《Forbidden - Rated M》One| working hard.


6:01am, Los Angeles, California

Walking into the house after working another 12 hour shift at the office catching up on paperwork, I let out a sigh of relief. My feet were burning and my head was pounding. Tired was an understatement for me right now. I was ready to go and lay in my big comfy bed but that would be pointless since I had to get my brothers and sister up for school.

My name is Aubree Mack, I am a parole officer, 26 and the legal guardian of 3 amazing kids due to our mother being in and out of rehab. She'll go a few years clean until she gets around her old friends and then it's back into somebody's facility. She made a promise to me that this will be the last time but I'm not trying to hear that.

So now I'm busting my ass to take care of 2, 18 year old boys Jeremiah and Jermaine and a 5 year old little girl, Ariel. Working 12 hour shifts, sometimes 24 hours just so that they can live comfortably. Me and my brothers father was in the Air Force, 10 years ago he was killed during an air strike. The military helps out a little bit. Ariel's father was my moms dealer. He offers to help but I have to sleep with him.


My life is extremely hectic but I guess the weight on my shoulder will lighten up once my brothers go off to college even though I'll probably cry when they leave. They both play sports so college will most likely be covered by a scholarship. They can be a pain in the ass while at school but they maintain amazing grades.

Girls are always all over them.

'Oh my gooood, your brothers are so fine!'

Blah blah blah.

Those are my babies though and I'll jump over the moon and the stars for them.

Walking into my sister Ariel's room, I started getting her clothes out. She's so hectic in the morning. Always crying, sometimes I cry with her because I'm so damn tired. Luckily Summer is vastly approaching so I don't have to deal with this much longer.


Once I had her stuff ready I went back down to the kitchen to fix my babies some breakfast. That usually gets my brothers up, greedy asses. One thing about teenage boys, they'll eat you out of a house and home. I need food stamps dealing with these fools.

The sweet smell of pancakes and greasy bacon filled the air. Then I started hearing movement from upstairs. I glanced at the clock. It was 6:50, the time they usually wake up.

About 20 minutes later the twins appeared.

"Hey Miah, hey Maine." I spoke.

"Wassup Aubree." They replied in unison. I handed them their food then made Ariel's plate and sat in the microwave.

"You guys going to see Mommy today?"

They shook their heads no while devouring their food.

"Why not?" I asked sitting across from them.

"Don't got time." Jeremiah said.

"Yeah, basketball practice and shit." Jermaine added.

"Stop lying nigga. Just say you don't want to go."

"Alright, we don't want to go." Jermaine said while shrugging his shoulders.

"She's been wanting to see you though. Every time I take Ariel she constantly asked about you two."

"If she would've stayed sober like she promised for the millionth time, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Doing drugs was more important, not her kids." Jeremiah said.

I took a deep breath and sunk down in my seat. I don't even know why I try.

"On a more important note, you work today?" He asked.

"No, wassup?"

"We got a few job interviews so Ariel didn't have a way home we just wanted to make sure you could pick her up." Jeremiah said.

"Yeah, I got her." I said while getting up. "Alright, y'all need to head out, or y'all gone be late."

They both got up and hugged me. "See you later sis." With that they rushed out.

"Bye boys." Grabbing their plates, I tossed them in the sink. I could hear whoever was driving burn rubber as they pulled off. Why on earth did I buy those fools a Challenger?!

Once I cleaned up the mess they left I headed up to the toughest job of the morning. "Ariiiiiii. It's time to get up." I sat on her bed. "Ari get up."


Her pretty brown eyes opened and she glanced at me. Immediately her crying face took over.

"No no no Ariel, not today." I pleaded.

"I don't feel good Aubree."

"You never feel good. Why can't you just make your big sisters job easy? Get up."

"I wanna stay."

"Not today, don't you want to go to school and be smart like me?"

She shook her head no. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Ari get up please." I begged. "I'll get you some ice cream and take you to get your nails done today."

"But you're always at work."

"I'm off today and we can spend all day together when you get out of school."


"I promise."

"Okay." She got up and went into the bathroom across from her room. I let out a sigh of relief and laid back on her bed. Once she was finished freshening up, I got her dressed and combed her big curly hair, then we headed downstairs so that she can eat.

"As soon as I pick you up from school, we're going to the nail shop, I already made our appointments so don't forget."

"I won't." She smiled showing her two missing teeth at the bottom. "All done." Proudly she showed me her clean plate.

I grabbed it from her and rinsed it off and put it in the dishwasher. I wet a piece of paper towel to clean her off then we headed out.

The whole car ride she sung along to every song that played from my phone. She reminded me of myself when I was younger. I used to sing so much, my mom just knew I'd be a famous singer. But nope, I'm a bad ass parole officer.

We pulled up to her school. I parked at the drop off spot and climbed the car and unhooked her and helped her out.

"Don't forget Aubree. Please don't end up at work." She said.

"I won't." I kissed her forehead. "Be good in school okay?"

She nodded before running up to teacher, I waved to her then got back in my car and pulled off.

When I got home, I immediately got out of my work clothes and jumped in the shower. Once I got out, I slid on old clothes until later, set my alarm then climbed in bed. I knew that I'd be sleep until it was time to pick up Ariel. I didn't care, I was exhausted.

I cut on the TV and watched NCIS. But that was sort lived because I was knocked the fuck out!


Jumping out of my sleep, I glanced over at the clock on my wall. "SHIT!" I had five minutes to get to Ariel's school and me being late is going to have her thinking I stood her up for our girls day.

I rushed and slipped on my things, grabbing my keys I basically jumped down my stairs and ran out the front door. Quickly jumping in my car, I pulled off and sped all the way to Ari's school.

When I got there she was sitting on standing next to her teacher, playing with some pretty little girl. Placing the car in park I hopped out.

"I am so so so sorry!" I said while approaching them.

Ariel's face lit up. "Aubree, I thought you forgot about me."

"No honey, time just got beyond me but it won't happen again. I promise."

"Nice too see you Ms. Mack. Your sister has homework tonight just to let you know incase she forgets." Her teacher Ms. Brockman said.

"She'll get right on it as soon as we get home. Thank you."

"Bye Ms. Brockman, Bye Ro!" Ariel hugged her friend before walking away with me. We climbed in the car and I pulled off. "Are we still going to the nail shop?"

"Yes, we are! That's our first stop. I made you a promise and I'm not going to break it."

"You're amazing Aubree."

I smiled. "Not as amazing as you!"

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