《Rejected and pregnant (#1)》Chapter six *



Tom PoV

"Amy I don't have time for this. You can act bitch and hate me another time"I say to her using a calm serious voice.

"You never have time to hear the truth."she says quietly but I choose to ignore her.

"Where is my sister Amy?"I asked again.

I was getting frustrated and fed up with her dodging my question. The one question that needs an answer to. She didn't reply. She seemed to avoid my eyes every time I asked her that same question, which told me she knew something.

"I don't know"she says looking around me whilst putting her hands in her grey nike sweat pants's pocket.

"You can't lie to your mate"I whispered walking closer to her.

Her relax face turning into a frown. Her eyes were fixed on mine. She gave me a cold glare. Again hatred and anger was written in her eyes.

Then out of the blue, she starts laughing her ass off. She held her stomach as tears ran down her face. She was actually laughing. She held her door for support as she had no control of herself whilst laughing.

"You... You y-you think af-after all that shit*pause* you put Charlotte. We, we would still be together?"she asked with a huge grin on her face.

-this is not going well. She hates us-

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I just stared at her.

"Where is my sister?"I asked for the last time after few minutes. I let her calm down from the laughter.

"Oh she's long gone by now"she says with a evil grin. "She left to find her freedom"

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"Omg you're so thick. Charlie"she stops. She acts like she's running.

"Away. Do you understand?"

What? Charlie run away. Then I realised that feeling I was getting. I felt that way because Charlie was gone. Now I know what seemed so different at my house. Charlotte scent was missing.


"Why-why why would she run away?"

"What are you stupid? You treat her like shit Tom. You don't make her feel safe like you use too."

"Why are you acting like I'm the bad guy? Do you think I wanted to treat her like that? Do you? Don't you stop for a while and think sometime all I want to do is hug her tight in my arms. But then this voice comes in my head telling me it's her fault my Father is not here"

"No Tom that's where your wrong. It's your mother's fault."she says softly but her face expression was anything but soft.

"I'm not understanding what your telling me Amy. So please explain to me why this is my mum's fault? I pretty much want to know this bullshit you're telling to tell ME!"my voice rises and rises.

"Your mum cheated on your father."she says simply.

My heart drop. It felt like a heart burn. For a second, everything went blurry. Just for a second. I looked at her eyes. Hoping what she said was not true. She shown no emotion. Nothing. She didn't even blink.

"You're lying"I say quietly. Taking few steps backwards.

I knew deep down she was not lying. I knew she was telling the truth. I had a gut feeling. I put my hands through my hair and then brought it back to my face.

"Am I? Look deep in my eyes and tell me if you think I'm lying."she took a step closer to me.

"I got nothing to lose honey"she says quieter.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't even look at her. I took few steps back and sat on the steps. I help my head in my hands. What started to be a great became the worst day of my life.

I had this unexplainable feeling in my guts that I hate. This guilt that is hurting my heart, burning it, making it sore.


"What happened? Amy"I asked her without looking at her.

"I need to know how you know this? Why? Just tell me the full story"

My throat felt like there was something stuck in it. I could barely get a word out. I felt so numb and confused. I don't understand what is happening. How's my mother cheating got to do with my father dying.

Ahh. Too much in answered questions.

"Well. It was Charlie and I."she pauses and takes a sit next to me.

"We were walking home from school. Dancing and singing. Then BOOM!"she nearly gave me an heart attack.

"I looked ahead and there your mother was... Sucking off another man's face. In my opinion he wasn't all that"she tilts her head.

"You were with her?"I asked.

"Yeah. Charlotte was crying. She didn't want to tell your dad. We planned the whole thing. She wanted to hide it from him or wait for your mother to tell him. She came to my house. She couldn't go home whilst crying her eyes out" she looked at me.

"This isn't as fun as I thought it was going to be"she says after few seconds.

I looked at her. Waiting for her to continue.

"I always dreamt of telling you what actually happened. I wanted to laugh at you for being a fool."she looks away. Down at her hands.

"If it makes you feel better. I do feel like a fool"I told her.

My gaze was fixed on her and her gaze was fixed on me. We didn't say anything to each other. Just stared at each other, admiring each other. I gave her a tiny smile which she thankfully returned.

"So she gone uh?"I asked turning back to around.

"She's long gone by now. I wanted to tell you along time ago. But Charlotte thought it was the best if you didn't know"

I feel like an egg. Expired egg. A fool. I had an angel and a witch in my house. Under the same roof. I just didn't know that my mother was the witch and my dear sister was the angel.

All this time, Charlotte was hiding a big secret from me, just to protect me from another pain.

"I wish she told me"I say quietly. To myself mostly.

"You need to understand that she thought she was doing the right thing. You already lost one parent. She didn't want you to hate another."

"I have to go"I said pulling myself up.

I just needed time to think by myself. I just wanted to lock myself in a room at the moment. I was so drained and hurt and guilty.

I had a bitch under my roof that I needed to kick out. I don't know what time she would be back. Wait.. Now I think about it..she barely at home! She barely cried when dad died. Oh, god I'm so stupid!

I started walking but stopped when Amy called my name.

"I am rejecting you as my mate. It's up to you if you want to accept the rejection or not. I can't be with someone who hurt my best friend"

-this is the worst day of my life. Just kill me!-

Stop being dramatic, stupid cow.

"No you're no" is all I say to her before walking off.

One problem at a time.


I hope you guys enjoyed.

Before you all say this was another late update, I need to explain what happened... I thought I updated few days back. But then realised that I haven't got any votes for this chapter. So I forgot to publish the chapter. I'm so sorry guy😳

Vote and comment please

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