《Flower Crown ~ Zianourry[ON HOLD]》Wow Daddy


"Get on the bed for me baby"Liam said.You could already see the lust in his eyes.Liam was already naked.Zayn obeyed and got on the bed.Liam crawled up to him,pulling down Zayn's pants and pull up.Zayn blushed.

Liam then pulled of Zayn's shirt,throwing it to the side.

Liam now layed on the side of Zayn.Zayn looked up at the ceiling waiting for his daddy to do something.

Liam reached over to the dresser and grabbed some lube and a condom.He quickly put the condom on and applied a little bit of lube to it and some on Zayn's whole which caused Zayn to gasped at how cold it was.

"Baby lay fully on your side"Liam said.Zayn obeyed laying on his side.Liam moved closer and stuck a finger inside Zayn.Zayn was surprised at the sudden entrance,moaned in pleasure.

"do you like that"Liam asked Zayn.Zayn nodded.Liam stuck another finger in, making Zayn gasp,and began to scissor him open a bit.

" im gonna push in.Tell me when to stop if it becomes to much okay"Liam said.Zayn nodded.Liam pulled Zayn closer and aligned his length with Zayns hole.Liam grabbed one of Zayns Legs and pull it up,now holding Zayns thigh in his hand.Liam slowly began to push in making Zayn wince a little.

Liam now was all the way in.

"are you good"Liam asked.Zayn nodded.Liam then began to push in at a slow and steady pace.Zayn was moaning with pleasure.

"more daddy"He said.His eyes slightly fluttering open and close.

"You like it.You want daddy to go faster"Liam asked.Zayn nodded eagerly .Liam then fastened his pace.Keeping it fast,not to much,but steady.Zayn felt like pure ecstasy.



"you need to stop eating,or youll eat all the food and there wont be any for when the game starts"Harry said to niall who was currently eating a bag of chips and donuts.

"why,we have more"Niall said taking a bite of a chocolate covered donut.Louis rolled his eyes as he made himself a sandwhich while checking his instagram.


"faster daddy,Go faster!"Zayn said out of breath and moaning with satisfaction.Liam was very surprised.I guess zayn was im the mood for it.Like really in the mood for it.

"Damn baby, i cant do it that fast"Liam said.He suddenly realized he cursed but didnt pay mind to it since Zayn thinks its a brick wall holding water cause technically it is but not really but zayn doesnt have to know that.

Anywho,Liam was already going as fast as he could.Maybe Zayn meant he wanted it harder.So liam did exactly that and he was right.Zayn moans filled the room.He was in such bliss


"who do you think is gonna win"Harry asked louis.Louis shrugged.

"I hope its the Cowboys"Niall said throwing his third bag of chips in the trash.Louis scoffed but didnt Say anything.Harry chuckled as he grabbed a donut and began to eat it very slowly


"daddy,I fweel it"Zayn said.Liam smiled at the way he said it.

"hold it a little bit longer"Liam said.He was almost coming close to but not quite.

"daddy...."Zayn said,moaning after.

"almost....."Liam said groaning as he released into the condom.

"You can let go now baby"Liam said jacking off Zayns lenghth.A few seconds later Zayn released with a loud moan.

"good boy"Liam said kissing Zayns temple and rubbing his stomache softly.

"Are you still hungry"Liam asked.Zayn nodded,then blushed.


"Okay baby lets get dressed so we can go eat"


"Niall stop it"Louis said in annoyance.Niall currently had louis Phone and had it over the stole that was on.

"Nope,Not until you say it"Niall said.Just then liam walked in Carrying Zayn in his arms,who gasp.

"Thats Lous phone"Zayn said.

"what going on here"Liam said smiling as he took a seat on the chair to the island.

"Louis called Niall a and i quote "a stupid irish blonde""Harry said.Louis gave him one of those " I hate you " looks.

"i didnt even mean it.I was just joking.He called me a stuck up bitch anyways"louis said huffing.If Zayn werent there,Louis would have already punched Niall in his shit.

"No this is what happened."Harry Said.


"You know i hope they lose.Theyre not even that good."louis said reading some comments on his photo.

"Um yeah they are.First in there division you stuck up little bitch"Niall said taking a seat on the chair.

"yeah okay whatever,Your just a stupid irish blonde who dont know shit about football"Louis said taking a chip.

"um excuse me.I know you did just not call me a stupid irish blonde"Niall said.Louis ignored him.Niall gritted his teeth and quickly pulled louis phone out of his hand.It was pretty easy since louis never held his phone tight.

"Ni what are you doing.Give me my phone back."Louis said annoyed.

Niall turned on the stove and put the phone over it.

Fast foward

"thats what happen"Harry said.Liam shook his head .

"Give him his phone back Niall"Liam said in a soft tone.

"No,Not until he takes back what he said."Niall said putting the phone closer to the heat.

"I swear if you break my phone"Louis said threateningly.

Liam then texted niall something.Niall took a quick look at his phone before putting on a smirk.

"Now give him back his phone Niall"Liam said smiling.Niall turned the stove off and gave louis baxk his phone who snatched it from his hand.

"Cwan we all stwop figh'ing cause i hungwy and still no fwood"Zayn said.Everyone cooed at his cutness.

"yeah were all gonna eat while we watch the game."Liam said getting up and walking to the couch sitting down with Zayn in his lap.

"Guys bring the snacks"Liam said as he cuddled up to Zayn.


The boys all now Sat in the living room watching the steelers Vs Cowboys game as they all ate there snacks;Zayn finally glad he was eating something curled into liam.

Everything was all well and fine except when Zayn threw up a bit and it happened to be in Harrys hair since he was sitting on the floor with Louis and everyone laughed while harry tried not to think he had vomit in his hair

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