《Flower Crown ~ Zianourry[ON HOLD]》O.O


" Daddy No!", Zayn yelled as Louis was bout to smoke a cigarette. Louis sighed and put the cigarette down.

" Where is Harry , he is suppose to take Zayn to school", Louis said annoyed .

" I'm right here ", Said Harry , hopping down the stairs , trying to put on his boot.

" Daddy , hawwy up. Zayn will be late", Zayn said walking to the door.

" I'm going ", Harry said finally getting his boot on and taking a seat to tie it.

" Daddy", Zayn said whining . Harry got up from his chair and grabbed his keys. He gave Louis and kiss and Niall who was busy stuffing his face with food.

" Bye! See you at 5", Harry said as he and Zayn left the house. Louis smiled in delight as he picked up his cigarette.

" Bye daddy!", Zayn said as he shut the door and ran to the school doors. Harry watched and made sure he got there safe before leaving to go to his classes in college.

Zayn walked in the school only to be cornered by a group of punks. Zayn thought nothing if it. They looked like his daddies.

" Hi", Zayn said shyly. One of the punks smiled.

" Hey , I'm Cameron and these are my friend's Max , April , Brandon and Gio", Cameron said. Zayn smiled.

" Hi!", he said. He was excited. No one really talked to him. They all smiled.

" Want us to walk you to class. I heard you take regular classes cause your so smart", Max said biting his lip , looking Zayn up and down. Cameron nudged him roughly before turning to Zayn with a smile. Zayn nodded happily.


" Liam! Me and Niall are leaving. We'll be back later. Don't forget to pick up Zayn from school", Louis said shutting the door behind him. Little did he know Liam was dead asleep.

" Where are we going again?", Niall asked. Louis sneezed before answering

" I told you were going to the doctor. Niall , were you even listening when I was telling you",Louis said getting in the car. Niall got in beside him. He shook his head. Louis rolled his eyes.

" Get directions",



Zayn was now sat in class next to April. They had just noticed they had class together.

" Are you dating anyone", April asked as he looked at Zayn with want. Zayn bit his lip as he thought.

" Yup", he said smiling. April frowned.

" Who?", he asked.

" Harry , Niyall , Leeyum , and lewis ", Zayn said proudly. April nearly choked.

" Your dating all of them?", he asked. Zayn nodded.

" Do they all....know about each other ", April asked. Zayn nodded.

" Mhm , we live togeder ", Zayn said. April was at loss for words so he just nodded and turned around in his seat. Zayn smiled and began to write down notes.


Liam's alarm went off. Liam stirred in his sleep . He groaned before pressing the snooze button and knocking out again.


Zayn was now sitting in lunch with those five boys he met earlier. April was telling them about Zayn's four boyfriends.

" What the fuck", Gio said.

" No bad word", Zayn said . Max just melted.

" Yeah , no bad word Gio", Brandon said laughing. Gio chuckled.

Zayn got out his lunch , which consisted of Lunchables , Capri Sun , bag of Doritos , and a orange.

Zayn opened his Capri Sun and took a sip. He felt the five boys staring at him. So he thought they wanted some.

" you wan' juice", Zayn asked . Cameron chuckled.

" oh no thanks", he said. Zayn looked at the other boys who shook there head . So Zayn went back to his lunch.

" I have to go pee , someone come with me ", Max said standing up. He hated going to the bathroom alone.

" Man , I don't feel like getting up", April said. As he usually went with Max . Max groaned as he looked at his other friends. They all made no attempt to move. Zayn was watching the entire time. Max sat back down with a huff crossing his legs.

" I go with you", Zayn said looking at max. Max looked up and smiled.

" You go pee. Zayn come with", Zayn said standing up and waiting for Max. Max stood up and went with Zayn to the bathroom. Not of course withor winking to his friends.


They were now in the bathroom. Max was taking a piss , while Zayn was saying his abc's . Max finished up washing his hands.

" All done?", Zayn said. Max turned around and looked at Zayn. He couldn't contain the boner that he currently had.

Max closed the door to the rest room and locked it. Zayn looked confused .

Max walked up to Zayn and cupped his cheeks.

" Your so sexy", Max said making Zay blush. Max trailed his hands down to Zayn's ass.

" I wanna try something with you", Max said pulling down Zayn's pants. Zayn stood still

" Ok ", he said quietly. Max pulled down his pants and pulled down his large erection.

" That's bigger than daddy's", Zayn said looking at it. He didn't get that he wasn't supposed to do that. He didn't get that the situation he was in , was very wrong. Max chuckled as he turned Zayn around and bent him over the sink.

" Okay your gonna feel something right now. But I promise it'll feel good", Max said. Zayn trusted him. Thats the first thing all of his daddies said to him when they first had sex together. Zayn what was going to happen. Although he wasn't scared because he didn't know he should be

Max pushed in making Zayn whine and push MAX back a bit. Max stayed there in position for a while. He liked Zayn. He didn't want to hurt the small boy . Max pulled out and pushed back in making Zayn moan.

" You like that", Max said. Zayn nodded slowly as max pulled out and pushed back in , this time alot faster making another moan escape from Zayn


" Damn, he sure is taking forever to use the goddamn bathroom", Brandon said.

" Probably taking a shit ", April said as they all began to laugh.


" Where is the fucking doctor. We've been sitting here for almost and hour now", Louis said. Niall nodded not caring as he was playing a game on his phone.


Liam's alarm went off again. This time he just let it


" More", Zayn whimpered . Max was practically pounding into his ass.

" fuck", Max said cumming into Zayn's ass. Max grabbed Zayn's dick and began to stroke him as he pounded Zayn.

" I'm-Ugh", Zayn as he cummed onto the floor.

They both stood there panting.

" We make love", Zayn then spoke.

" Yeah , we did", Max said. Max pulled out and watched as cum dripped from Zayn's ass.

Max turned Zayn around and kissed him. Zayn kissed back. He just didn't know. His daddies hadn't discussed this kind of thing with him yet.

" You can't tell no one", Max said. Zayn nodded. Max smiled and began to clean Zayn and himself up.


" Where the hell are they doing in there", Cameron said. Just then Zayn and Mac sat at the table.

" Max haf bad tummy", Zayn said . Max nodded .

" I guess that explains",


" Were back!", Louis yelled. No reply. He huffed . Niall went up stairs to Zayn's room. Louis trudged up the stairs to his shared room. Liam lay there sound asleep with the alarm blaring off.

" Liam! Get your ass up", Louis said pressing the off button and taking the covers off Liam. Liam groaned.

" Get the fuck up Liam we need to tell you something",


A black Cadillac pulled up as Zayn was messing with his freshly made flower crown. His " friends" had already left as they have there own cars. They offered Zayn a ride but Zayn said no. A horn honked and Zayn looked up and smiled.

He got up and got in the car and saw Liam.

Liam smiled at him before driving off.

" How was school?", Liam asked. Zayn thought for a moment before speaking.

" good lili. Zayn meet friewnds",Zayn said. Liam smiled.

" You did . Were they nice", Liam asked. Zayn nodded.

" Thats good. You known Zayn", Liam stopped. He couldn't finish his sentence. He was gonna cry.

" lili whats wrong?", Zayn asked looking at his daddy

" Nothing love. Next week. Your mommy and daddy will be here. And your gonna spend lots of time with them. You never know could be the last",Liam said. He mentally slapped himself as he let that slip.

Zayn tilted his head in confusion.

" lets go get ice cream. Your up for ice cream", Liam said. Zayn nodded happily.

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