《Flower Crown ~ Zianourry[ON HOLD]》Casual Day


"Louis get off me!" Niall yelled as Louis was laying on top of him. Louis was bigger than Niall so he couldn't quite move him off him exactly.

"Nah, I think I'm good right here" Louis said casually. He was on his cellphone texting some other friends.

Niall groaned in annoyance. Zayn walked in wearing a long black shirt and gray socks.

"Daddy , Lili wan u" Zayn said putting in back his binky after taking it out to speak.

" Who specifically" Louis asked. Zayn called all of them daddy except sometimes he called Liam lili, so they didn't really know who he wanted. Zayn pointed to Niall.

" Louis , I cant go if your on top of me" Niall said in annoyance. Louis smirked.

" Tell li that Niall is busy right now" Louis said looking back at his phone.

"What!no I'm not! Tell him Louis wont let me go!"Niall shouted trying to wiggle his way from underneath Louis . Zayn laughed. He thought it was funny. Zayn walked over and sat down on the floor. He was entertained by this totally forgetting about what they said.

" Zayn! What are you doing. Go and tell him"Niall yelled in frustration. Zayn wasn't listening as Louis was making funny faces at him causing Zayn to make these cute giggles.

"Zayn this isn't funny" Niall said dragging out the Y. Zayn looked down at Niall and smiled. He took his binky from his mouth and gave Niall a sloppy wet kiss on the cheek before pulling back and putting his binky back in his mouth and sucking on it.

" That made me feel a tad less angry at Louis " Niall said. Louis chuckled as he looked at Zayn and made a fake sad face.

" I don't get a kiss" Louis said ,then began to fake cry. Zayn couldn't tell it was fake obviously so he began to cry then hug Louis putting more weight to carry on Niall.


" Zayn sowwy" Zayn said spitting out his binky again and giving cute lite wet kisses all over Louis's face. Louis was loving it , on the other hand Niall was not. His back hurt and he was hungry and could barely breathe.

" awe daddy forgives you" Louis said kissing Zayn on the lips who blushed through his wet cheeks.

"Louis I cant breathe. Get off you fat bitch " Niall said . He was so over being underneath Louis already. I mean its not even in a sexual way.

" daddy?" Zayn said .

" Niall!"Louis said sternly.

" bitch" Zayn repeated. Louis Looked at Zayn and got off of Niall who was gasping for air.

" Timeout right now! You do not say bad words" Louis said sternly. Zayn began to cry and lingered on to Louis's leg.

" It wasn't his fault Lou . He doesn't know what it means." Niall said getting up from the floor.

"Daddy nooo" Zayn sobbed. Louis still held a cold look.

" Time out now " He said. Zayn held on to his leg tighter. Louis huffed before picking Zayn up who held on to him tightly and walking down the stairs with Niall behind.

" Took you long enough Niall . I sent Zayn to get you like 15 minutes ago." Liam said .

" Whats wrong " Harry said noticing Zayn's red face.

" He said a bad word, now he's going to time out" Louis said placing Zayn in a corner on a wooden chair with seat belts

" It wasn't even his fault" Niall said.

"Daddy!" Zayn wailed. Louis buckled the seat belts and walked over to where the rest of the boys were.

"What word was it?" Harry asked. He had a sad expression. He hated seeing his baby cry.

" Bitch . But I said it because Louis wouldn't get off me and Zayn heard it then repeated it" Niall explained.


" But , Harry said it last time and Zayn said it and we told him not to say it ever again cause it was a bad word so Zayn should have known not to say it" Louis said. Harry and Liam nodded in agreement.

" yeah and that was just last week" Liam said . Niall huffed.

" Fine whatever. But cmon people make mistakes. I mean just look at him " Niall said pointing to Zayn who balling his eyes out calling for his daddies . The boys all bit their lip.

" Fine . But only for this one time" Louis said walking over to zayn who reached out to him.

"Daddy" Zayn cried.

"I'm going. I'm gonna let you out. But next time you say a bad word you know your not supposed to that's timeout for 30 minutes" Louis said taking Zayn out the chair and carrying Zayn to the Living room. Zayn held on to Louis tightly.

" Zayn sowwy" Zayn whispered in his ear. Louis smiled .

" it's okay. "Louis said kissing Zayn on his temple.

"Give me my baby. I haven't cuddled him all day" Harry said moving the book he was reading on to the small table. Louis gave Zayn to harry before sitting down next to niall.

" hi baby. Louis is so mean right. " harry said to Zayn in a baby- ish voice.

"Don't even start" Louis said to Harry. Harry laughed" I was just kidding" he said.

Louis then remembered he was sitting next to Niall and remembered he had to cut his punishment for Niall due to that little incident.

He quickly pushed Niall down on the couch, which Took Niall by surprise and layed in top of him.

"Oh come on" Niall said rolling his eyes.

" This is more like it. I hope your comfy Ni " Louis said grabbing Nialls Phone and using it. They all knew the password to each others phone.

"Hawwy " Zayn said. Harry looked down at Zayn and smiled.

"Yes baby" Harry said. Zayn got up from the chair and ran up stairs. Harry and the boys all looked confused. Then Zayn came running back down and to the living room again.

" Daddy" Zayn said handing a white and blue flower crown to Harry . Then he walked to Niall and Louis and gave Niall a yellow and green flower crown. Then Zayn went back to cuddle up with Harry.

" Prewwy crowns" Zayn said. Harry and Niall both cooed at his cuteness. Louis and Liam were wondering why they didn't get one. But then Liam remembered he gave them one Last week when they were in the car.

" Thanks baby"Niall said trying to put it on his head but Louis was making that difficult.

" My little princess" Harry said kissing Zayns Temple and putting on his flower crown. Zayn blushed and then giggled.

Louis then kissed Niall on the lips.

" I don't want your kisses. I want you to get off of me" Niall said turning his head.

" you dont" Louis said in a seductive voice while leaving kisses down his neck.

" aye you to get a room" Liam said laughing. Then they all started laughing.

" Maybe another day" Louis said smirking as he got off from Niall.

The rest of the day the boys cuddled and made out with each other all day Until Zayn decided he wanted to see mommy.

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