《Rejected and pregnant (#1)》Chapter seven*


Charlotte's POV

My finger tips were grey. I managed to clean off the mud off my palms but not my finger tips, which mud dried on to it. My palms looked dry, they were begging for hand cream. They mostly looked dry because of the little bit of mud I couldn't clean off. I rubbed my hands together creating a sound what was not pleasant when knowing that it was your palms together making that sound. This just shows how dry my hands were.

I stopped for a while, I used the tree beside me help me get down. When I felt my ass touch the wet muddy ground, I let out a sigh of relief. My throat and tongue were parched. I needed water, I finished a bottle. The only bottle I brought. I really did not think through this. Where was I actually running too? What if this forest never ends? What if a rogue comes and kills me? What am I going to do? I knew I couldn't go back.

Even if I wanted to go back, I couldn't. I was lost. I looked around the dark forest. Silence, dead silence. That is what frightened me the most. A forest is never this quiet, you would always hear something.

I should have planned this out. God! I'm a coward. For running away. I dealt with Tom for so long, I'm sure I could have dealt with him for a little long. I knew the reason why I ran way wasn't because of Tom but because of his best friend, the alpha and my mate who rejected me. Calvin. I left because I couldn't deal with seeing him everyday, knowing each second he rejected me after we made love. After one beautiful, magical night, I was cold blooded rejected. I wasn't strong enough to face him for another second, because if I did, I would cry.


I promised myself that I wouldn't cry over him, about the rejection and about Tom. Forgiveness is a big part of my beliefs, I'm not saying that I'm not angry at Tom. I'm just saying that no matter what, I love him and I would always forgive him. He's blood, my only sibling and my father's son. For the sake of my father, I will forgive him.

I know it's partly my fault because I didn't not tell him the truth. I still haven't told him about the real reason dad left. I know I had the chance to tell him when I wrote the letter.. I guess that secret with die with me. I couldn't get myself to tell him. Imagine, dad died as Tom says, I run away and if Tom fines out about mother. It would kill him. It would kill him because she let him treat me like shit. She didn't stop him or tell him the truth. I didn't say anything because I thought I was protecting him for pain. I don't know why she didn't tell him.

I just hope Amy didn't tell him. I know how much she wanted to. This girl has been practicing in the mirror how she would tell him. I found it amusing, I always thought she had a little crush on my brother. She would never say it, not after this.

I close my eyes as I rest the back of my head on the dark, wet tree. I let the memory of my father and Tom comfort me. I sigh. I miss the old time days. The days when Tom and I were actually sibling.

The times he would tell me to get out of his room when Calvin or girls came by. Calvin would just smirk and get back to texting on his blackberry. That was when blackberry was popular.


Calvin. No. Why can't I just forget him. I don't want to think about him at all. He hurt me in so many ways. Not even Tom hurt me like that. I rather have Sophie beat me up again then have that feeling again. I may never know the reason he rejected me. Don't I deserve a explanation?

Maybe he rejected me because I'm not fit to be a Luna. Which is true.. I haven't shift yet, my pack hates me and I'm a coward.

I'm alone. No more Tom, mum or my beloved mate. For once I realised being alone isn't a bad thing. I don't need a friend-even though it would be great to talk to Amy over the phone about now. I was fine being by myself- even if this forest is weird.

I opened my eyes and stared up into the sky. The sun was setting. I couldn't see much of the beautiful orange sky but it was enough to admirer. It was enough to know that I far from Calvin and Tom.

I'm free.

I heard a noise. I tried to jump up but failed. I could barely move. All that running made my legs hurt. I heard it again. I started getting scared.

What if it's another wolf, a rogue or maybe a hunter. I know there is not many out thee but there is enough to kill one wolf. Wait.. I'm could be safe, I'm not really a werewolf if I haven't shifted right?

Am I going to die? I was so deep in the woods that no one can find me. Maybe I was in some other pack's territory.

The paces of my heart break increase as the sound of the noise got louder and closers. It was like someone stepping on dry grass.

"Wait I smell something"a voice says.

Oh my gosh, there is someone here with me. I looked around for somewhere to hide. I knew the tree wasn't enough to hide me. So I panicked, which is the stupidest but most understanding thing to do. I jumped in the nearest branch.

Which was a big mistake because I'm sure they heard me loud and clear. I heard foot steps getting closer and closer.

"I told Dylan there is someone here"one of them cheered.

There were two people. One I'm sure was a male. He's voice was deep but he sound childish.

I tried to stay very still. I was in danger for sure.

"I think it is a female"another voice said.

Sniff sniff sniff.

I was panicking. I would sure be killed like my father. Why did I leave? I don't want to die. My breathing picked up and it couldn't got back to normally. I was sweating mad and my bones are hurting. I wanted to cry out of pain but I kept my month shut. I wasn't gonna let them kill me. Not now. Not today.

I was exposed as one of them moved the leaves on the branch and stared at me. It was just a blank stare. Neither of us moved or spoke.

That's all I remember seeing before darkness took over.


Now I know I got a few silent readers😉 vote or comment if u like. It would motivate me to write quicker and update fast



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