《Flower Crown ~ Zianourry[ON HOLD]》"If these Damn Toys"//Grocery Chaos//


Louis woke up smiling.He remembered the awesome sex he had with his lovers and baby.Who was awake and playing in his room.Louis slowly moved out of Niall's grip and slowly over harry body before stepping quietly on the ground.When he did he stepped on a toy which poked his foot causing him to silently swore.

He began to walk again.He exited the room and down the stairs.He was about to step into the kitchen when he stepped on a fluffy toy that squeaked.He was already annoyed.But he dropped it

He open the cabinets to find some Cereal before going to the living room to sit down.When he did he sat down on a toy tow truck.

"Fuck"he said.His ass hurt alot.He was really mad.He would talk to Zayn after his grocery trip.He slammed the cereal back on the counter before going back upstairs.

He entered the room and annoyingly walked to the bed.

"WAKE THE HELL UP!"he yelled causing them to shake,harry falling of the bed.

"What the hell man"Niall said.Louis would have let them sleep longer but he wasnt in the mood any more.

Just then Zayn walked in.

"Daddies what's wrong"He said sitting on the bed criss crossing his legs.Louis saw him and walked up to him.

"Hurry up and get up.I don't have all day to go grocery shopping.The game is at 3"He said looking at the boys.

Then he turned his attention to Zayn.

"Zayn by the time I get back from the store all these fucking toys better be put away if they aren't I'm going to throw every last one in the trash.Do you understand"Louis said in harsh stern tone.

Zayn's eyes started to water.He nodded.


"Louis why do you have to be so mean"Liam said getting out of bed and walking to Zayn picking him up.

"I'm not being mean I'm telling him to pick up after himself .I stepped on two of them ,then sat on one which really hurt.It still does"Louis said to Liam.

"Well sorry for that louis but you don't have to use that tone with him."Liam said holding a sniffing Zayn.

"Shhh it's okay"Liam said softly rubbing Zayn's back.

"Okay whatever just get out already.Im trying to sleep"Harry said.He so annoyed that they woke him up.

"No harry you have to get up were going to the store.And all of you are coming except Zayn.Dont say your not because I don't want to here you whine and complain about why I didn't get this or that."Louis said .

"Daddy"Zayn said sniffling while making grabby hands toward louis.Louis sighed taking Zayn from liam

"Daddy Zayn sowwy.Verwy sowwy"Zayn said giving little kisses on louis face.Louis smiled.

"Babe you have to pick after yourself.Leaving your toys around the house,someone can get hurt,you can get hurt"Louis said.Zayn nodded putting his face in louis neck.

"Okay but I'm serious.I want all of your toys picked up.Understand"Louis said.Zayn nodded.Louis kissed his temple before putting him on top of harry who groaned.

"Get off"Harry said.Zayn began to cry.Harry shot open hid eyes.He thought it was someone else.

"Oh no baby don't cry im sorry.I didn't know it was you"Harry said holding on to Zayn.

"Its okay hazza"Zayn sat said parting his head.The boys looked in awe.It was so cute.

"Okay guys,get up and get ready"


The boys were now at the store location looking around for what ever they wanted.Harry checking the camera every ten seconds for there home to check on Zayn.He just wanted to be sure nothing went wrong.


"Ooh look at these"Niall said looking over the Chocolate covered donuts.Harry turned his attention there and followed.Liam went to look for chips and louis went to look for things they actually need.

"We should be get the fill ones too.Those are so good"Harry said to niall.Niall nodded.

"Let's just get a dozen"Niall said smirking.

"Or two"Harry said.Then they both went crazy grabbing different donuts.

Liam found the chips and was currently grabbing every chip he like.Lemon chips,Flamin hots,Funions ,Cheetos ,and much more he loved.He made sure to also get chips Zayn would eat too.

Louis was down the can ile grabbing corn,beans,Mashed beans,pinto beans and black beans.He loved beans alot.

Harry and Niall now walking with five dozen donuts found the freeze ile.T there they found ice cream heaven.

"Cookies and cream definitely"Harry said grabbing the ice cream.

"I'll get rocky mountain",Niall said .

Liam had just about every chip and dip he could find.He loved chips.Hr found louis who already had plenty of stuff dumped it in the cart.Louis rolled his eyes.This was how it was all the time.Just then harry and Niall came with lots of sweets also putting it in the cart.Louis just rolled his eyes.It was like this Everytime they went grocery shopping.

They were now in line putting there stuff up and the cashier scanning it.Louis was just looking at the cost of it all.They were already about $200 spent on food and snacks and still had more.Louis dug in his pocket but didn't feel anything.He checked his other pocket and the pockets in the back.

Where is my wallet

"Boys you have your wallets"Louis asked.They all checked there pockets.They all shook there head.Louis eyes widen.

"How are we pay supposed to pay for this if we have no money"Louis said .Harry bit his lips.He really wanted those donuts.Liam needed those chips.As he thought.What would he binge on while watching movies

"Uh excuse me would you mind if we went to get our wallets.We kind of left them at our house"Niall said.The cashier huffed.

"No.Now if you have no money please be on your way I don't have all day and there is a long line"She said .Louis gaped.

"Uh fuck no.They can wait.If there in a hurry there are plenty of other tills that are open"louis said.

"It will be really quick I promise"Liam said.

"Sir im gonna ask you to leave nicely.Your holding up the line"

"Bitch I'm gonna say this once and only once"


"I can't believe you said that louis.That was very disrespectful"Liam said walking into there home wuth groceries.

"Daddies!"Zayn said running to then giving a hug and kiss.

"Stupid bitch shouldn't even be working there"Louis said.Niall pushed him.

"Louis!"He said.Louis forgot Zayn was around.When he was angry he tended to curse alot .

"Zayn pick up all toysh"Zayn said smiling looking at Louis.Louis smiled.Zayn is always there to brighten the mood.

"We are not dropping this conversation.Speaking to a woman like that is just not right "Liam said.

"Zayn hungrwy"Zayn said his hand clutched on to Liam.

Liam smiled and gave him a chip.

"Well tslk about this later louis but right now I wanna have some fun with my baby"Liam said smirking.

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