《Flower Crown ~ Zianourry[ON HOLD]》Bad Day


Today , Liam woke up . And right away he knew today was gonna be a bad day. Why you say. Well that's because he was feeling depressed and lonely. These days rarely occurred . But when they did , it took a toll on everyone.

Louis fluttered his eyes open and wrapped his arms over Liam.

" Wake up and go make breakfast", Louis said groggily . Liam didn't move. He was awake. He was just having one of his bad days.

" No. Go eat cereal", Liam said bluntly.

That's when Niall sat up straight stretching his arms

" Your Not making breakfast today?", Niall asked Liam shook his head.

Liam removed Louis's arms from off of him and got out of bed and went to the bathroom

Louis shrugged it off and laid back down. He turned to harry and wrapped his arms around harry. Before he could even say anything harry spoke first.

" No", he said simply. Louis whined.

" please harry", Louis said. Harry didn't respond

" Harry pleaseeeee", Louis said. Harry groaned and put the covers over his head.

" You don't love me. I always knew you didn't", Louis said. Harry sighed.

" Louis, don't start", Harry said.

" You don't love me enough to feed me", Louis said. Hurry chuckled and Louis smiled.

" Fine . But you have to help", Harry said. Louis nodded as he got up dragging Harry out the bed.

Niall got up and went to check up on Liam.

" Liam , man , you okay", He asked. No response. Niall knocked on the door , still no answer. Niall sighed and opened the door. There he found Liam against the wall , face in his hands and a piece of paper.

Niall sighed again. He knew it was one of those days and boy was he dreading it. He only liked Liam happy. Not depressed.


" Hey , baby. ", Niall said kissing his temple and sitting down beside him.

Niall grabbed the piece of paper reading what it said. He shook his head and sighed.

" Liam , please don't write these things about yourself. They aren't true", Niall said to Liam picking him up. Liam buried his face in Nialls neck. Niall walked out the room and to the kitchen.

" Noo stawpp", Zayn said grabbing his plate with a bagel on it. Harry was messing with him and would drag it away from Zayn.

" Good morning love", Niall said to Zayn kissing his temple. Zayn smiled

" Daddy , whats wrong with Lili ", Zayn asked. The boys looked at Niall holding Liam.

" Bad Day", he said. Niall put Liam on the stool , who just laid his head down on the table. Zayn scooted closer to him

" Lili , are you okay", Zayn asked patting Liam's hair. Liam didn't respond. He wasn't tired he was just lost in thought.

" Daddy, Lili is not gowd ", Zayn said to Louis. Louis nodded.

" Yep , but he'll be fine tomorrow", Louis said pushing Liam's hair back from his face. Zayn grabbed his bagel and pushed it to Liam

" Lili do you wan' bagel", Zayn asked Liam. Liam shook his head.

" Daddy. Lili don't wan my bagel ", Zayn sad sadly to Harry. Harry sighed.

" I know. You just eat it.",Harry said . Zayn pouted but nodded

"Liam are you okay", Louis asked. Liam nodded. They new he wasn't. But they occasionally asked if he was okay on days like these.

" Well tell us if you need to talk ,okay", Niall said softly. Liam nodded. He got up and left the kitchen to the living room and laid down on the couch.


" Lili sad", Zayn asked biting into his bagel.

" yeah he is. You wanna make him happy", Harry said. Zayn nodded. Zayn got up from his seat and walked over to Liam , laying on top of him.

" Lili lets play", Zayn said poking Liam's cheek. Liam turned the other way. Zayn frowned. He turned the other way to so he could see Liam's face.

" Lili don't wan play. Zayn is sad", Zayn said laying his head down on Liam

" Don't be sad. We can play", Liam said getting up. Zayn moved so he wouldn't fall off of him.

" What do you wanna play", Liam asked. He sorta was still in a trance.

" Its called being happy", Zayn said smiling. Liam smiled. Then Zayn launched at Liam, surprising him and the boys , and Zayn began tickling Liam. Liam began to laugh.

" Zayn is tickle monstwer", Zayn said. He was doing to Liam what they would do to him when he was sad sometimes.

Liam's laughs could probably be heard a mile away. Zayn was happy , Liam was laughing which meant he was happy. Louis , Niall , Harry thought it looked fun so they joined in to. Soon it became a laughing party.

" I love you guys so much", Liam said while laughing. They all stopped and gave Liam a kiss wherever they could. Zayn getting Liam's lips ;).

" I wuv too!", Zayn said squealing at the end. The boys all laughed and cuddled with each other

They day went by and Liam's mood went right to his normal self in no time. The boys enjoyed a nice movie and Never ending Laughing from Liam and Zayn.

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