《Criminal in love (Muslim romance)》20 All make sense


By the time I went back to the party, Sarah had left with that guy whom she calls her fiancé. Gosh! And here Sophia again trying to test my patience. And I wasn't in a mood to put up with the drama. So I left as soon as I could.

"You are early Steve" nana was there when I came home.

"Tell me nana, what do you really want from me?" I asked her.

"It's too late to talk. I will speak to you tomorrow" she wanted to avoid the topic like she always does.

"Tell me. I have sacrificed probably the one thing I wanted most in life. These things means nothing to me"

"Steve, there are things you don't understand. With time, you will see my wisdom" she tried the same old thing she was telling me for the last two years.

"I am bastard of your husband. And you stand by me by fighting your own children. And you asked me to stay away from things I like and people I care for"

"So, you met Sarah?" she smiled, an all knowing smile.

"I am not going to stay away from her. Non of these matters to me. When I had nothing, she stood by me and I felt like I was the most blessed man alive. Now I have everything and not her, I feel empty. On top of that you are literally throwing Sophia at me. So I need answers" I was literally yelling at her.

"Careful Steve. It took me less than few hours to pull you from gutter to an elite loved by everyone. It wont take me long to take you back there. So know whom you are talking to" she said warningly.

"You know, I know whom I am talking to. You are the same woman who helped Harry to drug me and framed me for a murder I didn't commit. Do you think I forgot about it?" I asked her.

"Well, may be I am to be blamed for that but who do you think is responsible for the video which the media got?" she asked smiling


"Well, you cant take credit for something a disloyal servant did nana"

"Now can't I?"

"Aren't you going to tell me what you want from me?" I asked her.

"I want you to marry Sophia. Upon my death, I will transfer all the property and inheritance" she told me.

"But why? You have children. They are the real heir to all these" I told her.

"I have my reasons. Again remember, it is not me that you ought to be protecting Sarah from. And you know how dirty Philip and rest of my other children play. If you know what is good for you and her, you will stay away from her" she told me warningly.

"You know nana, nothing matters anymore. I want Sarah and I will have her at any cost"

"Don't say I didn't warn you" and she got up and left me in the room wondering what the hell I got myself in to.


I got up to pray Thahajath and Fajr. After a sleepless and restless night, I really don't feel like going to my clinic today but I had no choice.

By the time I went to the clinic, it was a little later than my usual time.

"Rough night doc" Stella asked me.

"You can say so. Please tell me I don't have full today" I asked her.

"When didn't you have full doc" she asked smiling.

And the day went by. And by noon, I was feeling exhausted when Stella came running in to my office saying I have a delivery.

"But why are you panicked?"

"You better come and have a look doc"

And when I stepped out, my entire office was filled with red rosses. I couldn't believe my eyes. They are beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes off them. Wow. Who could have sent me this? I get thank you bouquets very often but this is like getting an entire rose garden. The my phone rang. Unknown number.


"Did you like it babe?" and I could have recognized that voice anywhere , anytime.

"Are you mad?" I asked him , not knowing what to say.


"Yep, slightly mad about you. Will you go for dinner with me tonight?"

"No, I am not going out for dinner with you. Now I got work to do. Please don't send me anymore flowers. I told you, nothing can happen between us" and I hang up.

"Stella, keep some of the flowers in my room" and I walked to my office. I have appointments till 8 p.m today. And unless I finish my work, I will be stuck here all night. People who wait for months to get an appointment from me doesn't leave until I see them.

When my work over, I got a call on my intercom.

"Yes Stell

"There is someone called Mrs.Henry de Bourbon to see you" she told me somewhat unsure. What the hell is going on? I was shocked in to silence for few seconds.

"Send her in"

And I prayed that this has to be an easy meeting. I am not in a mood for her drama. She came in to the room with a huge smile.

"Hello doctor. Hope you remember me" she asked me.

"I do Mrs. De Bourbon. Generally I don't forget people who threaten me. Take a seat. What can I do for you?" I asked her all professional. This woman needs psychiatric treatment and I am glad she sought out help.

"The flowers are from Steve, I believe. He is always the soft one. A reason he gets in to trouble" she said eyeing the roses sitting on my table.

"Well, have you come all the way here to speak about these roses? Because if that so, I am sorry I have to call it a day. It's been a long day and my patience is weaning off as we speak" I told her with a fake smile in my face.

"I like you, you know. No wonder Steve is so taken with you. He doesn't know or denies it, but he is so in love with you" hearing those words did strange things to my heart but I refuse to indulge on them.

"Why are you here?" I asked her.

"My dear, I took Steve off from gutter for a purpose. He could that thrown it all away but you see, my own children are ruthless and he knew the people at that time he deeply cared, which included you will come to harm if he doesn't accept my proposal. I made him a very strong man in the company and now in the cooperate world. You seems to be coming between my purpose and Steve. So we need to have this chat" she said. I should be angry, but this woman is telling things I need to hear and clarify.

"How exactly am I coming in between you and Steve? For 2 years we had no contacts and yesterday accidently we met. And today you had the audacity to come to my clinic and accuse me of something I have no intention of doing"

"Well, you are engaged. I am glad but that will not stop Steve from trying to get you. I want you to cut all ties with him. I will pay you for doing so. Get married to this young gentleman you are engaged to. Steve has to marry Sophia, and that is the best for him" she said.

"Best for whom? You? Steve? And what does that has to do with me?"

"Don't play with me my dear girl. I am old but I am not stupid. I am not as vicious as my sons or daughter in laws. But many people would tell me crossing me is sometimes more dangerous than my children. I want you to stay out of Steve's life. He wouldn't listen to me. But you would. So, be warned" and she got up to leave.

"You know when Steve spoke to me yesterday, he tried explaining me certain things I dismissed as bluff. But it all makes sense to me now. Thanks for having this conversation with me. It saved me so much emotional pain" I told her. She smiled and I smiled in return. I don't know why she smiled, but I know why I did.

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