baby running filled my ears, then my princess came down the stairs. "DADDY!" She yelled.

I rushed over to her and picked her up. "Hey baby, I've missed you." I held onto her tight. One whole year without her felt like a damn lifetime I'm just glad it's over.

"Chris you have to be careful, you can't keep getting locked away when you have a child to raise."

"I know and I am. I really appreciate you and dad for looking after her."

"You know we don't mind."

"But for a whole year though? I really owe y'all. I gotta make a few runs today then we can go grab dinner."

"Runs? Christopher, you just got home, relax. Spend that lost time with Royalty."

"It's going to be quick Ma, I'll be right back I promise."

"You said that the last time and next thing I know I'm getting a call from you while you're at the police station."

"I know, I'm going to be more careful."

She sighed. "Go ahead."

"Alright." I kissed her then Royalty, then put Ro down. "Be ready at 8. Call Ruth Chris and make a reservation."


Rushing out to my car, I climbed in and pulled off. In no time I was parking in front of my building. I killed the engine, got out and headed inside.

As soon as I walked in, everybody showed me love. A big smile peeled across my face.

Man it feels so good to be home.

"Welcome home boss man." One of my workers Lo said.

"Thank y'all." I waited until all the commotion settled down. "This year away was pretty hard but I managed. It was supposed to be longer than a year but my lawyer pulled some strings to get me out. One of the agreements for my early release was a year of probation which means I'm walking on eggshells and I need for y'all to be a lot more careful when moving shit. We gotta move different, the pigs wanna sit me down for good but I ain't having that. So ima lay low for a while until the heat die down but y'all keep making this money. We got some new products coming in so that means we're about to make even more money. This about to be a good month for us, just don't nobody get locked the fuck up! Got it?!"


Everybody nodded.

"Good." I said. "Now let's go get this money."

Everybody got up and walked away except for Sinko, Hoody, Keeis, Mijo, and Trey.

"So what all have I missed?" I asked.

"Shit, nothing really." Hoody said. "Oh yeah, I got a bitch that got her card for medical marijuana. She supposed to be bringing me some new shit to try."

I nodded. "Stay on her back about that. What about the licenses we need for the club?"

"The process is long as hell, we waiting on a response for the vendors license and the liquor license. Everything else been approved. I called up a friend of mine to start the renovations at the building so by the time those approvals come back we'll be good to go." Trey said.


"So I'm looking for two new spot workers and my girl little sister know these two little twin niggas, I guess she fucking one of them but she said they always talk about a job and helping out their sister. You think I should try to recruit these niggas or what?" Keeis asked.

"Hell no, they probably ain't built for this shit. Let them motherfuckas go flip burgers and help their sister that way." Sinko answered.

I quickly looked at him, making him shut up. That nigga always speaking out of turn. "How old are they?"

"Her sister 17 so I'm guessing the same age." Keeis said.

"They not legal yet but I might can do something with them. A nigga desperate for money will most definitely work hard. Talk to them, let me know how that go." Pulling out my phone, I checked the time. "I gotta get out of here, promised my mom dinner. Like I said earlier, tread lightly, we not about to get caught up in nothing especially while I'm on fucking probation. I'm not trying to miss out on nothing else in my daughters life so don't fuck up!"

"We got you man." Hoody said.

"Good, I'm gone." I headed out to my car and started it up, then made my way back to my moms house to change for dinner. When I pulled up it was way more cars outside.

My momma throwing a damn party.

Who celebrates a nigga getting out of jail? I shouldn't have even been there in the first place.

All I could do was laugh.

Walking into the house everybody yelled surprise.

"Wassup everybody." I smiled and waved. My momma tripping dawg.

"Granny's baby!" My nana rushed up to me and started kissing my cheek, smelling like nursing home and shit. I love her to death though, that's my baby.

"Hey nana. You missed me?"

"I did, you need to be more careful out there."

"I will, I promise."

"Christopher, I'm still waiting on you to get married and give me another great grand baby."

"One day nana. Ima give you two more great grand babies, I promise."

"You better."

"Ma let the boy breathe." My dad said.

"She good pops, you know nana is my #1 lady."

"He promised me I'll get two more great grand babies and he's getting married soon." She said.

"I didn't say soon, I said one day."

"This boy ain't never settling down Ma, so just keep spoiling Royalty." My dad said.

I laughed cause he ain't lying.

"Don't hate on the boy Cliff. He knows not to break his promises. He's going to find a good girl soon."

What is a good girl? I don't think those such things exist.

"Well let me talk to your grandson in private really quick." My dad said. She nodded and walked away. "How does it feel to be a free man?"


"I bet it does. Chris I taught you everything I know and what was the first thing I told you."

"Never get caught. I fucked up dad but everything is good."

"It better be. Don't make me regret the decision I made."

"Still don't know why you made this decision. This isn't who I wanted to be."

"Well deal with it nigga. Your older brother turned his back on me and helped out the enemy. You were my only option."

"Dave turned his back on you because you treated him like sh-."

Before I could finish his fist went into my chest making me cough. "I gave you and him the world. He didn't appreciate it, you did and now you're living better than ever. Don't turn into an ungrateful ass bitch like your brother."

My jaw clinched. I swear sometimes I just wanna kill this nigga.

"Cliff." My mom called.

He looked at her then back at me. "Stay on your shit Christopher."

I bumped past him then went to find Royalty, we headed upstairs and I locked us in my room. "How about we watch a bunch of movies together?" I suggested.

"What about the party?"

"It's boring, we're not missing anything."

"Can we watch Little Mermaid?"

"Of course."

"My best friend has the same name as the mermaid."


"Yeah, shes cool."

"Once Daddy kicks your grandparents out of here, we'll invite her over for a sleep over."


I smiled.

After that I put on the movie and we got comfortable. "I love you princess."

"I love you too daddy."

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