《Flower Crown ~ Zianourry[ON HOLD]》Mommy!!!


" Baby mommy isn't here right now. Remember about 3 weeks ago they said they were going on a business trip and wouldn't be back for some time." Liam tried explaining to a crying Zayn.

" I wan' see mommy!" Zayn sobbed. The boys all looked at each other with sad expressions.

" Mommy isn't here though. But she'll be back in the next week or so. Then you'll get to see mommy" Harry said reassuringly. Zayn shook his head.

" Mommy here. I wan see mommy now! " Zayn yelled through his cries. Louis who was getting frustrated with all his crying, just wanted him to stop. He was giving him a headache.

" Zayn, stop it. We've already told you that she isn't here and wont be til next week. So you need to suck it up and stop crying. Cause crying isn't gonna make your mommy appear in front of you, got it" Louis said sternly but a tad bit harsh. Zayns eyes watered up so much as he was trying to do what Louis said, but he just wanted to see mommy. She promised she'd make him nice hot chocolate chip cookies. Those cookies were about the only thing on his mind and so he needed to see mommy. Plus he missed mommy and wanted to cuddle with her again.

" Louis , stop being so mean" Niall said picking up Zayn from the floor.

" I'm not . I'm just trying to get it in his head that his mother isn't here" Louis Said as he laid down on the bed .

" I mean shouldn't he know already that she isn't here. Her and his father made it pretty clear to him they were gonna be gone for a while" Louis said grabbing a pillow and cuddling up to it. Liam thought about. Louis was right. Right before Zayns mother left she told Zayn she would be gone for a long- ish while and that when she got back her and his father would watch his favorite movie while eating ice cream.


" Yeah your right. Maybe he just forgot. " Liam said. The boys all sighed as Zayn was still calling out for mommy.

" ma....ma.." Zayn sobbed slowly. Niall began to rub his back to try and calm him down.

Harry's phone buzzed , and he grabbed it seeing he got a message.

"Who was that" Louis asked.

" Gigi she wanted to know if we were still coming over to hang out." Harry said.

The boys all had guilty looks. They totally forgot all about that. If she hadn't texted Harry they wouldn't have gone at all.

" Yeah well go. Maybe Gigi can calm him down " Liam said. The boys nodded and began to get ready.

" Were gonna go see Gigi yeah" Niall said in a comforting voice.

" I wan mama.." Zayn sobbed quietly in Nialls arms .

" I know baby " Niall sad sadly.


They arrived at Gigi's house with still a crying Zayn. They knock on the door and opens up Gigi with a warm and bright smile

" Hello boys. So glad you could make it. Cant wait!!!" Gigi said giving each lad a hug. She then noticed zAyn as she let them inside.

" Give my beautiful baby here" She said in cute voice holding out her arms for Zayn.

" Zaynie , im gonna give you to Gigi okay" Niall said handing zayn to Gigi. Zayn never looked at her once. He was so sad. He wanted to see mommy and make chocolate chip cookies.

" Whats wrong with the baby?" Gigi asked rubbing Zayns hair back.

" he's been crying all day cause he wants to see his mother". We told him she's gone but he doesn't get it." Louis explained. Gigi nodded.

" I know what will make him happy" Gigi says walking to the kitchen.


" Zayn baby. You wanna help mommy make those chocolate chip cookies I promised you last time you came over." Gigi said with a smile. Zayns head perked up so quick. And his eyes widened.

" Mommy!" He shouted hugging her tightly.

The boys all stood there shocked and dumbfounded. Gigi was mommy this whole time. And to think they almost didnt come over. Thank god Gigi remembered.

" Yes , mommy. And were gonna make cookies!" She said putting him down so she could grab the ingredients.

" Oh . My. God. " Harry said. Gigi turned and stop what she was doing.

" What. Something wrong?" Gigi asked. The boys shared a few looks before bursting out into laughter

" Nothing" Louis said as the boys all sat down at the table. Gigi smiled and back to getting the things she needed. Zayn was finding the utensils.

The rest of the day went pretty smooth. They watched a movie ,chatted , and had delicious chocolate chip cookies which Zayn had claimed to be the best he ever tasted , since he made them , which caused everyone is to laugh at his cuteness. Why is Gigi mommy. I can be just as good Louis thought. Then laughed when he realized he said that out loud and everyone laughed along.

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